Part of me thinks we should give Taylor Momsen a break because she is just 16. The other part of me says she is pretty independent and knows what she is doing and should realize that she sounds really insensitive. Last night OK! caught up with Taylor at some event at a Victoria's Secret store where she was selling her new perfume. Wait right there. Seriously? Taylor Momsen has her own perfume? Taylor? The not Swift Taylor, but the 16 year old one on Gossip Girl who looks most of the time like she doesn't even shower Taylor? Seriously? Who had that great idea?
Anyway, OK! asked her if she was going to be making any donations (Congratulations Gisele! She beat Brangelina all by herself) or helping out in any way and Taylor said, “Um, right now I’m trying to just finish my record and getting through the last season of Gossip Girl for right now. So not so much thinking about that.” Yeah, because she is going to get all those things done in the next couple of days. My guess is, and this is just a guess, that she didn't know what happened in Haiti. You might think I am crazy, but I wouldn't doubt it at all. Either way you can be sure that today she will say she was misquoted or tired and probably is due for another hospital stay.
Can't wait to see how her handlers spin this one...
ReplyDeleteMy first thought too was that either she had no idea what had happened or she's related to Rush Limbaugh.
ReplyDeleteI wish she'd take out those ratty extensions!
ReplyDeleteThere are children in my community much younger than 16 who singlehandedly conduct charity drives for some cause or another. Surely it has a lot to do with parenting, and whether or not a child is raised to be compassionate and giving. Apparently, this self-absorbed little twit didn't have a mommy or daddy that taught her to care for/about others in need.
ReplyDeleteI thinks she should get a bit of a break for being a very busy 16 year old kid. I remember I was travelling like crazy when the tsunami happened. I knew about it, but didnt really understand the extent of it until I could sit down and watch cnn like 2 days later.
ReplyDeletecan she LOOK more excited about her perfume?
ReplyDeleteepic fail in compassion. boo hiss on this pathetically ignorant pile of vomit.
califblondy - Did you happen to hear what Rush ACTUALLY said? Because I did. He NEVER said not to contribute, but to go through a reputable charity like the Red Cross instead of donating through the government.
ReplyDeleteI'm losing patience for all the Rush haters who think they know what he's all about, but have never listened to him once in their life. Yes, he's a bit of a blowhard, but much of what is said about him is manipulated and untrue.
as much as i hate to say this i think she deserves a break. sometimes i think of events that happened when i was that age and i had no clue as to the real extent. granted, i don't think anything of this magnitude happened when i was younger, but i'll give her a pass - this one time.
ReplyDeleteThe girl is obviously suffering from bad or no parenting, and she probably doesn't have a chance to develop into a mature adult, but YET she is still just a child and should be treated as such no matter how sexualized her image may be. So give her a break. If someone should be blamed for her cluelessness or insensitivity, let it be her parents.
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with that raccoon makeup?
ReplyDeleteAnd anyone can easily donate something as small as $5 for those poor victims in Haiti. I made a small contribution yesterday, but Im poor compared to this little girl. But yeah, Enty, she is extremely young & doesn't recognize a worldwide tragedy when sees it---obviously if she has on all that eye makeup. Shame!!
RE: Austinrob... "What's up with that raccoon makeup?" Imagine what it would look like in person / lifesize?! Super scary ugly. Kind of like her spirit.
ReplyDeleteI'll second ballyhoo. This one time, taylor.
ReplyDeleteMost of these Hollywood stars are so self-involved and stupid I'm sure most don't know that Haiti exists. And many of them are going to participate only for the publicity or to get close to some of the bigger stars.
ReplyDeleteBabs, I just read an article where he said he meant what he said, Obama bashing; the US has already contributed to Haiti through taxes, and referring to a caller who disagreed with him a "blockhead"). Do I listen to him? Not now and it has nothing to do with politics, but rather statements I ACTUALLY heard him make against women.
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ReplyDeleteShe probably turned to the first person she could and asked, "WTF is a Haiti?" She's a clueless, self-absorbed, teenager - perfectly normal. Why in the hell are they asking her questions about world events, anyway?
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna give her a pass. This doesn't make her evil. I had wonderful, loving, and giving parents but I don't know if I would have given much attention to a disaster like this at 16. Teenagers also aren't always articulate when they need to be.
ReplyDeleteBabs is correct. Rush also made the point that if you go through the gov. site that you would most likely be put on a mailing list for future political donations whether you like it or not.He was criticized for cynicism, which last time I checked was not a crime.
