Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Did Anyone Think Ben Affleck Was Sober?

Radar is reporting they saw Ben Affleck drinking with Tommy Lee Jones at some party at Sundance. They actually seemed shocked and thought he has been sober since 2001. Really? Does anyone think that? Maybe they are just trying to launch this into a larger story. I'm trying to recall in my memory how many times I remember reading drinking stories about him over the past 8 years. There have been a lot. Apparently though it was such a big deal to see Ben actually drinking that the PR people kicked out everyone with a camera before they could take a picture of Ben sucking back vodka. But, on the bright side he didn't go off with any strippers later.


  1. I think I'm smirking a little more at the fact that whoever was throwing this "glam" party at Sundance could only cough up about 2.00 for the 24-pack of Shasta soda! =)

  2. Isn't there a blind this might fit?

  3. I thought Ben addiction was really about gambling. Yes the alkihol fueled it. But I don't see a pack of cards in his hands so I guess he is OK.

    But the man can have a beer and undwind so he can make snotty little comments and throw his wife under the bus.

  4. Good eye, @Carissa. Ha!

  5. shit, i'm just disappointed tommy lee actually seems to be listening to him.

  6. @nancer: tommy probably just threw up in his mouth a little :D

  7. Hey Carissa, at least they sprung for at least two flavors. LOL.

    The Shasta cans caught my eye too and I'm also wondering what's the dark liquid in the carafe?

    I always feel like Ben hates his life. He hasn't looked good since he drove the Bentley in the Jenny From the Block video. Sorry, but I loved him in that.

  8. @ Carissa - LMFAO! You have an eagle eye, my friend! But listen closely, grasshopper...if drink is 90% Vodka, 10% Mixer, it could be Listerine and it would not matter what Vodka is mixed with! Now, take this pebble from my hand!

  9. But does it really matter what youre addiction what? I mean, if your addiction was drugs, you stay away from alcohol too - does that not go for gambling?

  10. All I can say is if the cola is cheap then the coke better be primo! LOL!

  11. Anonymous2:02 PM

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  12. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Wonder how long it will take for his wife to wise up and divorce him.

  13. no it doesn't matter what your addiction is, linnea. if you're a drunk, you can't do drugs. if you do drugs, you can't drink. he probably drank when he gambled---he starts one, it will lead him right back to his 'drug' of choice if it's gambling.

  14. There is a rumor that he is in an outpatient sex rehab.

  15. meh, who cares?
    that's two of my favorite men right there!
    since tommy's drinking wine, i'll guess the carafe is red wine or ice tea, whoever asked that.
    and i don't ever remember hearing ben was on the wagon, with either booze or gambling. i could be totally wrong, but i think kevin smith has mentioned card games and or drinking in regards to affleck sometime in the past 8 years.

  16. Fun Fact- Charlie Sheen drove Ben Affleck to Rehab in 2001 for.....ALCOHOL


  17. Jeez, when Charlie Sheen takes you to rehab, you have a problem!

  18. Tommy seems to be attempting to screen him out (or maybe it's just his breath he's avoiding).
