Wednesday, January 06, 2010

David Duchovny Became A Sex Addict At 6

In an interview with Bang Showbiz, David Duchovny says that he became a sex addict at 6. I didn't know there was such a thing as sex at 6. I don't know if he really believes this or its something he told his wife Tea Leoni or if he is communicating out loud to Tiger Woods so Tiger can make up his own similar story.

According to David, he said that he would be a brat in first grade so his teacher would touch him. Really? "I always ran around extra wildly, so that she had to catch and grab me. Sex, to me, means I can forget myself. It's just the moment. I heard that skiing is even better than sex. It could be possible - but I'm not a skier."

Skiing better than sex? No, but a really good bacon bacon double cheeseburger could be. That is one of the problems with In-N-Out. No bacon. It is about the only problem with In-N-Out. Oh, but wait we were talking about sex addiction. Maybe one of you is an expert but this seems kind of ridiculous. Did he go back and have this memory? At six was he thinking if I can get in trouble my teacher will grope me?


  1. first of all, wtf? he was a brat so his teacher molested him, turning him into a sex addict?? i'm confused, dear david and i think you may be, too.

    secondly, i don't live near and in-n-out but it is appalling that they don't have bacon. simply appalling.

  2. Ah yes, the sex addict defense. My ex-husband told me the same thing. He said that when he was 6, he was the chief surgeon in his class and all the little girls would wait in line patiently for him to examine them. His mother thought it was cute. He tried to use that to explain his dalliances. He's history.

    DD is just looking for publicity, in my opinion and riding the sex train to do it. His Californication series is getting old like he is.

    Note to Enty: I really have to get back to work and you're making it very difficult for me to do so! Your postings are distracting and make it hard for me to focus on my job. I will use you as my defense. See how great it works? I'm not are! I guess I realy am not responsible. How ironic.

  3. i have always wanted to try the in and out burger. when we decide to move back, i will make sure to get it.

    also, dd is just being an idiot, i think. or maybe i am just ignorant in the world of sex addicts.

  4. i just re-read my comment and realized that yes, molestation probably could turn someone into a sex addict or someone with sexual issues. i had bacon on the brain, hm?

    ahem. let me rephrase:

    is he saying the teacher actually molested him or that he put sexual meaning into her discipline? that's what i was confused about.

  5. Is he holding a coffee mug over his sex addition tool?

  6. once again...*everything TheWatcher said*...spooky watcher, why are you in my head?!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Pookie, you're my new hero. I was just thinking that every boy who was in David's class will now be trying to remember that teacher's name so they can call the Enquirer to tell their own made up story to compliment his. I'm seeing dollar signs and they aren't in Kesha's name.

    As for GaGa, I thought it was just me. I get scared when I see some of these people perform. I thought Marilyn Manson was scary to look at, but then again, I though Alice Cooper was horrifying when I first saw him. Geez, I'm old.

    I HAVE to get off this page and get to work! I also now have to go to In N Out and get a double double! THANKS A LOT, ENTY!!! Yes, I'm yelling at you.

  9. gary sizemore does the teacup over the manhood much better.

  10. is anyone else curious now about how he and his wife handle the discipline in thier household? I mean, the man just admitted that being punished by his teacher was a sexual rush. I am very disturbed by this.

  11. I became a bacon addict at 6. My teacher would hold me down and rub bacon on me.

    Seems about as likely, doesn't it?

    ("Bacon is the fairy dust of food. Bippity-boppity-bacon." - Jim Gaffigan)

  12. Damnit, I'm trying to be good eating some instant oatmeal and now I want a well-done number 2, no onion, no tomato. FYI, InNOuters, if you ask for well-done fries they come out better.

    Oh ya, as for DD, I still love him in "Return To Me", but he comes across as too smug in real life. Being a sex addict at 6 years old is too disturbing for my taste.

  13. Actually, skiing IS better than sex in terms of forgetting yourself and being completely in the moment. It's one of those activities where you can enter the state of "flow," where your focus is so intense that nothing else exists.

    Sadly, I've never quite reached that state with sex.

  14. The famous nutritionist, Adele Davis, said bacon is not a food. It’s a condiment.

  15. Call me old fashioned, but I think it's pretty dis respectful to the wife and kids to get all in-depth about your sex addiction to international press...

  16. Just defending the teacher a bit... the quote says "she had to catch and grab" him, it doesn't say grope. Whether or not that kind of contact turned him on at 6 is another story

  17. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I think there's something wrong with him. And he has a face like some poorly kneaded dough.

