How is it that Redmond O'Neal was arrested for drugs and no one heard about it until today? Did I just miss it? He had his first 24 hour pass shortly after Christmas and during that time he managed to start using again. Don't you think that during the 24 hours his f**king father would be on him the entire time???? WTF Ryan? Were you too busy f**king Alana in Farrah's bed to watch your own damn kid? Did you notice he was home? Were you hitting on your daughter over the phone?
When Redmond returned to his halfway house rehab facility he was acting funny. Drugs found, cops called, and off to jail he goes. Redmond was supposed to appear at a status hearing today but I guess that won't be necessary. He faces six years in jail now because it violates his probation.
I have heard so many terrible things about Ryan O'Neil since Farrah first got sick and then after she died.
ReplyDeleteI have a theory that Ryan wants the money Farrah left to Redmond.
I would not put it past skeezy Ryan to encourage Redmond to get back on drugs, entice with drugs and ensure that Redmond goes to jail.
That way Ryan can figure out a way to get his hands on that money.
I feel very strongly about it.
Ryan, as it turns out, is pure scum. Alana Stewart too.
you really expect ryan to be helpful in this situation, enty? are you sharing drugs with redmond?
ReplyDeletethis kid is hopeless. this is as crazy as pete doherty showing up in court with drugs on him.
there's a reason they call it 'dope', ya know.
How sad.
ReplyDeleteI notice two things that were first observed by other people. 1, this editorial was clearly written by a woman and 2, the tone is indeed more negative than it used to be.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, to the subject, I have a young although technically adult son and theres no way i coould watch his every move 24 hours a day. Can anyone really do that? Im impressed if you can.
I think hurt feelings over Farrah aside, the responsibility is entirely Redmond's.
Redmond's brain was fried on drugs while still a teenager, so this could be expected. I, too, wonder if Ryan had anything to do with giving him drugs during his pass. Some nice drugs and pretty legal documents to sign ... the kind that put Ryan in charge of Redmond's money; however, didn't Farrah put Redmond's money in a trust so that he is somewhat protected?
ReplyDeleteSo sad he couldn't make it through 24 hours.
Hands up if you're surprised.
ReplyDeleteAlso, how is this post "clearly" written by a woman?
Not to sound too mean, but I think the wrong parent died. I don't see any hope for the kid.
ReplyDeleteHe is a lost cause.
ReplyDeleteYeah Rocket, I don't get it either
ReplyDeleteI am really sorry to hear this. I was really pulling for Redmond to come out of rehab and do well with himself. He seemed so sincere when his mom died that I was hoping it might straighten him out, once and for all. Not that his dad is any help.
ReplyDeletethis kid has never stood a chance, how sad.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of Ryan O'Neal's in any way, shape or form, but he can't be responsible for the actions of his adult son - and unless you're going to tie someone up and put them in your bathroom, you can't control what an addict does.
ReplyDeleteI don't think drug abusers should be put into prison, but it does seem to have worked for Robert Downey Jr, so who knows.
I wonder if Ryan wants him to od so he can get the $$$? I am so sad for him.
ReplyDeleteYknow...I was just thinking: the "war" against drugs will never be won. Never ever ever ever. 50, 100 years from now, there will still be drugs and there will still be addicts. Will they still be locking addicts up?
ReplyDeletepart of me thinks that it's your body, fuck it up as much as you want. As for the drug trade, why not legalize it? Because, as we've seen for 30+ years now, the demand for and supply of drugs will never diminsh.
It is absolutely true that once a child reaches a certain age, when they are old enough to leave the house, past toddlerhood, say - you can not control their every move. The responsibility for his addiction belongs to Redmond. The parents may not have given him good role models to emulate, but in the end it is his decision and his responsibility. Many people grow up in worse homes and come out of it in good condition. And many grow up in ideal homes and turn to the dark side once old enough to get out and do it. Ryan is a piece of crap, true enough, but Redmond is old enough to know what he's doing.
ReplyDeleteWow...Enty does sound "different" this year....but I like it!
ReplyDeleteJail is probably the safest place for him at this point. He's get clean, be away from his father. On the other hand, he'll be in jail...
ReplyDeleteThis is just my opinion, but your kid is your kid no matter how old they get. I don't know what Ryan did if anything or where Red went once he was out, but honestly Ryan could have sat the boy down and said cut the crap buddy (or maybe it was Red who should have said the same to his Father)? It's not like Ryan hasn't beaten the crap outta one of his kids before, right?
