Monday, January 25, 2010

SAG Awards Photos Part Four

Shura Baryshnikov & Jessica Lange
Joan Allen
Ken Howard, JoBeth Williams & Scott Bakula
Julia Louis Dreyfuss
Justin Timberlake
Kate Hudson
Katrina Bowden
Kyra Sedgwick
Mariah Carey
Mariana Klaveno


  1. Grr - Jessica Lange is another one who ruined her looks to plastic surgery. Her daughter is lovely.

    I cannot stand Kate Hudson.

    Mariah Carey looks the same for everything.

    I love Kyra Sedgwick and she looks pretty.

    I can't decide if I like Joan Allen's dress. OK - I think I hate it.

  2. WTF is on Joan Allen's neck? Who looked at her and said, "YES! That looks amazing!"

    Mariah looks better, but also like she cannot breathe. Corset or what?

    Was I the only one who didn't know that Jessica Lange had a kid with Mikhail Baryshnikov?

  3. Okay, can someone please explain to me the Kate Hudson mystique? Is it just because she's Hollywood royalty? 'Cause I don't get it. Everything about her makes her come off like a pill.

  4. Christine, no, you're probably just younger than those of us who do! LOL

    I like that Jessica has kept all her kids out of the spotlight until they came of age. She didn't tromp them around like trophies. Like some celebs do. Even tho it's way different now for celebs, many of Jessica's generation (and before) just had kids to use as props. Obviously, she's a good mom! And they've all kept out of trouble. Good for them.

  5. I'm not a Kate Hudson fan but I thought she looked great that night.

  6. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Joan Allen's dress is nice but that awful thing around her neck. What is it???

    Can't stand Gay Timberlake.

    Kate Hudson looks like trash. Don't know why but she does.

    I like Kyra's dress except for the bottom portion.

    Mariah looks sober LOL.

    Who is Mariana??

  7. baryshnikov's daughter is gorgeous. go her.

    well there's an epic fail for you, joan allen. =O

    ken howard! haven't seen him in forever. so good and so underrated.

    eeek, kate hudson. i've worn backless dresses like that and they're so hard to pull off. you feel like you're in figure-skater garb all night...not to mention if they aren't tailored just right you're checking the tape all the time. major high maintenance.

    mariana klaveno looks stunning. she pulled that color off beautifully.

  8. Looks like Joan Allen's been out scalpin' some Rastas and wearing their dreadlocks as trophies.

  9. Love Justin...when he's singing. He should stick to that.

    I feel like Joan Allen is dressing far too young - please consider growing old gracefully, Joan. Her face is starting to look weird in movies, too.

    I'm not a violent person, but something about Kate Hudson makes me want to virtually smack her every time I see her. I don't know if it's arrogance, entitlement or her fake "sex kitten" act but it's ALL annoying.

    Mariah is nice in something other than black for a change.

  10. i'm fucking sick and tired of looking at kate hudson AND her bare back. she's not pretty, she can't act. GO AWAY!!!!

    WOWZA. jessica and misha's daughter came out real good! she's beautiful.

    i like to look at mariah carey and marvel at the power of spandex. i wonder how many assistants it takes to get her in and out of those things?

  11. mariah looks like she's got to pee.

  12. "And they've all kept out of trouble."

    Um, no. :) The reason she and Sam Shepard moved their primary home away from Minnesota is because their daughter had a serious drug problem.

  13. I think that's the best Mariah has looked in a long time. Also, I'd never seen Jessica Lange's daughter before....pretty.

  14. I thought Kate Hudson was gorgeous. She got best dressed by the Fashion Police. Mariah got an atta girl for covering up the girls for once.

    I used to love Joan Allen, but I wished she would have left her face alone.

  15. JT, PLEEEEASE! stop with the bowtie and Elvis Costello nerd glasses. You come off as trying, oh so hard. Just as desperation is off putting on a woman, it is on a man, too.

    Joan Allen looks like Nancy Odell in a time machine.

  16. I hate Kate Hudson.

  17. I, too, could do without seeing Kate Hudson ever again.
    Perhaps she can fit on the ice floe with Julie-effing-Roberts.

  18. "Joan Allen looks like Nancy O'Dell in a time machine"

    SO true!

  19. @ RocketQueen - Agreed on JT but he actually is pretty funny when he is on SNL. That's about it for acting.

    I used to love Quantam Leap.

    I love JLD's dress. Lots of pretty dresses on this post.