  18. While I do think 6 year olds can have sexual feelings, I don't think they can identify them as such at that tender age. I didn't read "grope" in that statement. When you're little and you like someone, you probably just want to hold hands.

  19. Also, Californication is one of my favourite shows ever.

  20. LOL at Babs. . .

    and to think I used to find Duchovny sexy (on the X-Files). Now, blecchh.

    We have nothing similar to In-and-Out in the TX/OK area. What is so awesome about them?

  21. I don't care about DD BUT, burgers are another story. when I lived in Calif, I didn't really like In-and-Out or Tommy's. I liked Cousins burgers in Santa Clarita Valley. YUM.

  22. Momster, apparently there is one in Austin and one in OKC...I am from Dallas and thought that I saw one here not too long ago.

    They are supposed to be the bestest burger ever.

  23. Oh, and Califblondy, I told my husband that when I die, he has to mourn like DD's character in Return to Me. He's got one year to be in pain and not date. But, unlike DD's character, my husband is allowed to have sex, as long as there's no emotional attachment. Yeah, that should work well ;-)

  24. Maybe, David's parents caught him playing with himself when he was little and caused him to associate sex with shame. Perhaps, he was abused. Or possibly, he is full of shit. Who knows?

  25. Good luck with that! LOL.

  26. @momster & Preciousredtx - i'm in houston and personally, i think we got lucky with chick fil a. i'm okay with no in-n-out in houston as long as i can always get chick fil a. well, except on sundays.

  27. i love Californication as well. not sure what to think about DD's statements though...

    a new burger place just opened right behind my apartment building where they serve spiked milkshakes. 3 shots of booze in ice creamy thing. ever.

    i got a little drunk waiting for my order last time, lol.

  28. I've seen the first season of Californication and the show glorifies the same behavior Duchovny apparently lives in his regular life and is struggling to change.

    Hasn't he been the top choice for some blind items about sleeping with co-stars, extras and sexually harassing the female lead?

    If he was truly committed to changing his sexual behavior, he'd leave the show or have it toned way down. Contract or no contract.

    Perhaps he is saying he learned to modify his interactions with females to encourage a physical relationship and this eventually turned into a sex addiction.

  29. I love Chick-fil-A. Yummy waffle fries. But I have to drive 45 minutes to get there, sigh.

    Grew up in DFW area and lived 13 years in Houston. I miss TX!

    Back to the regular scheduled David Duchovny post. . .while I eat left over homemade mac&cheese, lol.

  30. This sort of ridiculousness from David isn't worth acknowledgement, so instead I will ask: Does In n Out do veggie burgers?

  31. No, but they do have grilled cheese sandwiches. A great one.

  32. Those are good burgers, Enty.

  33. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Mmmm, Chick-fil-A! It seems, though, that the only time I get the real hongries for them is on Sunday. By Monday the feeling passes.

  34. empyrios, that sounds AMAZING! And how sneaky. :)

    As for D playing that character on Californicaton, it did surprise me that he went back. If you are an alcoholic, would you stay on a show that is basically ONLY about drinking? I think I would find that hard.

  35. Chick-Fil-A grilled chicken with pickles! I'm getting hungry!

    And I love their commercials, with the cows holding up signs - "Eat Mor Chikn"...

  36. Thanks, Ent :) I'll try one next time I'm down.

  37. there isn't an in n out in OKC because I just checked. A commercial director I work with (he's from the east coast but we have worked in LA as well) always requests burgers for his meals. If he can't get an in n out (which you can't here) he goes for a good Irma's burger.

    sorry I shouldn't be talking food since I just had lunch but I heard bacon and started to drool!

    Back to DD. I LOVE his wife but man, never really got the appeal of him (non-x files watcher here.)

  38. There are many burger heavens in Austin, but I don't remember any In-N-Out.

    And is there no love for Whataburger?!?

    OT--I think DD is just reaching as deep as he can to to make excuses about his assy behavior whilst evading responsibility.

  39. Hmmm...not sure i am buying the teacher comment, at least the way it was phrased. Maybe he was molested though??

    I do not find DD attractive at all, but am a fan of the coffee cup over the penis look.

    No fair, I don't have In & Out Burger where I am. We do have Five that comparable?

  40. Thanks, people, now I've got a serious Chick Fil A craving.

    There are two close by me and thank god they are. I can't even look at McD's or BK artery-clogging goodness without gagging.

  41. To all my fellow texans I send a big

    WHAT UPP!!!

    I'm totally ignoring DD's article right now.