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of us were hoping that with the death of his Mother he might have had a lightbulb moment and straightened up.
While I'm sorry she died, I don't think Farrah was any mother of the year either.
Isn't Ryan a drug abuser too? If so you're expecting too much from him. How can he control his son when he wants to use too?
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with figgy that it may be best to legalize drugs.
I don't know anyone's religious beliefs but if you believe in an afterlife then Farrah must be weeping.
ReplyDeleteAs for Ryan I would simply point out that all his other kids had drug problems and he certainly didn't help rehabilitate them.
I, too, don't think farrah (God bless her soul) was mom of the year. I hope jail does him some good, but certain jails and prisons have their own drug trade.
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ReplyDeletefiggy I totally agree with you!
ReplyDeleteDude has deep wrinkles across his forehead. I mean yeah Ryan's a bad parent, obviously. But this isn't some preteen. This guy's an adult. What is he? Twenty-five? Twenty-seven?
ReplyDeleteActually Griffin did tie him up at one point to keep him from using and some ugly O'Neal family chaos ensued.
The whole family is hopeless and this trainwreck isn't even fun to watch anymore.
This guy is now an adult, so cant expect Ryan to hold over him. I always wondered why Farrah stayed with Ryan if he was the alleged asshole everyone claims. Farrah was supposed to be a wonderful person, yet if she hung around Ryan then does that mean she wasnt?
One thumb up for Figgy and the other thumbs up for Cheryl. Yes, I did the 2 thumbs up.
ReplyDeleteIgnoramuses, the lot of them.
ReplyDeleteAs long as there's life in that man's body, there's hope. (So far so good with his brother, Griffin.)
ReplyDeleteI've seen it in my own family. And no, there's nothing that ANYone can do, save lock 'em up, to keep anyone from their drug of choice. And as soon as you UNlock 'em, they'll find a means to use again if they haven't decided to stop on their own, no matter how long they've been sober.
Here's hoping that Redmond can recognize that his life can be so much better than it is. Even if he has to be in jail to realize it.
As long as he is locked up somewhere, he won't be reproducing. Or can he? Here is hoping he doesn't. Here is hoping he leaves a will and puts a sibling in it or a stranger or a charity. Anyone but Ryan.
ReplyDeleteWhat good does putting him in jail do? It is SAD to think of him spending more years of his life wasting away in a cell. Do I condone what he does? No. He should either be put on an island with food, drugs and video games or put into some kind of protective custody.
ReplyDeleteSAD, I tell you!
What makes everyone assume that people in jail have no access to drugs? In many cases, the drugs available INSIDE are better than the drugs on the street.
ReplyDeleteMy friends, please understand when I say how hard this past month has been as far as "celebrity gossip" goes. As the parent of a near 13-year old girl, the news as of late is nothing but DUI's, 5150's, OD's, and suicides hangs over me like a dark cloud. This is the generation at hand. Redmond, Ali, that Hilton boy- are they going to go the way of Casey Johnson just because of the families they happen to belong to?
ReplyDeleteI have long said it, "This is who represents America today."
News like this hurts me more than msnbc.com
who keeps giving him drugs? i can just imagine the phone call, "yo, you got any coke?" "aren't you in jail?" "nah dogg...rehab" "i think someone will find out if i give it to you" "hey fool, i got $4 mill in a trust fund and i've got connections to famous people. u wanna be famous? u want $4 million dollars?" "Yea..." "then get me some muthaphukkin coke"
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why he got a pass so soon anyway, he should have been clean at least 9 months before even being considered for a day pass. Yes he should do the 6 years be out in 3 and still a junkie because he has no intention of even trying to clean up, let him do the time without coddling him to death and then he'll get out and OD, he will finally be out of his misery and stop costing the taxpayers millions of dollars in police court and incarceration fees. He's been this way since he was a kid, he's not going to ever get better.
ReplyDeleteDoes Ryan have any kids that aren't fucked up?
ReplyDeleteYou'd think this would be a wake up call for Mr. O'Neal, but he continues being a selfish prick.
Oh, and by the way, I always thought he SUCKED in Love Story.
But he sure was great in PAPER MOON- just rewatched it last week-- the saddest part of the movie was watching the stars who had so much great promise and knowing what would happen in the next 35 years. Oh- Randy Quaid had a bit part in it, too!