Susan Boyle Sings To A Mop In the Airport
Prior to her flight to Chicago where she will appear on Oprah, Susan was waiting in the VIP lounge in London Heathrow airport. Well, while there she took a mop from a cleaning person and started singing into it. Not a big deal and I think it is kind of charming. A private performance from Susan Boyle would be great. Well, then she decided to stop singing and started using the mop as it was intended. Unfortunately she decided to not clean the floor but rather the shoes of her fellow passengers. At the same time she started singing louder and throwing in f bombs from time to time also.
Well, the passengers complained to British Airways who tried to calm her down. Instead she ran out of the terminal yelling, "I've escaped. I've escaped." Finally a British Airways official calmed her down and sat with her until her flight boarded.
For their part, British Airways would only say, "A customer in the BA lounge on Tuesday was asked to temper their behavior as it was becoming disruptive."