Marissa Jaret Winokur Gets Booted From Dance Your Ass Off For Body Issues
Full disclosure. I know the Executive Producer (Lisa Ann Walter) of Dance Your Ass Off and if this is true it really makes me question all the stuff she has espoused about size and body issues over the time I have known her. Dance Your Ass Off is going to have a new host for the upcoming season. No longer will Marissa Jaret Winkour be the host. Now it will be Mel B. The producers of the show say the decision to replace Marissa was mutual. This is what Marissa had to say.
“Marissa’s reasons for not returning to season 2 are the following: the format of the program did not allow her to interact with the contestants and offer them encouragement and support, and criticism she received from producers regarding her appearance."
To me that means the producers thought she was fat and probably told her this more than once. This is a show about people embracing who they are as people. Sure, the idea is to lose weight, but to throw someone up there like Mel B who weighs what, 85 pounds kind of defeats the whole purpose. Was Marissa the best host in the whole world? No, but all the producers are doing is telling the world they don't believe what they are trying to sell on the show. They are trying to sell that all people no matter their size are beautiful, but then kick off Marissa and replace her with someone who is not typical and instead is probably a size zero and has fake breasts and says this is the ideal.
The producers' official statement is that the core fans of the show grew up Spice Girl fans so this is what they really want. Uh huh.