What an idiot. Makes me respect celebrities who actually care more. Even if she is too busy to keep up with the news, she could show some class and not be rude about a tragic situation.
ReplyDeleteAlso, "the last season of Gossip Girl"? Was it canceled, did I miss that news?
ReplyDeletecalifblondy - You make my point for me. You "read an article" telling what he said. Most articles misrepresent him entirely. Yes, he referred to a caller as a 'blockhead', and explained why. I heard the show. (The horrors! Babs is a Rushie!) He called her a blockhead because she already had her mind made up about him, and no matter what he said she wouldn't budge.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I don't care if you listen to him or not, but don't make blanket statements about him based on what someone with an agenda claims he said.
I respectfully disagree with the above commenters. I knew what was going on around the world when I was her age, and really, given the press coverage and charities' utilization of social networking sites, there really is no way she could have missed the events.
ReplyDeleteAs a society, we openly complain and worry about the state of the younger generation, and then give them a pass when, like here, they don't have a clue what's going on in the world. In the past I think the ignorance was excused to perpetuate the innocence that surrounded children, but that doesn't really exist anymore, especially not for Taylor Momsen. She seems to be raising herself, so she needs to be held accountable for acting like a self-absorbed ass. Being a minor doesn't preclude her, or any kid's, inability from knowing what's going on in the world.
Sorry, illogical rant over.
But more importantly, she does need parental guidance to show her proper makeup application. =)
OT, I was kind of surprised that Gisele gave $1.5 million while Madonna who is worth 100x more than Gisele only donated $250k, wtf?!?! I mean a donation is great at any dollar amount but that is kind of a low number, no?
ReplyDelete@Tinselsass - my boss wears raccoon makeup like that so I know what it looks like up close - yep, scarrrry!
ReplyDeleteClassic case of more eyeliner than brains. Gross immaturity, malignant case of situational acquired narcissism, sub-par education and bad parenting as well. One hopes that one day she will realize no one gives a flip about her and be embarrassed by her behavior, but probably not.
ReplyDeleteGive her a pass this time and blame the adults surrounding her. I doubt she keeps up with current news, and the adults involved with her keep her focused on clothes, make-up, her show, and making money to support them. Hopefully she will learn from this faux pas.
ReplyDeleteCalifblondy, I am not found of pill poppin' and hershey highway lovin' Rush either. IMHO he's ignorant, plain and simple. No apologies will be given.
ReplyDelete"It's no secret that Americans know next to nothing about geography. The most recent National Geographic/Roper Poll (2006) found that half the 18–24-year-old Americans surveyed could not locate New York on a map of the United States, and nearly 6 in 10 could not locate Ohio." - http://www.esri.com/news/arcnews/spring09articles/geographic-literacy.html
ReplyDeleteForgot to say, that Taylor will not get a pass from me. She could have easily said that the destruction was horrible, because it is isn't it? She did not have to go into a monologue.
ReplyDeleteWhy did the Walt Disney Company give only 100K, when they run so many subsidiaries? I applaud major corporations giving one million dollars.
However, it may not be tactful for me to complain about their giving.
I never did like Gisele, but the fact that she gave more than both Madonna (vomit) and Brangelina (overrated) made my heart grow three sizes.
ReplyDeleteI have no clue who Taylor Momsen is, but she's giving LiLo a run for her money in the "look at least a decade older than you actually are" department.
I think 16 is old enough to watch the goddamn news. What she said was incredibly callous. Hopefully she makes up for it with a donation.
ReplyDeleteI dunno what it's like for celebrities, but it took me about 2 minutes on the Doctors Without Borders web site to make a donation. Busy my freaking ass.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'll agree with the one who said she knew the major events in the world at 16. So did I, and I was just a typical teen - no more or less involved than any other teen. It's a huge story which is being talked about EVERYWHERE, and she doesn't knnow, or doesn't give two shits? No, no break.
ReplyDeleteI think this girl said something really stupid. Hopefully, her older self will look back at her 16-year-old self and realize this.
ReplyDeleteThat said, major props to anyone who donates to help in Haiti. But also, I'd like to say that I don't think a person is god awful if he or she chooses not to give to Haiti.
And, I am in total agreement with Rush Limbaugh. I don't just throw my money at "charities" or government agencies or political causes unless I know specifically who and what it is helping. Therefore, I tend to donate all of my time and money to people, efforts and causes right in my town. If that makes me a bad person, WTF ever.
I completely support our government giving Haiti the bazillions of dollars approved and the truth is, that is the money from all of us. I hope it helps!
