Mischa Barton Has A Rep?
For whatever reason I didn't think Mischa Barton even had a rep anymore. Maybe it is because Mischa usually does her own talking. She usually does it poorly, but does it on her own. Apparently I was wrong though. Yesterday The NY Daily News ran a story that said that everyone on the set of Law & Order was really disliking Mischa because, well she sucked. Mischa has seven lines in her guest spot as a hooker and couldn't get the lines right. Of course that made the rest of the cast upset because they wanted to go home. I mean how hard is it to say, "You looking for a friend?" "$20" and "You aren't a cop are you?"
Well, today a rep for Mischa made an appearance and released a statement. "Everything's going swimmingly on set." Swimmingly? As in drowning?