Lets Talk About Casey Johnson
First, I want to thank everyone who sent me e-mails yesterday alerting me to the fact Casey Johnson was found dead yesterday. I was going to do a post late in the afternoon yesterday and then decided it could wait. Why? Well she is not really famous is she? I'm so sorry she died and so sorry for her daughter who will never really know her mom, but I'm shocked by the number of sites (100 at last count) that have written thousands of words about her and the constant updates from TMZ. Did I miss something here? It seems to me the only reason she is famous is because she is the ex-girlfriend of Courtenay Semel, stole some stuff from another F list celebrity and was engaged for 5 minutes to Tila Tequila (who needs to STFU and let the family grieve). Yes, she was an heir to the Johnson & Johnson money, but I am guessing that if the latter two gossipy things didn't happen no one other than the New York newspapers would have paid attention to the fact she passed away. She did nothing to earn fame but here she is being talked about constantly for the past 18 hours. This is the same process that has made all these other people famous for no reason. Hello Kardashian family.
I think it is tragic she died, and I am so grateful she has parents who can raise her daughter. I am appalled someone let her adopt a child but am glad her parents cared enough to do take charge when they needed to.
Ms. Cool sent me this link to a Vanity Fair article about Casey Johnson from three years ago. It is worth a read.