Lindsay Lohan BBC Trailer - And A Pap Is Run Over
No matter how many times I watched this trailer over the weekend I just couldn't stop asking myself, if this is the best footage they had with Lindsay Lohan, then this documentary is going to have a whole lot of voiceover and not much Lindsay Lohan on camera. All I can think about in the first 30 seconds of it is that she looks in desperate need of a fix and is about to leap out of her skin. It is definitely worth a minute of your time.
Over the weekend, Lindsay's assistant ran down a photographer and then didn't stop or come back after it happened. She did call it in to the police though so maybe she will get some points for that. Of course Lindsay is going to be sued by the photographer. The incident happened the other night. Lindsay had spent the evening trying to get Adam Lambert to be her friend. He refused! She left the club, got into the car and her assistant knocked a pap to the ground which caused him to hurt his hand. The police are investigating it as a felony assault. You have seen the swarms of paps around cars. I'm shocked it doesn't happen several times a day and I really don't have any sympathy for the photographers. I doubt the assistant tried to hit someone. Should she have stopped? Yes. But, I could also see a pap faking an injury to get someone to stop so they could get more photos. I think it must be brutal to be Lindsay's assistant so I will give her a pass.