I Am Scared For Neil Patrick Harris
If you have read the site for more than a few weeks you will know how much I love Neil Patrick Harris. The man can do no wrong. But, now I am fearful he could wind up in the Bob Saget/Drew Carey sandbox of has beens. Why? Well, Neil has signed on to do a pilot for CBS where he would host the game show The Cube which is a big hit in the UK. If you haven't seen the show it is basically just someone in a sub trying to do simple tasks for money. The pressure comes from the confined space of the cube and the time ticking away.
I think he would be a fabulous host of the show. The problem I see is that Neil will then be on two CBS shows and will probably continue hosting shows like The Tony Awards and The Emmy Awards and anything else someone can convince him to do. There was a time not so long ago where you could find Drew Carey on several ABC shows and now he does Price Is Right and not much else. Bob Saget? He was even more exposed on ABC back in the day and now he does, well not really much of anything. You have to leave people wanting more and I'm afraid with this show, Neil may end up hosting Family Feud in a few years and doing Harold & Kumar 6 - The Pot Farm Years.