Thursday, January 07, 2010

Nine Times? - ***Graphic***

I read the story this morning in The New York Post about Artie Lange's suicide attempt. It said that he had stabbed himself 9 times. Apparently there were six hesitation wounds and three deep plunges. As I sit here typing this I am trying to imagine doing that to myself and I can't. When I get a paper cut it hurts. You must really have some very powerful demons running through you if you can manage to stab yourself. How do you keep doing it after the first one? Over the past year there were signs he was getting his life turned around. I really hope he does. I wouldn't wish those kinds of thoughts on anyone.


  1. ya and maybe all the yahoos that listen to his BS day day after day..will realize that negative immature,FratBoy BS is toxic.

    i hope he gets help,but other than that f-ck him.not a fan.

  2. woah, nine times. that's beyond a cry for help.

  3. Anonymous9:45 AM

    i've never listened to him/howard stern - but man, he must have some nice sized demons. hope he turns it around.

  4. stange...TMZ has nothing about this..unless i'm blind. Dlisted does though.

    why would Harvey not write about Artie?

  5. Nice Ferris Bueller reference. My favorite movie ever.

  6. jax said...

    "ya and maybe all the yahoos that listen to his BS day day after day..will realize that negative immature,FratBoy BS is toxic.

    i hope he gets help,but other than that f-ck him.not a fan."

    tell us how you really feel jax, lol.

    i hear ya. not a fan either....

    but stabbing yourself is some seriously dark shit. dude needs help.

  7. I work in the ER and I always wonder when we get suicides with that kind of level of violent, self-inflicted injury if we’re really saving them or not. I can’t imagine the state someone would be in to stab, slice, or shoot themselves—in a lot of ways I can understand overdoses or CO2 poisoning better.

  8. I always loved listening to Artie before Sirius. He just made me giggle. He was the reason I listened. I enjoyed this interview he did when promoting his book Too Fat To Fish.

    I do not think it is easy to be him. I hope he gets better.

  9. D-R-U-G-S can make a person do crazy things and numb them to any degree of pain.

    Hope he gets it sorted out because his demons are apparently running amok.

  10. That's some scary dark and evil sh*t right there. I know that Artie has some serious demons...but wow...the idea that he would stab himself...


  11. He was hysterical in Beer League. That was a great movie. Looked like they had lots of fun on the set. Feel sorry for him, and hope he finds his peace here on earth.

    Artie, write me the next time dude.

  12. I do listen to the show and Artie has been fucked up for a long time. Yeah, he has made some attempts to get clean over the past couple years but he's never managed to keep his shit together longer than maybe 3 mos or so before he's nodding out again or calling in sick. This isn't the first time Artie has tried to kill himself either. There are rumors that he also drank bleach because the EMT on the scene said he smelt of it and it was close to him in the apt. No one has confirmed that one though. I feel for his poor mother who found him. He has put that woman through hell. Dude needs to go into long term rehab. 30-90 day stint is not going to do the trick on this particular monkey that is residing on his back. I think it's safe to say that Artie had to be loaded on some serious amounts of heroin when he did this. You'd have to be. Bipolar disorder + drugs never ends well.

  13. Some people root for Britney. Some root for Lindsay.

    I'm rooting for the Baby Gorilla. Get well soon, Artie. Miss you on the show!

  14. Hope he gets the help he needs.

  15. i don't wish the guy dead,i hope he gets the help he needs..his brand of 'humour' and the company he keeps does not sit well with me and stabbing yourself 9 times doesn't change that. just shows how fucked up he is and maybe not in ANY position to be on the radio influencing other people in the first place.IMO.

    i know he has a family,i feel bad for them.

  16. I'm with Selenakyle - Drugs helped him along his stabbing journey. Hope the treatment he gets helps.

  17. Many good thoughts for Artie..get well!

  18. TMZ hasn't reported anything other than the fact that Artie went to the hospital for undisclosed reasons.

    Howard has contacts at both the Enquirer and TMZ and I believe that is why they didn't report the gory details. In fact, he even mentioned TMZ (although mocking them) this week in what seemed like a tit-for-tat move. He doesn't have such a great relationship with Page Six, who printed the item.

    Loyal Stern listeners know that Artie was 'sent home' by management on December 9th after apparently nodding out multiple times during the Fifty Cent interview. Stern's fans have heard off-the-record that Artie was ordered into rehab by either the Stern organization, or by Sirius. Later reports said that he left rehab early (not the first time) and that he was dismissed from the show shortly thereafter. The fans (including me) believe that the attempted suicide have prevented Howard from reporting that Artie won't be back on the show.

