Thursday, January 14, 2010

Everybody Loves Charlie - Record Audience For Two And A Half Men

How do you get your biggest television audience of the year? Well one thing you may want to try is to have your star get arrested and charged with second-degree assault, menacing and criminal mischief against your wife. Apparently that worked for Charlie Sheen as his show got the highest ratings it has received all season this past week. About 17 million people decided to bring Charlie and his knife into their living room on Monday night which made the show number one for the night and were the most people to watch the show in well over a year.

Ummm, I understand there is no such thing as bad publicity, but I really don't understand the record numbers to watch the show. What people have done is to give Charlie and the show a boost and since this is a contract year for him, probably reward Charlie personally to the tune of an extra $1M a week or something. You can buy a lot of knives and booze with an extra $1M a week.


  1. Please don't tell me this will now start a domino effect through out Hollywood as every sitcom actor tries to mimic Charlie Sheen so their show can get ratings

  2. Anonymous12:10 PM

    i wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that it was the first night of new episodes for "cbs comedy mondays"

    i don't watch 2 1/2 men, but i watch HIMYM, accidentally on purpose and big bang - 2 1/2 men is right there in the middle of them, so my tv just stayed on that channel

  3. UGH! This is so infuriating.

    Hopefully what DJ said was right.

    Bad behavior getting rewarded... :/

  4. Don't forget guns. Charlie Sheen has an extensive private arsenal that would make the NRA blush.

    WTF is wrong with people?

  5. I don't for the life of me understand why/how people watch this crap show with some jackass of a human being as the lead actor, yet Arrested Development is the show that was canceled. The only thing I can think of is that Nielsen users are all over the age of 75 and only read U.S. news (non-entertainment) and obituaries.

  6. how on him and his insipid little show.

  7. i really wish i knew some of those nielsen people just s o that i could yell at them

  8. I simply don't find the show THAT funny, it's ok but john cryer sometimes seems too silly

  9. Humanity is doomed.

  10. I'm kind of surprised that show is still on television. But if the audience is stupid enough to keep watching, then they are also stupid to enough to keep swallowing the bullshit stories about his wives. Really Charlie? ALL those women are the ones with the problem? Funny how the crack head was good enough to marry, good enough to have children with, but suddenly now she's bad? Unless the whole reason you got involved with her in the first place was to protect your image during that divorce from your other wife, that "crazy" bitch. You couldn't possibly have anything, you are the lovable reformed bad boy! (Cue laugh track)

  11. Thanks for reminding me of the new episode! :D

  12. That show is so lame. I don't get it.

  13. My mother loves that show. I don't understand why. It's full of juvenile double-entendres. I'm just thankful that bad taste isn't genetic! :)

  14. I have never liked this show. The writing and acting are terrible. The only thing half-ass amusing are the bitchy Mother the housekeeper, which is funny 'cuz they certainly aren't part of the title.

  15. Who the f*ck is watching this crap?

  16. Love the mother, the rest sucks.

  17. i have friends who love this show and him, and no matter what he did, they'd still love him. i don't watch it and never have, but the fans of this show are serious about it.

  18. Is there no end to the bad taste of TV viewers? Blech!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. that show is not even funny. wow.

  21. I have never seen the show, but it certainly doesn't look like my style.
