Wear A Helmet While Riding A Horse
It amazes me how many people willingly wear a helmet while bike riding but when riding the back of a huge animal like a horse and jumping with said horse they go without a helmet. Nicollette Sheridan is one of those people. According to The National Enquirer she came within a few inches of probably being paralyzed over the holidays when she chose to ride her horse and jump it without wearing a helmet.
At some point she was thrown from the horse and landed on her head. Her boyfriend saw her bloody and battered and decided that he should take her to the hospital. You think? Because of the way she landed, her injuries were fairly minor and she was sent home. About three inches to the left and this wouldn't be some little blurb about a horse riding accident, she would be getting ready to be in a wheelchair for life. Wear a helmet people! You put one on your kids for a reason. Put one on yourself.