Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Gary Coleman Has Promotional Work - And Admitted To The Hospital

There was a report that Gary Coleman was admitted to a hospital here in LA this morning. He is going to be fine so it is ok to joke about what what his rep said. He said Gary was in town doing promotional work. Really? Someone is giving Gary work? The rep made it seem really casual like it happens all the time, but all I can imagine Gary doing is cutting the ribbon on some 99 cent store or judging a "What you talking about?" contest. I am glad he is going to be ok though.


  1. awww...come on, let's not begrudge this guy work where ever he can get it. so what if it's a 99¢ store....maybe he does a ton of those, we don't know. he's always had health issues and times are least he's not out dealing drugs or exploiting his former cast-mates (i'm talking to you, screech).

  2. if you do a ton of them, you will end up with at least a thousand bucks, so thats cool. (yeah i had to use the google calculator. so what?)

  3. Actually, I bet he works quite a bit. Just to show up at an opening or whatever...just my guess. If he were at a Subway in my neighbourhood, I'd totally show up with my camera.

  4. It might also be appearing at parties and whatnot.

    I can see him making some decent change for those kind of things.

    In Macenzie Phillip's book, she talked about in 2007-2008, at the height of her drug relapse, she got 5 grand to just appear at a party and mingle.

  5. Is he still married? Have they had sex yet?

  6. Anonymous12:32 PM

    LOL@sex yet.

    Coleman is a weird little guy.