    Supposedly when Artie's camp makes an official statement, Howard will announce Artie's departure.

    The same sources that reported all of this also reported the stab wounds and the bleach last week on a Stern-related website, so I believe them to be true.

    Artie is a tortured soul and needs serious help. Hopefully the suicide attempt will result in him being admitted into the kind of facility that he can't just walk out of.

    Whether or not you like the show or not is your own business. The anonymous nature of the web doesn't disguise your extreme rudeness or inability to effectively relate to other people.

  19. Shooting yourself is one things, boom it's over, but stabbing??! How can you even get enough force? Not to mention how the pain would immediately stop your hand, right?

    Poor guy, really.

  20. I just finished his book. He does seem to always chase demons. In the book he talks about rehab and how he gets out for work and one time gave a donation to the facility to get out.

    I am not a listener of Stern's but have seen him live and some of his movies. He is funny. The people around him must really care for him because they have stuck with him for this long.

    I hope he gets the help he needs but like BlahFrickinBlah said, it is not going to be a 90 day thing. He needs to dry out for a long time...

  21. I don't listen to Stern, it's not my kind of thing. Maybe now Artie can get into some kind of lockdown situation and get the help he needs. Or not.

  22. This is so sad. I used to be his neighbor. Lived in the same building. He was always nice to the doormen. Would see him around sometimes, but he was usually a few sheets to the wind. Can't imagine what it must take to do this to yourself. Depression/drugs are a scary thing and I'm glad I wasn't around to see it go down. Gives me the chills.

  23. Artie and I share the same birthday and, to some extent, the same demons. It all comes down to not dealing with issues, holding them back with food or alcohol or the drug of your choice. The problem with that is that after a while, you can't hold those issues back, and they come bubbling up to the surface - sometimes violently. I used to dream of running - until I realized I was running FROM things. So I made myself stop and face the situation, and it has made a HUGE difference. Artie needs to get to that point. It's a journey, but at least he will be going in the right direction. It would be nice if Howard Stern could stage an intervention to give him a well-needed kick in the ass.

  24. He needs celeb rehab with Dr. Drew.

  25. I am a second had Stern fan (hubby listens to it and tells me all about it) and the way Artie has been acting for a long time has made even me think "Oh no.. this can't be good" and earlier when he was on one of the late night talk shows, he showed up in a dirty shirt, looking like a hot mess, I knew trouble was on the horizon for him.

    I never imagined this though. My Husband and I thought that perhaps he was in some sort of rehab when he disapeared again last month.

    As for the rumors of him being kicked off the show, it must have been hard being his co-workers seeing him once again spiral out of control. And they do seem to be a tight bunch of people, but how many times can they actually go through with this? Hopefully this is his rock bottom, and hopefully he can save himself.

  26. oops meant second hand Stern Fan

  27. Sigh. I agree with all these comments. Not a fan - I really don't care for that type of mean humour, but I wish him well. Get off the drugs, dude. It helps enormously.

  28. I really love Artie and agree that this has been a long time coming. The show and Sirius have given him so many second chances over the years. I don't know if there's any hope for him and it just makes sad.

  29. I feel so bad for him. Depression must be pretty bad if you can get everything you ever wanted and still stab yourself.

  30. Whether or not you like the show or not is your own business. The anonymous nature of the web doesn't disguise your extreme rudeness or inability to effectively relate to other people." - AMEN! Thank you for saying this.

    "ya and maybe all the yahoos (CDAN readers?) that listen (read?) to his (Jax's?) BS day day after day..will realize that negative immature,FratBoy (snarky?) BS is toxic." - Wow, sooo similar...hmmm? Just sayin'.

    We will be extremely hard pressed to find another celebrity with a heart of gold larger than Artie's.

    My heart was broken when the Post printed this article.

    You would have to really hate yourself to choose this method of suicide, most pick a method that lessens the suffering. Artie chose the method that extends it.

    Please find your compassion.

  31. Anonymous12:21 PM

    My mom and I listen to the Stern show just about every day. You may not enjoy their sense of humor, but he is still a human being who has his issues just like you and me. ChasingHeaven is right-he truly does have a heart of gold. I hope he will take the time now and seriously figure his life out. My thoughts are with him and his family.