Judging people for not giving is crap. I don't have any cash to spare, so I gave blood. Does that make me better or worse than any other person on this planet? NO
ReplyDeleteWell if people wanted to just listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mdx_eSDSM0
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying I agree with Rush (I don't...I can't figure out why he would compare a bombing that was averted to a disaster of this magnitude)But if people want to "hear' and not "Read" here you go!
" ... don't make blanket statements about him based on what someone with an agenda claims he said."
ReplyDeleteNo agenda .. here is what he said, ironically taken from MyFoxTwinCities.com - "On Wednesday [Rush] Limbaugh spoke with a caller from North Carolina and asked, "Would you trust the money's gonna go to Haiti?" The caller answered no and then Limbaugh continued "But would you trust that your name is gonna end up on the mailing list for the Obama people to start asking you for campaign donations for him and other causes?"
The caller agreed and Limbaugh added another dig at the White House, "Besides, we've already donated to Haiti. It's called the U.S. income tax."
In the most controversial remarks made during the show, Limbaugh said, "This will play right into Obama's hands. He's humanitarian, compassionate. They'll use this to burnish their, shall we say, 'credibility' with the black community -- in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It's made-to-order for them."
He is a scumbag, IMHO, but you can feel free to disagree .. last I checked the First Amendment covered my opinion and yours.
As for Taylor .. no pass. She is 16 .. not 8. Read a newspaper, watch TV, listen to local radio - usually safely nestled down around the 90 - 88 band and being in New York she has access to an actual Haitian radio station that is talking about the crisis non-stop. When I was her age, I was doing stuff for Oxfam, Amnesty International, UNICEF and Catholic Charities .. though that I kind had to since I was at a Catholic College Prep! So .. no .. no pass. She is an idiot.
Theresa's link .. in case you are lazy like me and hate to cut and paste!!
ReplyDeleteRush Audio
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ReplyDeleteSome kids are raised to never watch the news or read the newspaper -- my stepdaughter is an example of this type of parenting. When she was in the 7th grade, she told me that the kids at school make fun of her because she is clueless about what is going on in the world. If I was in 7th grade, I would probably make fun of her, too. Taylor Momson is no different than my stepdaughter.
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ReplyDeleteWhen I was Taylor Momsem's age, I also was volunteering and donating to many organizations and made straight As and blah, blah, blah. I also said really stupid things and probably did a stupid thing or 100, because well, I was 16. I'm not giving this girl a pass. What she said was insensitive, but hopefully, she'll learn.
ReplyDeleteThat said, it kind of nauseates me that making donations becomes a pissing match. Well so and so gave this and so and so gave that. I appreciate anonymous donations and the people who give and don't need the accolades for doing so. I know so many people who do that right here where I live, helping the homeless and the poor. To me, they trump Madonna and Gisele and their millions of dollars and press releases anyday.
Last comment I'll make today, because - as was said earlier - we're all free to think and believe what we want.
ReplyDelete@ Theresa - Rush wasn't comparing the events, he was comparing OBAMA'S reaction time to the events. There is a huge difference.
@ Wil - Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chief of Staff, has said, "Never let a serious crisis go to waste." And don't forget where the 'light-skinned Negro' comment came from. That was Harry Reid, NOT Rush Limbaugh.
Enough. Hope you all have a great weekend. I'm out.
OMG - I read the news but I have no idea who this ghoul is and what rock she crawled out from under. How sad that we put such stupidity in the public arena. Is this what our youth of today are emulating? We are doomed.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Katy. Taylor has said many times in interviews that she doesn't need school as she doesn't learn anything, she is independent and hangs out mostly with older, mature people. She does not get a pass, then, for acting like a self-absorbed CHILD in this case.
ReplyDelete@Babs...totally agree with everything you said.
ReplyDeleteRegarding Taylor: Info about Haiti is EVERYWHERE! On the news, in print, on the radio. How can she not know?
in agreement w/ babs.... sorry guys, we're all entitled to our opinions, and that's why i heart this site :)
ReplyDeletehey! never gonna tell someone that they can't have an opinion-it's only through listening to others can you become really educated-but it also doesn't change what i believe. And as far as the remark about the reactions-sorry gonna have to disagree with you there simply because if he's comparing reaction times, then in order to make the comparison valid, the events would have to be similar. Although I wish they didn't politicize such a tragedy and use it as a way for criticism. Is that what we'd want the world to do for our tragedies? I think not. Anyway, it's weird talkin about politics on a gossip site, but juicy that's why I heart it too!
