Monday, January 18, 2010

Golden Globes Photos Part Two

Carey Mulligan
Chace Crawford
Chloe Sevigny
Christina Hendricks
Christoph Waltz
Alicia Bachleda & Colin Farrell
Courteney Cox & David Arquette
David Duchovny & Tea Leoni
Diane Kruger & Joshua Jackson
Drew Barrymore


BigMama said...

wow, Drew does have a fungus growing out her side.

Tea looks retarded. Her dress looks like she is wearing her husands oxford over it.

Collin, gotta tell ya, your lookin pretty good

Susan said...

Colin Farrell and that piece he's with, look hawt. OMG.

Drew. No, just no.

Kat said...

I have never understood the appeal of Chloe Sevigny, or why people think she's some kind of fashion icon. Like this dress she's wearing, does she not look like a sick sea cucumber to anyone else? Always looks like she needs a bath, stat.

Hendricks-Golden Globes, indeed.

Courtney Cox-Arquette was definitely sporting some new lips, and I have to wonder if these people think the public are blind or stupid when they show up to these things with strange-looking alien faces. Do they think we can't tell?

But, Colin Farrell... I like him. He's swell.

Susan said...

Christina Hendricks looks lopsided and all wrong.

And why is Chloe S. considered so fashion forward? I always find her to look wretched/trying too hard.

Tigercat said...

colin = yum.

OT but since we mentioned plastic surgery, what has happened to emily blunt? she's practically unrecognizable. saddens me. i thought she was so pretty as she was.

also, julia looked different too. and did christina hendricks have work done too?

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Diane K's dress is gawdawful.

B626 said...

That doesn't look like Courtney Cox.

Maja With a J said...

Is it wrong that I want to motorboat Christina Hendricks? I know I am not alone in this.

tallulah b said...

Chloe Sevigny's speech was not terribly eloquent, and her donkey snorts/laughter were horrible. She also looks a lot better in photographs, because when she was speaking one could tell that her face is rather ..unfortunate. Her looks remind me of Blake Lively's. Not good.

I know I'm not being nice here, but I just had to say it.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

You know it's time to fire your stylist when your dress needs a biopsy. Drew, I'm looking at you.

0 said...

Harriet- you are SO not alone.

childeroland said...

Carey Mulligan was robbed.

MnGddess said...

I don't know who that Carey Mueller is but I LOVE midnight blue in a gown.

I agree with Susan about Chloe S. Chloe is a not-attractive girl who looks like, as in this picture, like the clothes are wearing her.

Colin and Alicia are a gorgeous couple. Those Irish-Polish combinations always have gorgeous children.... (I should know)

Tea, Tea - I love ya, but really - a crumpled man's shirt? not working.

Drew needs a new stylist.

jadetoo said...

Holy Big Milky Knockers!
I think we know who I'm talking about.
Hmmm, I can't focus on anyone else now.

Ms Cool said...

Do all the women in these photos look stuckup or is it the botox?

skeeball said...

I was soo embarassed for Drew listening to her acceptance speech. I made me want to go up and shake her. Do these stars need writers for everything?? It is not like she is new at any of this. and the dress=nightmare

Anonymous said...

Christina's chichis /are/ inviting, harriet. Her husband is lucky.

Unf, Colin

lilbitsolo said...

@Harriet~You are not alone.......

septembergrrl said...

Are David and Tea back together? Or were they going as friends?

RocketQueen said...

Colin's girlfriend Alicia's dress needs to come up just a TITCH higher - almost nip slip.

Love Carey Mulligan's dress!

For some reason, Diane K just annoys me now. I feel like she tries SO hard on the red carpet and takes herself SO seriously. Yech.

I saw the pre-interviews with Chloe and she was just WEIRD - posing constantly with her face, way too much makeup, etc. This picture captured her perfectly.

Maja With a J said...

Diane K annoys me too, never has before, only since I started watching "Fringe" and fell desperately in love with Joshua Jackson. I'm sure she is very nice, despite the sourpuss face.

She could use a hamburger though.

Anonymous said...

Carey M. dress looks lovely but the way she is standing looks weird.

Chance - pretty boy looks very gay.

Chloe - who says she is a fashion icon? Because whoever it is, is just kiss assing her. She always wears horrible outfits.

Christina - looks like she is carrying 2 heavy melons LOL.

Alicia - Be careful sweety or you will have a nip slip.

Courtey and David - for supposedly looking like a loving couple she sure is far away from him.

Tea another one that doesn't know how to dress.

Diane & Joshua - cute couple.

Drew - I would have loved the dress if it wasn't for those weird things sticking out of you.

Unknown said...

I thought Courtney and David looked very nice, although their body language is...curious.

Christina Hendricks...uh. Wow. She is defying the laws of physics in that dress. I didn't know that much liftage was scientifically possible.

The expression on Carey's face reminds me of a mug shot. She looks very uncomfortable.

BigMama said...

Gotta give Christina credit though, she could give Maria Carey a lesson or two on how to flaunt the assets without looking like your wearing your 12 year old sisters dress.

MCH said...

Not a fan of Chloe's dress or her acceptance speech.

I think Courtney Cox looks great.

I forgot to mention (and I don't think there is a pic of him in all these GG Posts) but I am digging John Hamm's beard/scruff. Yummy!

chopchop said...

