Thursday, January 21, 2010

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today although I will say that Jennifer Lopez doesn't look half bad here.
Jean Paul Gaultier has taken Fashion Week in Paris to a whole new level. His runway show featured models boxing and all kinds of things that have never been seen before.
Kourtney Kardashian out with her baby yesterday.
Kelly Rowland just quietly shows up now and again.
Kanye West and Amber Rose at the Louis Vuitton fashion show. Kanye has time because he has not been invited to appear for the big Haiti telethon tomorrow night.
Lily Allen shows Sydney what she thinks of them.
Lady GaGa - New York
Marisa Tomei eyes that open bar with the look of a pro.
Nick Cannon's new job involves licking the lollipop first before giving it to Mariah.
Rihanna was on the Norwegian program Skavlan tonight. Siden jeg ikke se showet jeg nysgjerrig hvis verten spurt en rekke enkle spørsmål er om hun måtte snakke om Chris Brown og hennes nye kjæreste.
Seth MacFarlane - Los Angeles
Susan Sarandon without her dogs or her ping pong paddle.
The Hoff with his daughter. A&E picked up their reality show. Oh, how I hope they show him drinking.
The one and only Smothers Brothers.
Weezer - Tallahassee


  1. j. lo's dress up to her snatch doesn't look half bad? no, it looks all the WAY bad.
    love tommy and dick smothers. always have.
    sarandon's lost weight since the split.

  2. I'll give you a rundown on the Rhianna appearance tomorrow - the show airs tomorrow eve in Norway and Sweden.

    Skavlan is good with people. He makes them talk.

  3. Did anyone else puke up in their mouths when Kim Kardashian and her sister fake celebrated whenever Reggie Bush scored a touchdown against Arizona? I've come to the conclusion that reality shows are like TV dramas except the acting is much worse.

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM

    J-Lo doesn't look half good either. Her boobs are about to fall out of the top, if she bends over you'll see her ass, and she's got that stupid smoky sultry eye thing going on.

  5. I agree JLo looks COMPLETELY bad, not just half.
    The always classy Lily.
    Love the Smothers Bros. Tommy looks about the same, Dickie tho, has really aged.

  6. The Smothers Brothers rule!

    That Kourtney lady should really have her baby bundled up a little better...the baby is only what 4 weeks now? It's been real cold in Cali these past few days & babies that young can get sick very easily.

    I wonder what Seth McFarlane is singing in that pic.

  7. I know there's been talk forever that Marissa loves her drink but I saw her Monday at Le Pain on Melrose and while her energy was a bit frazzled, her skin is gorgeous and her eyes are clear. Those signs are hard to fake past thirty.

  8. Love the Smothers Brothers.

  9. I never watched Skavlan but I heard it's a really good show...

  10. huh? E.G Daily. You mean Valley Girl. Anyway, YOWZA! She looks absolutely horrible. Oh Tommy.

  11. The Hoff wears more foundation than his daughter. Creepy.

  12. I think it's great Kanye's been barred from the Haiti relief thing.

    Hey Kanye, believe it or not, the world doesn't revolve around you, you ridiculous jackass.

  13. I was at the GaGa concert last night @ Radio City!

    She was absolutely a-ma-zing

  14. "...detachable penis."

    I love that song.

  15. Hey! Fredrik Skavlan! He came to my party back in the day. Pretty good Norwegian there, Ent!

  16. David Tennant .... *sigh*. Thanks, Enty. I have no idea about any of the blinds, although I kinda think it would be righteous if the answer to BOTH blinds was Betty White. :)

  17. Thanks for the Rivers Cuomo picture Enty. Love, love, love Weezer. Glad Rivers is back to rocking. Now if he'd only play more guitar on his albums and in concert. The man can SHRED when he wants to.

  18. @ Moriah: E.G. Daily was also the singer of the band at the dance in Better Off Dead.

  19. Ugh. I like clothes as much as any girl, but fashion designers are such pretentious a-holes. So now putting obscenely overpriced clothes on walking skeletons and parading them down a runway in front of overpaid celebrities (who usually get their clothes for free in spite of their fat bank accounts) isn't enough? Boxing matches? Really? Barf.

  20. @enty and @c17

    Thanks. Always wondered who that was. She was very pretty back in the 80's, decent voice, catchy song.

  21. Seth MacFarlane does it for me, I freely admit it. I have a slight housewife crush on that man. I like a guy who is intelligent, funny, and has a great voice. Those are the only prereqs. ;-)

    Enty, thanks for the RC pic! ♥ Weezer!

  22. LOVE LOVE LOVE Seth MacFarlane. I would do nearly anything he asked.

    The fur on Kanye and Amber is actually making me feel really ill.

    Glad you're better, Rivers! :)

    J.Lo's faces looks...stretched.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. my bad! he does have a show here too, but you were right, that was norwegian.

    *mutters angrily*

    those darn norwegians...

  25. my bad! he does have a show here too, but you were right, that was norwegian.

    *mutters angrily*

    those darn norwegians...
