Thursday, January 07, 2010

Lainey Blind Item

These are the things you get from your mother.

Our perfect parent found a permanent way to keep the weight down – with a lap band installation a few years ago. At the same time, she thought she’d help out her little girl too. By pretty much forcing her teenage daughter to have one put in as well. The child protested but to no avail. And better still, instead of paying out of her own pocket, she insisted that the surgery be funded out of her precious’s bank account. Well in hindsight, no wonder.


  1. Kim K and her dumb mother?

  2. Oh... George Wendt. There, it's done.

  3. Courtney Love FTW.

  4. If this is Courtney, she should be arrested for child endangerment. AND her doctor, as well. Have we ever seen a picture of the Bean in which she appeared to have a need for a lap band?

    Some people shouldn't be allowed to have children.

  5. Good job Ryan. Just get it out there and over with.

    Anyway, I'm wondering if it would be Hayden Pantyhair's mother.

  6. GOT to be courtney love.

  7. Courtney Love FTW. The "in hindsight, no wonder" thing sealed it for me. What a psycho bitch.

  8. Absolutely. Courtney Love.

  9. It's Courtney we heard about the lap band surgery last year and at the time SHE didn't even need it. As I've said before I wonder if this was part of the reason she lost custody of her daughter.

  10. One day Enty is going to post an actual blind item about George Wendt and my head is going to just burst into the most fantastic confetti anyone has ever seen.

  11. Not on my $ - you beat me to it! I was just going to say that I think this might be the reason for the restraining order Ms. Love got slammed with.

  12. I will be the first to admit that I'm not familiar with the potential legalities involved - however with that being said, since the child was a minor and this was done with the parent's permission/insistence, wouldn't this potentially fall under the category of malpractice?
    I have always been under the impression that while surgery of this nature is elective/cosmetic, there is an extensive vetting process involved?
    IE, the patient has to be clinically obese and this procedure is considered a last resort to get the patient to shed the weight after dieting and other measures have failed?
    Or have I fallen so behind the times that such a procedure is now available as easily as Botox?
    That being said, I have no idea on who this is, I just hope whoever the child involved will be writing a tell all when they hit legal age.

  13. @ Ryan...LOL. Enty, please give Ryan a George Wendt BI.

  14. err, grammatical correction - hope that whoever the child is, they will be writing a tell all when they hit legal age.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled commentary.

  15. I'm sure that in Hollywood, if you have enough money you can find a doctor who is ethically challenged to do whatever you want.

    Poor Frances.

  16. Lapband is reversible, isn't it though? (Certainly not OKing this at all!) Hope the girl can get it reversed and live a normal life far away from her lunatic of a mom...that means YOU Courtney!!!

  17. @Ryan, it's good to have a dream.

  18. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I'm liking the Lohan Clan for this - seems like something Dina would do, given her overbearing stage-mom tendencies. But is it Ali or Lindsay? Probably Lindsay, since she's been 'in the biz' longer than Ali.

  19. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I immediately thought of Courtney Love when I read this...Bean is beautiful but lots of moms only see themselves and their issues when they look at their kids. I am so proud that her daughter was able to stand up for herself finally! Good on her, and I hope she can get to a good place in her life. And yes, the lapband is reversible, but of course, to reverse it there is another surgery involved.

  20. Anonymous9:47 AM

    gotta be courtney love, the captain of the crazy train

  21. HookedonCDAN - the only reason I DON'T think this is a Lohan is because I can't see the child refusing ;)

  22. No wonder Frances got that restraining order.

    Jesus, Courtney is a lunatic.

  23. Didn't the judge seal the medical records of Francis Bean? Maybe that's why?

  24. LOL @ Ryan! Enty, I second sunnyside's request. Please do a George Wendt BI for Ryan!

    And Ryan? My favorite George Wendt quote, from Cheers: "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milkbone underwear."

  25. I thought of the Lohans when I first read this...I mean, Dina did let both Lindsey and her sis Ali get breast implants. Wouldn't put it past her to do the lap band trick...Lindsey used to be she's a sack of medicated bones.

  26. I noticed this blind also references who PAID for the procedures. It looks like the mom needed her daughter's money to pay for the procedure which is why she wanted the child to also get a band.

    Remember Courtney is supposed to be broke so did she use the Bean's inheritance to get the two lap band procedures? If so her azz should not only lose the kid but also be locked up.

  27. Courtney!! I know that money can buy anything, but I'd love to see the doc who preformed this unnecessary surgery on the both of them lose his/her license for a while. I won't even mention what I'd like to happen to Courtney...

  28. Is this even a blind really? It's got to be Courtney. I wish Lainey allowed comments on her site cause there are so many times that I would love make one about some of her entries and blinds.

  29. yeah courtney is broke, so that fits-
    but so are the lohans! Remember that sale they had online? Could be either one of them, Ithink.

