Kim Kardashian Must Have Hired A PR Person
I'm guessing Kim Kardashian got a PR person. Either that or she has learned the fine art of spinning. This is one of the finest spins I have seen in awhile which makes it all the more shocking that it came from her.
I think it was the week before last that I posted about Kim getting paid $10,000 a Tweet for certain products. The posting came from an interview with the guy who pays her so I don't know how much more reliable a story could possibly get. I didn't write about Carl's Jr in that post which is her newest commercial. I talked about all her other self promoting Tweets which the company who pays her also mentioned. Well, Kim posted this on her site Thursday night.
"I want to clear this up because there has been a lot of talk about this. Carl's Jr did not pay me to tweet about their salads. Yes, obviously I was paid to be in the commercial... we all have to work! But I was not paid to tweet or talk about the salads on my blog, Facebook account, MySpace account or any other online outlets. Am I not allowed to talk about something I like without people assuming I must have been paid to do it? I want my fans to know what products, gadgets, foods, clothes and beauty products I like and I love sharing all that with my fans. You all know I've posted about certain clothes and products on my blog since I started blogging two years ago."
No one said she got paid to Tweet for Carl's Jr, but it was nice to give them some free love in this post. Notice she never denies getting paid for any of her other product Tweets. She makes it seem like she is denying it, but she isn't because it is true. Kim gets paid $10,000 a Tweet for promoting products. I read the comments that day and I don't begrudge Kim for making that kind of money for Tweeting. I would do it and you would do it. I blame the advertisers and the people who think she should be their role model for commercial decisions or how to spend their money and how she achieved all of this by making a sex tape. Her sisters make money from their sister's sex tape. Her brother makes money based on his sister's sex tape. That is what irritates me about the whole thing. Why they are famous, not taking advantage of the fame. She took a really bad porn and made it into something that makes her several million dollars a year. My issue is that I don't think we should be looking to people like the Kardashians for our purchasing decisions and I think society is out of whack when she gets paid $10,000 a day for 140 characters which were probably supplied to her.