Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which pop star claims her recent rapid weight loss is all down to non-stop touring?

It's actually due to her addiction to diet pills - and she balloons when she comes off them...


  1. Why is this a blind? I am sure they all use something to take off the weight and keep it off at least temporarily.

  2. All of them. But this is totally Janet Jackson's MO. Has she toured recently?

  3. Now about Michael K's coke bottle blind...................

  4. lol montana!

    i have no idea...who's been touring a lot? i guess i'll go with miley, she was sick a month or so ago blaming non stop touring.

  5. MontanaMarriot, you're onto something.

    My coke-dealing neighbor in Miami Beach used to do a brisk trade with models and t.v. types who did coke instead of food. It would almost be better for them to do the amphetamine pills instead -- it works for Angelina Jolie. Heck, they should buy some children while they're at it.

  6. well, this has to be a british celeb right? and in that case i have no idea.

    honestly, i have picked up some british gossip mags a couple of times (they are a lot easier to come by than the american ones) and i still have no idea who half the people in them are!

    and goodgrief - im TOTALLY with you. if that is ever revealed, i will be happy forever and ever

  7. Brit-brit has been touring and frankly puffs up a bit when she isn't in the studio dancing.

  8. Lily Allen?

    she's been looking slimmer as of late....

  9. I'm with the Janet Jackson guess. All of them go up and down with weight, but Janet is the only one who has gone from super-trim to "holy smokes!" big repeatedly over the last 20 years.

  10. I'm going to guess Cheryl Cole from Girls Aloud, X-Factor, etc. She did an interview where she claimed touring caused her to lose weight.

    When contrasted with Lily Allen's description of the crap available on tour and what I know about having to travel a lot for business, I think Lily's telling the truth here and that Cheryl is the subject of the Daily Mirror blind.

  11. oh tea lady. I have heard of her! I think you might be right.

  12. I like the Janet Jackson guess.

  13. @ cdanluva - You made me LOL!

    I wonder what diet pills the BI uses? I could use some to get off some of this Xmas weight (that I've been carrying around since my first Xmas...)

  14. @ Mango:

    My guess is Phentermine. You can't be on it for too long, so when she goes off, she gets the rebound weight gain.

  15. Janet, cuz yeah, that girl is capable of gaining/losing like 50 POUNDS in the space of a couple of months! Unbelievable! (and unhealthy)

    I still love me some Janet though...

  16. My first thought was Kelly Clarkson, but I don't know if she's shed weight and/or currently touring.

  17. I like the Britney guess.

  18. OK, wait... what ARE the diet pills exactly??? LOL

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I think maybe it's Jessica Simpson. She's had a well documented issue with weight loss/gain.

  21. I love Phentermine, the weight just melted right off me. It is like legal coke. But sadly the effects only last so long.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. @ Mango - "I could use some to get off some of this Xmas weight (that I've been carrying around since my first Xmas...)"

    That's really funny...;-D

  24. Is Janet touring though? I didn't think she was, especially with MJ's passing. And what does she have to promote?

    I don't think Britney. Although she has definitely popped diet pills in the past, she is under medical care because of her mental heath problems and the prescriptions she takes. I don't think they'd allow her to take diet pills given her past addictions, and they might interfere with her current medication.

    Cheryl Cole is the best guess, IMO.

  25. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Ugh, I love this woman so I hate to say it:

    Lady Gaga. Saw her in Camden in December. She looked so skinny. I love her because she had such an athetic hot body build (ya know, with meat on her legs). Now she looks twiggy.

    And she's touring like mad.

  26. @O - With you on the Lady Gaga guess. She is rail thin all of the sudden.

  27. The problem with the Cheryl Cole guess is that she never really balloons. She doesn't ever seem to put on any significant amount of weight, in other words.

  28. I agree with O, too. She wasn't always that thin.
