Monday, January 25, 2010

Tiger's Check Must Have Cleared

Well, if the reports are to be believed, Elin Woods spent about five days with Tiger Woods at the sex rehab clinic where he is staying. Last week a photo of someone who was assumed to be Tiger at the clinic was released. Then other websites said it wasn't really Tiger but some guy who looked like him. Now everyone says that Elin visited Tiger at the clinic but of course there are no pictures of her there. If she did go then I guess she is working on trying to save the marriage. I really don't know how that is possible especially in light of some of the new mistresses that have come out of the woodwork over the past week. I think the number is about 20 now and I don't know if sex rehab will ever work.


  1. please. this is not addiction,this is narcissism coupled with compulsive i'm rich as fuck and all these ho's keep throwing it at me,how can i say no? loser.

  2. I totally missed the new round of mistresses.. whats the scoop?

  3. oh elin, take the $$$ and RUN.

  4. What new mistresses??? I don't think for one minute he has an addiction either. If he was single this would not be an issue. If he had an addiction this would consume him and more than likely it would affect his golf game. He would either be thinking or having sex all the time.He would not be able to focus on anything else. This was not the case. He would still be playing great golf if he hadn't been caught.

  5. Saw briefly this morning that Meredith V. was interviewing a DailyBeast guy who had gotten scoop from two of Elin's friends.

    Are we getting some of that scoop?

  6. The "scoop" has been printed on the dlisted website.

    Just in case Enty is sick of elaborating on this issue.

  7. Was just going there now...thx!

  8. can work for anything if the person's motivated to work at it, enty. so why the negativity about this?
    i DO believe there's such a thing as sexual addiction, and he sure sounds like he's got it. what he was doing wasn't a normal amount of screwing around. it wasn't one woman, or even 2 or 10. it sounded compulsive and out of control to me.
    doesn't change the amount of damage done, but it's still an addiction, just like it would be if he was a drunk or a dope fiend.

  9. you know what? I wish i could be the bigger woman and go all tea leoni (or whatever her name is) and accept that he had an addiction and stand by him, but i honestly couldnt. i could never be intimate with him knowing what he had done to all those women, it would just be impossible. i could support him as a friend, perhaps, if i truly believed he had a problem, but thats it.

  10. It's not just filthy rich international superstar playboys who pull this crap, either.

    I got tricked by one of them once--the sicko was preying on my want for a child and would say things like "I had to leave my wife because she didn't want anymore kids" and "that bitch was pissed when she got pregnant with our 2nd child (now I know why)" and "I can't wait until you are full with my child." REALLY.

    And in my bad state at the time I believed him...but only for about a month, then I got my eyes readjusted and guess what--he went on to father a baby with another poor gal who is raising that child alone now because he's off being a total drunk good-for-nothing manwhore.

    Whew. that feels better,. Years ago, but I was so vulnerable, and no--I never had a child. He wouldn've been my last chance.

    I would not piss on that fucker if he was on fire. He was one of these sickos who gets off on whatever lies will get them pussy or dick or both.

    Just like Tiger--lying to all his ho's AND to his wife. I think THAT element will be the hard thing to stop...not the 24/7 pussy.

  11. How do we know that all of the woman are telling the how can they like confirm it.

    I feel like there are someone woman would use this to make them self famous...even by lying to get face time on a magazine.

  12. Don't know how sex rehab works, but from friends who have been in rehab and who have worked in rehabs, it's common to get the family/friends in a few weeks into the treatment so they can tell the person how their addiction made them feel, how they need to help their loved one, etc. And then the person in rehab apologizes and tells them how they will try to make amends. So Elin might have been there for that. Don't think she'd need to get the check in person.

  13. it is all about the $$$$-if she is really there. he, his people, want his image back, his sponsors back. The only way is to have him diagnosed with a 'disease', have Elin by his side. She was probably (we don't know, but it is a guess) offered more money, a quicker out?) if she came and acted like a concerned wife. She comes and then they decide to part, BUT as friends of course, for the sake of the children. He will look stoic, but go back to golf... and wait for the sponsors because one billion dollars minus the 100 millin elin takes, might be enough for all of us & I mean ALL OF US together dividing it up... but not Tiger Woods.

  14. I'm with Jax. He doesn't have an addiction. He's screwing around because he can. And he's using the "addiction" card to gain America's sympathy. Pathetic!

    Tiger is a good golfer, I'll give him that. But he's a raging sore loser and a raging horrible winner ('roids perhaps?).

  15. I agree with Jax. Not sex addiction.

  16. selenakyle - I'm sorry you went through that.

  17. I believe that sex addiction is real, but I also think the line is extremely thin between it and just being a dirty slut. I get the distinct feeling that Tiger is the latter. Dirtbag.

  18. Aw, thanks, Lana's Blog!

    In a much better place nowadays. It mostly works out OK if you live long enough (read: if you step awwwwaaaayyyy from the ledge for a while).

    Now that I have step-grandkids, I don't want kids of my own now, being post-40, anyway :) ha ha, how awful that would be!

    My post-40 friend with kids is a bedraggled wreck.

  19. linnea-

    I'm with you. I love my husband to death and will stand by him if he gets sick, disfigured, whatever, but I would not tolerate cheating and would never forgive it. It is just disrespectful and I don't know how anyone could want to continue in a marriage where their partner has shown such a marked disrespect of them. I just would be unable to be with that person because why be with someone who you cannot trust?


    Wow, that is sick. I'm glad you got far away from that loser!

  20. I hope that Elin takes the money and runs, but if she does reconcile with the douche I hope she boils him for 20 minutes each night before bedtime. The fact that he rode bareback and then went home and slept with his wife-- exposing her to god only knows what-- just makes me want to punch him in the face. Dirtbag!

  21. I heard she went because it was one of those days where the addict is supposed to open up to the ones he hurt and confess everything. Seems to me it would take about a week to do that in his case.

  22. Anonymous11:03 AM

    If I were Elin, I'd go visit him in rehab...I'd just be sure to bring the golf club and finish what I'd started!
    Sex addiction: please, b!tch.

  23. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Easily I acquiesce in but I about the post should prepare more info then it has.
