I'm guessing Kim Kardashian got a PR person. Either that or she has learned the fine art of spinning. This is one of the finest spins I have seen in awhile which makes it all the more shocking that it came from her.
I think it was the week before last that I posted about Kim getting paid $10,000 a Tweet for certain products. The posting came from an interview with the guy who pays her so I don't know how much more reliable a story could possibly get. I didn't write about Carl's Jr in that post which is her newest commercial. I talked about all her other self promoting Tweets which the company who pays her also mentioned. Well, Kim posted this on her site Thursday night.
"I want to clear this up because there has been a lot of talk about this. Carl's Jr did not pay me to tweet about their salads. Yes, obviously I was paid to be in the commercial... we all have to work! But I was not paid to tweet or talk about the salads on my blog, Facebook account, MySpace account or any other online outlets. Am I not allowed to talk about something I like without people assuming I must have been paid to do it? I want my fans to know what products, gadgets, foods, clothes and beauty products I like and I love sharing all that with my fans. You all know I've posted about certain clothes and products on my blog since I started blogging two years ago."
No one said she got paid to Tweet for Carl's Jr, but it was nice to give them some free love in this post. Notice she never denies getting paid for any of her other product Tweets. She makes it seem like she is denying it, but she isn't because it is true. Kim gets paid $10,000 a Tweet for promoting products. I read the comments that day and I don't begrudge Kim for making that kind of money for Tweeting. I would do it and you would do it. I blame the advertisers and the people who think she should be their role model for commercial decisions or how to spend their money and how she achieved all of this by making a sex tape. Her sisters make money from their sister's sex tape. Her brother makes money based on his sister's sex tape. That is what irritates me about the whole thing. Why they are famous, not taking advantage of the fame. She took a really bad porn and made it into something that makes her several million dollars a year. My issue is that I don't think we should be looking to people like the Kardashians for our purchasing decisions and I think society is out of whack when she gets paid $10,000 a day for 140 characters which were probably supplied to her.
I begrudge her because she's an inane twat and her fans deserve what prechewed twaddle they get.
ReplyDeleteLOL so much for my resolution to be more positive this year
i think society is out of whack for even knowing who the fuck she is.
ReplyDeleteHear, hear! To Enty and to both commenters above!
ReplyDeleteim with you
ReplyDeleteSaw her on a recent episode of CSI:NY. She had one facial expression - one. Her scenes were actually painful to watch. For the life of me I can't see the attraction to this untalented, unattractive famewhore. Please make her go away.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone above. I don't understand why she & the rest of her family actually get paid for anything. It is a sad commentary on society.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't have said it any better myself.
ReplyDeleteI think people do have a right to know that she is making money off of her Tweet product endorsements.
ReplyDeleteIt's not my problem if people are stupid enough to follow her Tweets and her advice.
Society is out of whack when people pay attention to celebrities without any skills or talents.
Dn - It's early. You can re-start being positive right now lol.
ReplyDeleteI kinda like Kim. Sure, she's done somewonderfully stupid things (Hello, Ray J?) but she has a clothing store and she's making money from her name. If other people can, why can't she? Hell, I'm not doing as much..
Dn - It's early. You can re-start being positive right now lol.
ReplyDeleteI kinda like Kim. Sure, she's done somewonderfully stupid things (Hello, Ray J?) but she has a clothing store and she's making money from her name. If other people can, why can't she? Hell, I'm not doing as much..
Very well put. I don't pay attention to anything they do. But it's funny how the whole family seems entitled to fame & attention & they don't have any reason - it's not like any of them are talented. And it all started because she wanted to record herself having sex. Classy.
ReplyDeleteHer face is starting to look odder.
ReplyDeleteHas she had plastic surgery? That is sad if she has, what is she, like 28?
Wouldn't she have to disclose any paid endorsements under the updated FTC guidelines?
From the FTC press release, 10/9/09:
"The revised Guides also make it clear that celebrities have a duty to disclose their relationships with advertisers when making endorsements outside the context of traditional ads, such as on talk shows or in social media."
she has had PLENTY of plastic surgery- look at pics from 2 years ago! she lies about everything, why not her surgery?
ReplyDeleteI get so fucking ANGRY at Americans who have made these stupid fucking bitches more rich than they already were, and I can't even pay my fucking rent this month.
I just don't care what she likes.
ReplyDeleteam i the only person to never tweet or read a tweet? lol
ReplyDeleteMe either, DJ, except I read Sockington's tweets religiously.
ReplyDeleteWhat demographic responds to and is interested in what Kim K purchases? I have truly never purchased something because a celeb (even a
ReplyDeleteceleb I liked) has hawked it.
