Friday, January 22, 2010

Gwyneth Cooks Again - Kind Of

Hot, sweet, salty, sour. Those are four words you will hear constantly in this video. You will hear them so much that you will almost lose track of the fact that Gwyneth is cooking again. Sort of. Instead of going solo, this time Gwyneth invites us all into her dreary studio or home or wherever it is. I'm guessing a home because if it was a studio I wouldn't feel like I was watching some Galloping Gourmet episode from the 60's.

Right off the bat, Gwyneth says that she had this incredible salad so invited the chef who made it for her to share it with all of us. One question. If she had it before how did she not know it had raw bok choy? Watch her. She almost has an orgasm when she learns it is raw. I still think cooking chicken is the better of the two videos for entertainment purposes but at least this one looks more edible.


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