  42. Say what???? I find his explanation disturbing. He seems to be making light of what I would consider molestation.

    And what's with the teacup? Ewww, a cup of tea will never taste the same again. Couldn't he have at least used a more manly prop, like a beer stein or something?

  43. CHEEBURGER CHEEBURGER in the Denver area is pretty good, but no in-n-out. Alas.

  44. i've heard enough of it to believe this is some bullshit his therapist put in his head.

    david told a story and whoever he's paying way too much interpreted it this way and now he believes it.

  45. or, his wife believes it, and thats enough

  46. This is David Duchovny. Fox Mulder AND Hank Moody are two of my favourite people in the (make believe) world! DD can say whatever he wants, ridiculous as it may be, and I'll read it. Because a day with David Duchovny gossip is a happy day for me :). hehe.

  47. Thanks to whoever suggested the well done fries. I'm eating them right now. YUM!

    Had to look up locations on the website. In & Out are in CA, AZ, Vegas/Henderson and Salt Lake City.

  48. I don't have an In-and-Out joint near me either, but we do have a couple of Chick-Fil-A's. Best. Milkshakes. Ever!!! Thick with whipped cream and a cherry on top!

    Now what was the topic? Oh,

  49. Man, that teacup picture is OLD. I remember the reaction when it was first circulated online, so many years ago...

    OK, I don't think David is saying he was molested. He would run around like a wild child so his teacher would stop him. He acted out on purpose to get this response from her. I really don't think the teacher was doing anything wrong -- esp. by standards back in the day, now teachers are a lot more careful about how they touch kids, out of fear of false accusations of being inappropriate. But I still think my mom, an elementary school teacher, would grab a kid who was running around the classroom, how else do you stop them? Would it be better if she tripped him?

  50. Thank you Moxie.

    It's funny to me, that he went from getting squeezed by a woman who wasn't his mother to being squeezed by women who are not his wife.
    He knows himself; I have to trust that he means that this is all sexual. But it's kind of interesting, if you take out the sex.

  51. I am suprised he didn't say he got turned on by the letter B.

    I wonder if THE teacher got creeped out reading this. It does make me wonder about him equating discipline with sex.

  52. lol @ ardleigh. Good point. Somewhere out there, Duchovny's Grade 1 teacher thinking "What the fuck?!?"

  53. Here in the hinterlands of NW Ohio, we don't have In and Out. We have a Five Guys, but I don't like it; too greasy. The best burgers around here are from Red Coat in Royal Oak, MI. I will drive more than an hour to have one.

    I love the X-Files. Absolutely love that show. I love the relationship between Mulder and Scully. I also liked DD in the movie Kalifornia, but I don't like him personally. How weird is that? And I can't stand Tea Leoni. She used to be on a sitcom on Fox a long time ago and the set-up was that she just so hot and wonderful. I don't think so. She looks like a dude.

  54. I read one of the original interviews in German that all these bogus interviews are coming from. He didn't say he was a sex addict at 6. It was a BS headline that has made the rounds because it made a more entertaining headline than the truth (as usual). He told an innocent story about having a crush on his teacher. What little boy doesn't? It was the so called "journalists" who took it in the "sex addict" direction. Complete BS.

  55. Good to hear, Kate.

    He probably always liked women touching him because it felt *sensual* (blogger back to not allowing me italics). He loves the ladies.

    I think this season of Californication was him getting through his shit - explaining to his lovers that it's over, he's back with his wife. At the end it all fell apart because he was forced to divulge the one secret he knew she could never forgive him for.

  56. Let me just say that back in the day I was more than willing to help Mulder 'believe'

  57. A man I know once told me that when he was 3-4 he would watch this lady on PBS-type television. She had long hair and big boobs and played the harp. He was really into her, but being so little he didn't know what to do, how to do it, etc. I think that is what DD was saying. He would get horny before he knew what to do about it. A feeling--an urge.

    Now about burgers.

    You have no effing idea of what a good burger is until you come to Matt's Bar in Minneapolis and order a big basket of delicious fries and a Jucy Lucy. A burger with the most delicious cheese INSIDE ever. Oh, and it cannot be recreated simply by putting cheese inside a burger. You must have the special grill that has cooked thousands of those greasy ass burgers and...oh, I cannot talk about it anymore. I am too hungry. If you ever go...word of warning: you and the people with you must eat the entire basket of fries (or wait the amount of time that it would take most people to eat that) before you eat the burger. My husband and I like to watch newbies get third degree burns on their face and laugh at them. The waitress will tell you that there is hot cheese inside but people that don't know better never seem to listen.