  30. I'm on the CL train....

    Someone i know had lapband done and in my opinion they didn't really need it (they weren't THAT overweight) more than they just needed to get off their asses, start working out and eating healthy. And this person by no means had money or power so I can see how some shady doctor allowed this. His/her license should be revoked, whoever this is should never be allowed to procreate again.

  31. While I kind of like the Lohans for this, my first thought was Courtney Love...and I'm firmly on that train.

  32. So if it's Frances... Wiki says she was born 1992, which means her 17 now, and if it was 'several years ago'?! The doctor and Courtney both need to go to jail about this.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Lainey does publish some pretty funny hate mail from the Twihards.

  35. This ones for you Ryan! (it's actually a Cliff-ism, but you know Norm is nodding right along)

    The Theory of Intelligence

    'Well you see , Norm , it's like this . . .
    A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo.
    And when the herd is hunted ,
    it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first.
    This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole , because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by
    the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way , the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells .
    Now , as we know , excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells.. But naturally , it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this
    way , regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells , making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that ,
    Norm , is why you always feel smarter after a few beers.'

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Christie Brinkley first came to mind.

  38. Lainey says its not Demi Moore, Christie Brinley or Debra Messing.

  39. I usually don't get these right away, but for this one, it's Courtney Love FTW!!

  40. Debra Messing? What an odd name to suggest, since her child is a boy, and less than 10 years old.

  41. Whenever I see Ryan's George Wendt references, I always think of the Animaniacs where Yakko, Wakko, and Dot are at the mall doing surveys. Do you like George Wendt? Do you like beans?

  42. Nutty_

    Debra Messing was the answer to the Lainey blind about who got a lapband but told everyone she worked out and dieted.

  43. Blahfrickinblah, I found this site that is for Lainey Blinds. Not run by Lainey but very interesting! Take a lookie loo!

    And they post hints and even answer them!

  44. My first thought was Blohan for this one. I wouldn't call Courtney a perfect mother, but Lindsay's mom totally tries to present herself as that. I'm not sure if the teenager daughter is Lindsay or the butchy one, but I'm betting it's the latter. Lindsay doesn't need a lapband when she has drugs.

  45. Something made the Bean work with her father's side to get this ball rolling.
    After reading this, I wonder if Courtney has been pestering the Bean to get a fake nose like her mother, or pressuring her to start performing and making money off her name.
    Or maybe she was finally just able to get away from her disgusting mother.
    Either way, I'm glad she wants out of LA to live normally for a bit in WA.

  46. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Guys, not every doctor is on top of the Hippocratic Oath. I know someone who got a gastric bypass last year and was eating mashed potatoes a week later. She was able to "pass" the psychological tests by simply lying to the therapists and doctors. Hell, they didn't even stop her when she'd only lost 8 pounds before her surgery (she was supposed to lose 15).

    Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous surgeons/doctors out there like there are unscrupulous accountants, bankers, plumbers, etc...

  47. Anonymous12:08 PM

    BTW, this is totally Courtney Love.

  48. I also think Courtney, but I'm going to throw Sharon Osbourne out there too, just to shake it up.

  49. Can I throw in another plausible set of names? How about Sharon and Kelly Osbourne?

    Sharon did have lap band surgery in 1999. I could see where she made Kelly get it too, hence her dramatic weight loss.

  50. The mother should be charged with child endangerment.

    The daughter needs to get therapy to head off anorexia.

    And her doctor needs to be shot.

  51. Kelly's a little too old to be forced to do anything by her mother, and Sharon has a ton of cash, so doesn't need Kelly's money. Doesn't feel as right as the Court / Frances Bean scenario.

  52. I am not seeing Courtney for this.

    Frances has a healthy weight and always has IMO, not seeing the body issues or even a slim/diminutive figure. (Not saying FBC is fat - just a beautiful, healthy weight)

    Secondly "Perfect parent" tells me that this person puts on a front and has that image. That isn't

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Please. This is 1) old news and 2) OLD NEWS. Courtney did this to Frances not long after Perez had the balls to call Frances fat at the age of 14.

  55. The Dr. needs to lose the ability to practice. What a freaking ass. He needs to be reminded to "First do no harm".

  56. Anonymous5:24 PM

    no way this is the lohans - the amphetamines keep the weight off for them

    i am joining the courtney train

  57. I was thinking the following-
    Sharon and Kelly-but she has been in and out of rehab and such sooo...
    One of the Kuntdashens (typo and it stays). Those girls had much money when their father died. I can totally see their mother doing that...

  58. Yep, I'm on the Love train... sick to have Frances get one. What f'ing doctor would do that?

  59. I am thinking it's not Courtney because Lainey never writes about her on her blog. Plus Frances does not seem the type of girl to let that happen.
    Anyway, wrong circle.
