Princess Caroline Gets Embarrassed Again
I am not sure why Princess Caroline stays with her husband. He has treated her like crap and she keeps sticking up for him and then he treats her like crap again. For those of you who really don't follow the Monaco royals so don;t know any of this, it really doesn't matter. It is played out everywhere all over the world everyday. This is just more public.
Caroline is married to a guy named Ernst. He happens to be some kind of Prince or at least has the title because I am not sure you can actually be a Prince if your country no longer has a monarchy. Anyway, Ernst has some girlfriend that he takes on vacations and to public events while Caroline stays at home.
Back in 2004 Ernst got into trouble for beating a disco owner in Kenya. He was fined about $600,000 and has been trying to get the ruling overturned since. Well, last week Caroline testified for this guy even though he is has been cheating on her in front of the world. So, you would think he would realize the error of his ways and start spending more time with his wife and thankful for her help. Well you would be wrong. This week he decided to take his relationship up a notch and brought his girlfriend to a very public event in Austria. What an a-hole. Oh, and now he is thinking about suing the newspapers that published the photos of him with his mistress because he thinks they are embarrassing. Umm, what about your wife a-hole?
Hey, their 11th anniversary is next week though so there is always hope right? I bet he spends it with the girlfriend.