Friday, January 01, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

Friday, December , 2009

#3 - In related news, this former B list television actress and now a well known D has a side gig as a business person. Not wanting anyone to know who she is when she calls she uses a different name other than her very recognizable real one.

#4 - What mom and former A list television actress and now a C list joke answered her front door to trick or treaters in a shirt that exposed all when she reached for candy. Moms and dads were not amused. OK, well maybe the dads were amused. I mean she is again but they probably still took a look.

#3 - Soleil Moon Frye
#4 - Pamela Anderson


  1. Soleil makes sense, I thought her husband was well to do with a production company with Ashton Kutcher?

    and Pam, oh Pam time to button your shirts.

  2. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I know someone guessed Pam...actually several did. So predictable and so, well, pathetic. I would hate to think at her age (and I'm getting closer all the time) that the only thing worth knowing me for were my appendages. She needs to get a 2nd wind and find another way to channel her energy, for her sons' sake as well as her own!

  3. Does Soliel still own that children's store? Isn't her husband rolling in dough?

    If she has a side job, it can't be because she needs the money IMO

  4. By Business person i thought Enty meant the kind of "business person" Julia Roberts was in 'Pretty Woman' lol

  5. Good for Soleil -- yes, she does own that children's store.

  6. #4 was quickly figured out, but Ol Cranky was first:

    Ol Cranky said...
    #4's got to be Pam Anderson, there doesn't seem to be anyone skankier than she is

    dunno about the rest

    2:33 PM

    and #3 ftw:

    Katja said...
    #3 Soleil Moon Frye? In 2007, Frye, along with two friends, opened The Little Seed, an environmentally-conscious children's specialty boutique in Los Angeles

    8:23 AM

    Good job!!!

  7. I feel so bad for Pam's kids. I truly do.

  8. The business can't be for the store though IMO, because she regularly promotes it and is an owner, so she isn't hiding that.

  9. it's good that punky brewster choses to use her brain and not live off of hubby's moolah. mo' money in her pocket.

  10. I agree, QS. Just seems odd to me that whatever she is doing, she feels the need to hide it.

  11. maybe she believes that no one would take her seriously and getting too many punky brewster questions?? lol.

  12. I've shopped in her children's store. Everyone knows who owns it. What's to hide?

  13. Owning a store is different than having to actually work for it and make sales calls.

  14. I really don't like fake boobs at all, but Pams are even beyond the normal nast. Her nipples are about 4 inches further north than where they would be on a normal breast. Horrendous.

  15. WOW!! It does feel exciting when you guess one correctly... wow!

  16. Soleil Moon Frye is Punky Brewster???!