I guess I'm in the minority here but I love Chloe Sevigny's dress! I actually liked Tea Leoni's outfit too. Alicia Blablabla's dress was ill-fitting.

Becki said...

I like this site. I have been addicted to it for about 2 months. What I want to say is this- I can't understand how a entertainment lawyer would have enough time in the day to post things on this website once a day,much less multiple times. Also I have noticed that a lot of content and wording on here seems to be from a womans point of view. I am sorry but very few men care about fashion to the extent that Enty does,thats why I think this is a website ran by a woman,or maybe a man that lets women publish for him if he is busy. I do not think that the person who runs this site is a attorney at all. No attorney would have the time for this every single day,nor would a attorney publish the kind of things that are published here. That said, I don't care who runs this site,I enjoy it very much and would love to see more gossip and less about fashion.

nancer said...

i like drew's dress. so THERE. i think it's beautiful, fungus and all.

the best part of the night was when the escort stepped on chloe's dress and tore it. that has to be the biggest thing those guys try not to do.

BigMama said...

@ Becki - if you don't care then why did you bother posting it? makes no sense to me.

Maja With a J said...



Mango said...

Big Mama, you are so right! I was looking for the words to describe Drew's dress and "fungus" describes it to a T.

I'm also in the "Chloe Sevigny looks as if she smells" camp. I can't look at her without thinking of that scene in The Brown Bunny. Vincent Gallo looks like such a smelly dirt bag.

Becki, now you're starting to be boring. Your thoughts aren't original, we don't care, and then you post it again. Either sit back and enjoy the ride or get the fuck out.

BigMama said...

Thanks for the compliment Mango, but I can't take credit. Ent's tweet friend said it first. :)

ditto to the Becki....

Tara said...

The chick with Colin Farrell needs a better bodice to her dress. It makes her boobs look weird.

califblondy said...

Chloe's dress looked awesome when she walked to the stage. The material floated beautifully the whole time she moved. Then some poor guy stepped on the train, she stood still for her speech and suddenly the dress just looked weird. Why wear a dress with a train to a crowded place unless you're the bride??

Anonymous said...

harriet hellfire - wanting to motorboat that woman jut means your human!!

joshua jackson is bloody hot - i wish i didn't like diane kruger but i noticed that she understood risky gervais' humour and was openly laughing (with the sxy jj) so i can not hate her - i have decided she must have a brain and be fun underneath the po face and barbie dress - got to say she does always look better when accessorising with jj

RJ said...

My husband met Colin Farell while we were in CA over the New Year. Was around him for a little less than an hour. My hubby said he was really, really nice and in no way acted like anything other than just a regular guy. He said Colin is tiny, so I'm kind of glad I didn't get to meet him since short is a big turn off for me, and I've always thought Colin was yummy.

Thought Courteney Cox looked great. Even David looked nice and very normal!

My husband went ga-ga for Christina Hendricks last night. He said she was one of the few women there who looked like a real woman and not a prepubscent underweight boy.

Drew Barrymore - next time say "Thank you" and STFU. You made a fool of yourself. I mean really, girl, this ain't your first rodeo. Pull yourself together.

Anonymous said...

oh and becki i wasnt going to dignify your post with a response but writing an essay and then saying you dont care........ummmm right.

Pookie said...

chase got it right! gorgeous.

alicia bachleda: PULL UP BRA IS YOUR FRIEND. don't be scared.

diane the color, hate the dress. bummer.

drews dress was meant to be a joke, right?

MadLyb said...

Christina Hendricks is definitely one of my girl crushes. It's nice to see a woman who looks like a voluptuous confection instead of so many of those undernourished actresses who spend way too much time at the gym (and dipping in the coke). The only way I could get through the Golden Globes was to pull up Micheal K's drunk blogging. It was the first time I'd watched them and it was torture - I wouldn't have gotten through it otherwise. Drew's speech made me cringe, but Sandra Bullock made up for it.

shakey said...

What Chloe's speech reminded me of last night:

Sick sea cucumber. Good one, Kat!

I bet Christina gets any boy she wants with those. They're mesmerizing. I think they're real, too, based on how they bounced last night on stage.

I like what Téa's wearing - just not sure it's GG worthy. And I will say that this is the nicest I've seen Diane Kruger.

Nice to see Drew takes her pet hedgehogs out once in a while.

PJ Nelson said...

I have a girl crush on Christina Hendricks... but Colin Farrell looks hot, too :)

Katja said...

I swear I thought Drew was being funny. Then sadly and painfully I realized she was not.

Sandy looking at the 'ballot' to see if it really was her name was fantastic. The look on Jessica Langes face was so tremendously sad and weary. You could see that it dawned on her that her youth was gone and the torch was passed. She has amazing facial expressions.

Sara Bellum said...

Sharon Stone has done Tea's look several times, most notably at the 70th Academy Awards.

Sunnyhorse said...

Sharon Stone rocked the men's shirt-over-ballgown skirt look -- it was new, fresh, crisp, and interesting when she did it. Tea (and it pains me to say this, because I've always liked her anti-froufrou style) just looks rumpled and underdressed for the occasion.

I thought Carey Mulligan looked darling, but the dress was badly fitted and made her chest look saggy.


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