ReplyDeleteJust as I won't be thinking of you when you'll eventually OD in a pile of your own piss and vomit, Taylor.
ReplyDeleteYes, because this didn't come out of that donkey, Rush Limbaugh's, mouth:
ReplyDeleteIn the same program, Limbaugh suggested that Obama was happy for the quake in Haiti, as his administration will "use this to burnish their, shall we say, credibility with the black community, in the ... the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It's made to order for them."
'Manipulated' and 'untrue', my asparagus...
ReplyDeletethe story you read said that rush implied Obama was happy about the Haiti situation. Nowhere did rush say "Obama is happy about the natural disaster in Haiti". Babs' point exactly. The liberal media has a spin on everything. And he was obviously being snarky when he referenced light skinned and dark skinned Negroes.
well. in the words of his own white house chief of staff "never let a good crisis go to waste!"
ReplyDeletedon't say it if you don't mean it, or want it associated with your presidency/administration.
but regarding momsen: MAN she looks like she has been rode hard and put away wet. poor thing, at such an early age.
ReplyDeleteIf she plays Farmville, she can donate $5 and plant white corn for a week. Extra experience and helping earthquake survivors is win-win. Yeah I found a way for my broke ass to donate without giving my husband a heart attack. The money goes to WFP who are sending tons of food. I apologize for being bitchy earlier. It just drives me crazy when charity turns into a pissing contest.
ReplyDeleteI can totally believe she hadn't a clue about the earthquake. When I read about events that happened in my teens and 20's even, I really have to wonder how these happened without me having a clue.
ReplyDeleteShe's young and selfish, who cares. She could end up a wonderful adult. Give her some time. Give her some shit while you give her some time, too.
Good for whoever it was who donated blood; money is important, but give the gift of life as well. The US rarely has a sufficient blood supply, in Haiti it is non-existent.
ReplyDeleteAt 16 I knew a lot about the world around me. This stupid girl has the advantage of having anything and everything at her disposal. Her self absorption is no excuse to not know what happens outside her city limits, or to be so uncaring about it.
ReplyDeleteStop excusing the youth of this nation's ignorance. At 16 you are fully capable of understanding and grasping world events. She should lay down the tacky makeup and pick up a newspaper.
ReplyDeleteSounds like she didn't know anything about it. Even if she was really that cavalier, I doubt she'd have aired her indifference so blatantly as that, if only because of the PR fallout.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't think this story is all that true. I mean, for one thing, the perfume isn't Taylor's perfume - she's just a spokesperson for it. You know, like Charlize Theron in that advert for Dior's J'Adore? Secondly, this isn't, afaik, the last season of Gossip Girl. Plus, isn't OK! kind of...untrustworthy when it comes to stuff like this?
ReplyDeleteI doubt that Taylor's, like, the smartest person ever (the amount of eyeliner and bleach she uses pretty much proves that she simply can't be) but...is ANYONE really THAT ignorant and rude? Especially with a PR team? I don't think so.
On the other hand, if Miley Cyrus had said it...I actually would've bought it without a doubt.
ReplyDeleteI'm giving her a break, because I was sick for two days (during which I'm assuming the earth quack occurred) and it took me another two days to find out about it. I only know am grasping the extent of the damage and I still find it shocking that I had no idea it happened until days after.
I was 14 when 9/11 went down, and when my friend phoned me to tell me the news, I didn't get the big deal, I said so what? And she had to tell me that the twin towers were a place of employment for thousands and thousands of people. It never crossed my mind that a plane flying into a building would result in death. It never crossed my mind that someone would do that, and that someone would try to kill massive amounts of people. As a teen I was just stuck in my own little world, and if it didn't happen in my city to someone I knew, I didn't know anything about it, or the extent of the destruction and death people were talking about.
So for Taylor saying she was working on an album and filming a show, I choose to believe that she doesn't know the full result of tragedy in Haiti.
Mind you, I was a hell of a lot more naive at 18 that Taylor Momsen was at 10.
ReplyDeleteugh I was going to reply with a long comment arguing FOR momsen but it's not worth the stress. Yall can just spare me.
ReplyDeleteFor someone who hangs out with much older people, she should know wtf is going on with Haiti.
ReplyDeleteI'm struggling financially right now (along with most other people), and I apologized when I could only give $5 to a fundraiser we had at work. One woman looked at me and said $5 down there is a lot of money.
Can you cough up $5, Taylor?