Unluckiest American Idol Contestant Ever?
Do you know the odds of making it to Hollywood week on American Idol? They are not that great. Angela Martin made it back in 2007 and while there learned her father had been murdered. She couldn't focus and was cut in the second round. In 2008 Angela decided to try again and made it to the Top 50 but had to drop out of the show because she had to appear before a judge regarding a speeding ticket she had never paid. So, this year rolls around and Angela is in her last year of eligibility because an American Idol can't be older than 28. We like our Idols young. Bastards. Anyway, Angela has made it as least as far as Hollywood week again, and now she has found out her mother is missing back in Illinois and hasn't been seen since the day after Christmas. Her car was found abandoned. Oh, and to top all of this off, Angela's daughter has Rett Syndrome. Watch her video below. She is at about the two minute mark.