In fact, if I saw commercial of Paris selling Carl's Jr. burgers (no chains around here so I haven't seen the ads) it actually would want to make me hightail it to Checkers or another burger joint because I wouldn't be able to get the subliminal connection of "Burger" and "Herpes" out of my head. :-P
Really isn't she famous because she was friends with Paris Hilton, and made a sex tape? And isn't Paris famous for being a Hilton, and making a sex tape?
ReplyDeleteIt's so funny how Hollywood is truly all about who you know. I guess this is why every pop star can't perform without significant help. They're just the crappy friends and relatives of the people in power.
Amen, brother Enty. BTW, this vapid celebrity worship has gotten way out of control. I teach advertising and I have a hard time teaching my students to exploit the consumer/celebrity culture that has replaced real culture in modern society. KK, PH, et al are just a symptom of the problem.
ReplyDeleteI have never tweeted or read a tweet. I don't even know how to go about reading a tweet if I wanted to. Is it something you do with your phone or online? I am truly a 28 year old dinosaur.
ReplyDeleteIt is *incrediby* whack, and just loads of unfairness. If I had a daughter, I would hate to have Kim as a potential role model.
ReplyDeleteYes, she's beautiful, but what does she do with that beauty? Is she out there helping charities on a regular basis? Is she using her fame to inform her fans about more than just "things"?
No, and that's sad - for Kim, that is.
Sockington is the best thing about Twitter.
ReplyDeleteI don't tweet and don't care to learn about it. Not drinking that kool-aid. I believe it's useless unless you're Kim K. and getting paid to do it.
ReplyDeleteEnty thanks for the rant. ITA with you!
"I blame the advertisers and the people who think she should be their role model for commercial decisions or how to spend their money and how she achieved all of this by making a sex tape."
ReplyDeleteAmen brother.. role model indeed...
Amen, Enty.
ReplyDeleteI worry about society today. They use to ask for quotes from people like "The Vicious Circle" of the Algonquin Round Table. They gave us opinion and wit.
ReplyDeleteThese days they ask people like this twit and the Parasite for their opinion. We get product reviews and monosyllables.
that was pretty decent spin...tiger so should hire his pr peep.
ReplyDeleteFirst time poster here. :)
ReplyDeleteHer Carl's commercial makes me think of that episode of Seinfeld where Kramer makes his salad in the shower.
I also think it's ironic that she says she likes to keep things clean. Granted, I've not seen the porno she did, but in it she did get peed on, right?
I think her PR tips come from Jonathan Cheban, her close friend - he and his partner Simon Huck do publicity for the Fontainbleu hotel in Miami, among other clients. She and her friends/family always stay there when they are in town.
ReplyDeleteHere is something she can read: The whole family is a bunch of untalented whores. Exactly what do they do?
ReplyDeleteparissucksliterally, do you really think that only Americans are responsible for this Twat Tweeting Twitterer being some kind of celebutwit? You really need to know that she is an Armenian dream come true to those who live in Armenia. She is a HUGE-ass success in Asia as well. Please get out your map and see what "American" is comprised of and stop perpetuating the myth that most of us in the United States are sheep who follow will revere someone like her.
ReplyDeleteNow I've broken my resolution as well. I was going to be more tolerant of poeple who bag on "Americans" without getting their facts straight first. There are other continents, countries and cultures that would gladly welcome those people.
I don't tweet and don't understand how people who do have so much spare time. I can barely answer my phone messages, let alone the enormous amounts of emails I get a day. I really don't want to be that accessible to anyone. Bring back the corded phone and no answering machine days. If you wanted to talk, you answered the phone. If you didn't want to, you just unplugged it. Ah, the good old days of being able to get lost.
Ardleigh, you've gotta listen to 'Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me...' if you want opinion & wit. :)
ReplyDeleteCan I get an AMEN for The Watcher?!!!!! Yes, there are ugly Americans, but there are ugly ___________ (fill in the blank from the country of your choice), too. I don't know ANYONE in America who thinks the Kardashian clan (or any other famewhoring group - take your pick) is of any importance.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, too, on the whole technology thing. I had to be taken kicking and screaming to get a cell phone. I don't text, I wouldn't know how to tweet to save my life, and I HATE when I am taken to task for not answering my cell phone. Who said I had be accessible to everyone at every time, just because they want to talk to me? Geez. And don't get me started on talking on cell phones while driving. I don't know how many times I've nearly been hit by some twit who can't be disconnected for five minutes.
Babs, I thought that my damn answering machine and those stacks of junk mail were sucking the life out of me. I had no idea that it was just foreplay for the bombardment of things and people trying to eat up my ever-expiring time on earth.
ReplyDeleteI can hardly type while looking intently at my keyboard! How do people text while driving?
I got rid of texting, keep my phone on silent, open my mail once a week, read emails once a day and check this site once a day. If someone can write "K LOL" to me and not give me all the letters, I don't feel they are committed to me. I expected at the very least "Okay hahaha" They just don't have enought time to text all the letters because their texts are getting backed up. Stop the madness.