Monday, January 25, 2010

Nancy Kerrigan's Dad Killed - Wasn't Tonya Harding

I have to admit I had not thought about Nancy Kerrigan since the last time I saw the Seinfeld episode where they spoof the whole Tonya Harding and Nancy story. Well, over the weekend Nancy's brother Mark allegedly killed her father over who could use the phone. Nancy's brother wanted to use it and her dad said no. So, her brother choked the man and at some point 911 was called and when police arrived they found Nancy's father barely alive. He later died. When police tried to remove Mark from the home he had to be subdued with pepper spray.

The crazy thing is that Nancy's mom is sticking with the son on this and said her husband died of a heart attack and there was no foul play. Uh huh.


  1. Is Enty going to make us wait all day about weighing in on what really went down with Brad & Angelina. I hope he comments on it soon. PLEASE ENTY!!! PLEASE!!!

    And shame on anyone who kills their Dads.. Not cool.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

    (Sorry, couldn't help it!)

  4. Not to be rude - but the mom is blind. She may not have seen her son choking her husband. That is really sad.

  5. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Sounds like a dysfunctional family that went psycho.

  6. Not to say that she wouldn't know what was going on because she's not deaf, but I know Nancy's mother is legally blind. Maybe she missed something, like seeing the son's hands around his dad's neck.

  7. Ms. Cool-I was going to say the same thing. Mom was already legally blind back when Nancy was skating. This is sad.

  8. What a terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to the family.

  9. I forgot about her mom being blind. How sad for the family.

  10. How old was the brother? What was he doing living at home with his parents?? In the basement?!?!!?!? This is just sad.

  11. omg, how tragic! kinda weird tho a 45 yr old man wouldn't be allowed to use a phone...there's got to be more to this story. still tho, devastating for them. rip mr. kerrigan.

  12. What an all-around tragedy.

  13. This is a sad story, but I must admit that "Wasn't Tonya Harding" had me spitting on my monitor!

    Thanks for always finding the silver lining, Enty!

  14. whoa.

    I live in the city where Harding grew up so she is in the news from time to time here.

    Funny story..about ten years ago I used to tan ( yes I know its bad for you I have since stopped ) and one day I was in the bed ( nude ) when my girlfriend who was with me comes busting in my room in the middle of my session with the owner and yelling " do you know who this is??" and I replied " the owner? " and she is still yelling " This is Jeff Gillooly!!" and I was like " great..can you shut the door?"

    Apparently he remarried after TOnya, died his hair blonde and opened a tanning parlor. He seemed like a nice guy..not the type to bash in Nancy K's knees but what do I know. You should meet my ex thats a mistake in character if I ever had one!

  15. What I read elsewhere is that the brother was living in the 'rents basement because he was out of prison or jail for trying repeatedly abusing his wife and actually trying to kill her.

    The mom said she heard the argument,but was in another room and obviously couldn't see what was going on.

    Sucks all around.

  16. Really Enty? I am disappointed in you, what a rude insensitive headline. I am sure you find it amusing and a good time to air your witty headline but really, someone's dad died here, can we not add to their grief?

  17. Adult son living at home, getting restricted on phone use, gets so angry he kills someone, has to be subdued with pepper spray.

    I smell drugs and I'm betting that it's meth.
