Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Reporters Should Know About Scientology Before They Attempt To Write About It

Last night I was reading articles online and stumbled across this article from the Pasadena Star News. The article is about Scientology finally remodeling the building they bought 3 years ago and their plans for it. Fine. When I read the article though I was floored. The reporter obviously knows nothing about Scientology and just takes the bait they gave him and happily swallows.

It is because of this kind of ignorance that Scientology drags in more people who think it is nothing but a regular church, although not a typical Sunday church.

The reporter says that the church will serve about 10,000 Scientologists in the area. Really? They have that many huh? If it is true that is scary. The Scientologists also want the community to feel it is their place too. "It's not like an ordinary Christian church. It's actually quite a lot different. It will be a seven-days-a-week place. Having a building like this, it will be marvelous to make spaces available to the community, share it with other nonprofits...and the community. We always have intended to make this a place where people want to come." Does anyone really think they will share the space with other non-profits? Do they ever share their space? Do you think that members of the community will be able to use the space for their own activities? Did the reporter think to ask any followups?

Even the city has been snookered. The planning manager for the city said, "It isn't only a Sunday church. It's more of a counseling center, in terms of how it functions. And the parking requirements had different impacts on neighbors." He also said that the foot traffic generated by the building would be good for local business and restaurants.

If this is all for the community then why when they bought it did they evict or buy out the leases of 22 small businesses, and a restaurant? Are they not members of the community? You have to read this article to believe it.


  1. It's not like an ordinary Christian church.

    im confused. it sounds like its just not an "ordinary" christian church... but isnt the main tenet of christianity beieving in Jesus? im pretty sure xenu wasn't mentioned anywhere in the good book...

  2. I can't wait for the day when the cult finally implodes. Rumor has it that Miscavige himself is losing it day by day.

  3. oh jesus then all the SP and EPT and XYZ's will run all those businesses? it will be like a fucking COS Themepark!

  4. The "church" is between a large parking garage and the popular shopping/dining zone on Colorado Blvd. It has lots of foot traffic.

    Yeah, they want it open late so they can shanghai unsuspecting people trying to get back to their cars.

  5. Lol @ "more of a counseling center". It sure is. Counseling in the ways of Scientology and auditing.

  6. Anonymous12:11 PM

    community backlash............wait.for.it...............

  7. They're taking over, one strip mall at a time.

    I feel sorry for the surrounding businesses and neighborhoods.

  8. I have (attempted) to read and understand what that religion is all about (just for sh*** and giggles) and i honestly do not understand WTF any of them were talking about and WHY anyone buys into this bs?

  9. That sucks. I live here and I don't want that crap in my neighborhood.

  10. 10,000 Scientologists in the area. My god, I would be moving as fast as I could. Scary.

  11. I remember going to a psychic fair when I was in the 10th grade, they gave me that free stress test thing and I almost bought into it until I realized I had to actually put the effort into mailing the pamphlet. Pfft

  12. DId you guys see the video called "this is the crusade" where all these famous scios where calling on people to build these community centers? You need to check it out, its sooo creepy.


  13. what is a church, anyway? isn't it usually a place where people of a RELIGION congregate? don't religions worship something? what does scientology worship exactly?

    this has always been my problem. i've never understood how scientology even qualifies as a 'church.'

  14. amazon, where exactly are they? i really can't see them getting a toehold there (seems to me the cal tech students would really have a blast punking them, though!). is it nearer old town, or old money?

  15. The thought that this would actually fly with 10,000 members visiting when the parking in the area is very tight, even with the parking structures...... I'm sure the city will be more than happy to rake in the $$ for the parking tickets.

  16. The thought that this would actually fly with 10,000 members visiting when the parking in the area is very tight, even with the parking structures...... I'm sure the city will be more than happy to rake in the $$ for the parking tickets.

  17. Nowadays reporters wouldn't know how to truly report if a blogger bit them on the a#$ to show them.

    Reporters get an email (usually a press release) that is the story essentially written for them, sprinkle in a quote or two and call it a day.

    (Yes bloggers reprint releases but they happily point out they are reprinting a press release and don't pretend they are not dressing up a story written for them)

    At this point a monkey could literally do a reporters job and probably better.

  18. Fucking wonderful. There's another let's-go-out-after-work area that's gone for me. I used to love the area near Los Feliz before that creepy-ass Scientology Center went in.


  19. my beloved pas, WTH?!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Invasion of the pod people. CREEPY.

    You say counseling center --I say electroshock center.
