Friday, January 22, 2010

Peter Gabriel Is Being An Ass

Am I the biggest fan of Genesis in the world? Umm, no. But I am a fan and I know there are millions of people who are big fans of the group. I also know there are going to be millions of these fans who are going to be really disappointed that Peter Gabriel is acting like a prima donna. How? Well, in two months Genesis is getting inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame. This of course would be the perfect time for the group to reunite. Unfortunately Peter doesn't want to. In fact he is being such a jerk he says he might not even be able to make it to the show. Why? Not a wedding or surgery or trapped in the Arctic. He instead will be rehearsing for his upcoming solo tour. Rehearsing. Not performing. “I’m trying to find a way to do it,” he says. “It’s not easy. If I can work it out, I’ll go.”

It is one night two months from now and he has known about the date even longer than that. I don;t care if the group reunites permanently but don't you think people can act like adults and give their fans what they want? These guys didn't make the Hall Of Fame solely because of their talent. They made it because their fans bought tons of records and went to their concerts and made them famous. I hate hate people who forget their fans. It is one f**king night. Give the people back something they gave you in the first place. Go up on stage and play for three or four songs. Then go your separate ways. Are you going to deprive people who paid you millions and millions of dollars their fun? Are you such a self-centered ego driven can't forgive for ten minutes kind of person that you would disappoint all those people?


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