Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Kathy Griffin And Anderson Cooper

There were several people who mentioned Kathy Griffin's interaction with Anderson Cooper on New Year's Eve. Here are six separate parts to the night. Each is about 8 minutes long and some are more embarrassing than others. If you don't have time to watch them all then I suggest you just skip down to video number 7 which is 35 seconds long and is Kathy Griffin dropping the F bomb.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was so glad when "Bill" twittered in to tell her to be quite so Anderson could get a word in and that she didn't "need to run her mouth all the time". I wish I could send him a cake :-)

    She's so needy for attention, she reminds me of a "grown up" Noah Cyrus (without the funky teefs).

  3. Poor Anderson. I hope he was drunk.

  4. i like some kathy...but this was BAD!
    Anderson spent the whole night nervously giggling like a school boy looking at a Playboy in the basement.

  5. I've always liked Kathy (although her latest book was a little disappointing), but sometimes she gets rolling and doesn't know when to STFU.

    I like mah boo, but he giggles like crazy when he co-hosts with Kelly Ripa too.

  6. i can't stand her. i couldn't watch her show because i just can't listen to her talk for that long. i don't think she's funny either.

  7. I just thought of something...maybe Kathy was trying to get banned from CNN? She gets a lot of D List material from being banned.

  8. Dlisted just posted Kathy won't be back on NYE.

  9. i could not take it, i love watching ac but kathy - no!

  10. Anonymous10:41 AM

    her voice is so irritating. she and carrot top must have the same plastic surgeon b/c they are starting to look like twins

  11. that last video i believe was from last year. it is not footage of the most recent f-bomb.
    but seriously cnn, did you really think she could keep from saying inappropriate things? if you wanted wholesome and safe you should have gone with someone else.

  12. I like Kathy Griffin and watched parts of it on NYE. All of these things, although sometimes annoying, are just what she would do. She has made a career out of being a "d-lister". Her contract with CNN said that if she used profanity again during the show, she'd have to give the money back, and that was the ongoing joke the whole night. They knew what they were getting into. The part I don't understand is why the Kathy Griffin/ AC pairing didn't stop after the first year. They don't work as a duo. They don't really have any chemistry between them and although I do love AC, he does not understand KG's humour and was clearly not amused...*L* Love you, Kathy Griffin, but CNN may not be the right place for you *L*

  13. I'm always a little afraid for Coop when they do this gig together....poor guy was drowning in his nervous laughs.

  14. @Caliblondy


    The stock car racing element is was makes it Must See(NN) NYE TV!!!

  15. I would watch Anderson and someone else host NYE. If Kathy G. is appearing anywhere, I won't watch. She's just so grating.

  16. I love Kathy Griffin. I think she is hysterical but I totally understand that she is not everyone's cup o' tea. I love that AC/Mah Boo becomes like a giggly little girl around her.

    I'm still stunned that they continue to hire her when they know what is going to happen. I'd much rather watch her than some snooze from the Today show.

    I'm still sad that I never made it to Time Square while Dick Clark was hosting...

  17. Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin always make an awkward combo, and she does suck up all the oxygen sometimes, but I love seeing the two of them together. I mean, staring at a television screen all night on New Year's Eve is dull, but Griffin is always on the verge of crossing the line. I say let the kids have their fun! What's a little f-bomb between friends?

  18. Personally, I love both AC and Kathy Griffin. And he does do the nervous giggly thing a lot-even when co-hosting with Kelly Ripa. Plus, he was on the last season (I believe) of D-List and he seemed to like Kathy but just worry about what hole he was going to get dug in.

  19. hey i loved the last 2 they did..but sorry,it was a trainwreck..she was going a mile a goddamn minute and wouldn't let him get in any chat to interact. the whole thing was OFF.

    less kathy and more anderson would have been perfect.

  20. I honestly don't know who finds this woman funny. Apparently some do. And that voice - oooh it's so awful. It's like listening to Rachel Ray. You expect a vocal chord to snap any second.
    That being said CNN knows exactly who she is and what her unfunny shtick is. They can't feign surprise now.

  21. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I don't care for Kathy always felt she was annoying not funny in my eyes.

  22. The 7th video where she drops the "F" Bomb is from last years new years eve, not this year.

  23. I love Kathy, but the schtick is getting old. I think she might need to reinvent her comedy before she's an 80 year old woman shuffling around the grocery store still doing the same crap.

    After a while, things aren't as funny as they used to be.

  24. But....she said the "F" word! On Tv!
    She's, like, the coolest ever!!
    It depresses me that grown adults cheer about this kind of stuff.

  25. She is the Joan Rivers of the next generation.

  26. A-Coop subbed for Regis a week or so ago.....he was AWESOME! He and Kelly Ripa had great chemistry & he was very outgoing. I'd TOTALLY watch that show if he replaced Regis.

    Rege gets on my nerves.
