Monday, January 18, 2010

Jane Lynch Is Scared Of Scienotology

In the press room last night, Ted Casablanca from E! told Jane Lynch that Suri Cruise is a big fan of Glee. Jane said nothing but nice things about Suri, but then Ted asked her about Tom & Katie and Jane said she had nothing but nice things to say about them also and even if she didn't she wouldn't say anything negative because "Scientology is a very powerful church and I am just really afraid." Wow, even Jane is scared of them and to say anything bad. That is frightening.

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(Thanks Mooshki)


  1. I would be scared of them too. Also, I love her, and I want her to be safe. :)

  2. How old is Suri? Three? When I was her age, the only TV I watched was Sesame Street.

  3. She's awesome.

    Anyone see that Travolta is going to make a 'relief' flight down to Haiti, including some unidentified 'ministers?' Who wants to guess what 'church' the 'ministers' are affiliated with? Ugh... Just what the Haitians need: stress tests.

  4. my kids love glee. i really skip the story lines for them and only do the over produced numbers.... but yeah (i do watch glee lol)
    i have most of the music on my dead ipod heh

  5. FUCK SCIENTOLOGY. Seriously, people, for chrissakes. Fuck them.

  6. Yeah... like Suri Cruise really watches Glee. Wonder where Ted Casablacnca got that "scoop from.

  7. I love how she brought up the can hardly tell that she was being critical. Loves her.

  8. suri fronting for tom now?

    but eeep...impressive how xenu intimidates hollywood! wow.

  9. I love Jane Lynch, she and Holland Taylor are the funniest women on TV today

  10. Ladies and Gentlemen...your highly trained press corp at work. You won a Golden what do you think about Suri Cruise?

    Good answer for a stupid question. The dude should be fired. His obsession isn't everyone else's. And yep Jane, be very afraid. The cult is out to get anyone that speaks badly of the cult. Mwhahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha

  11. Wait a minute..."Mooshki" sent this link to Ent? How convenient.
    Tee hee - just kidding, people. Or add it to your "conspiracy of the day" if you're one of them.

  12. @ TFLive, i have to agree that it was a pretty stupid question to ask RIGHT after you've won a GG.

    I can't wait to watch this video. I love Jane Lynch!

    @linnea - LOL

  13. Skittlekitty - I thought the same thing this weekend. Wonder how long it'll take for them to take advantage of shell-shocked, starving people. I hope mob justice is done on their asses.

    Good for Jane for saying that.

  14. LOL, RQ! Be careful, though, some of my/our multiple personalities don't know that the other ones exist. We wouldn't want to traumatize any of them/us.

  15. Don't worry abot COS getting to Haiti. My cousin is stuck in Florida with FEMA because of govt. red tape and can't get to Haiti. FEMA requested he come because he has done rescue work in Katrina and 9/11. He and their team can't even leave the USA and the media isn't really reporting that.

  16. "Suri's really old for her age."
    Nicely phrased, Jane!

  17. Go Jane!
    What the hell is wrong with people?
    You've won an amazing award, and they ask what your opinion is of a celebrities three year old daughter?
