Friday, January 01, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

Monday, December 21, 2009

So, this A list singer who is married to an A list movie actress was in a music store over the weekend and was looking at guitars and trying some of them out. Also in the store at the same time was a teenager who was looking at effects pedals. The specific one the kid was looking at cost about $500 which is pretty pricey for a pedal.

Anyway our singer and the teen talked for awhile and then the singer ended up buying a guitar for himself. While he was at the counter paying he told the cashier to also charge the effects pedal to his credit card and to tell the teen Merry Christmas.

#1 - A list singer
#2 - A list actress

#1 - Keith Urban
#2 - Nicole Kidman


  1. Seriously, these are the best!

  2. i thought enty revealed this one already. Or did it come out on another website.

    Keith seems like a great guy. But i'm really not a fan of Nicole Kidman. She would of told the kid to fuck off.

  3. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Yay for Keith! I love him.

  4. I had a feeling it was them. que lindos!

  5. That was all over the news and wasn't really a blind.

  6. Oh for pete's sake .. I outed this Blind the day it was posted. WE deserve an extra reveal for this one!!

    ; )

  7. Someone posted a link to the reveal in the original comments. No surprise.

    I don't care for his music or his taste in women, but good on him.

  8. Nicole Kidman is a frosty bitch. She would have NEVER done this for a kid...ever. Her husband, on the other hand, has always been portrayed as a nice guy. What I wouldn't give to know the whole story of their relationship. Perhaps it's just me...but something is off there.

  9. Okay ... I thought for sure I had posted the link to the story out of Nashville on the story .. but I will be f*cked if I see it in my original post! : (

  10. Loved this BI. :-) Really great guy, and he made the kid's Christmas.


  11. Jennifer said...
    Keith Urban/Nicole Kidman?

    1:02 PM

    Jennifer was first :)

  12. What a great man! I will always love Nicole.

  13. Anonymous7:21 PM

    What a sweet and thoughtful thing to do. Although this blind item is old I always love it when celebrities do nice things for ordinary folk.

  14. nicole kidman does not bother me. keith could have had any woman he wanted, but he chose her.

    but nicole can't open a movie for shit.

  15. Anonymous9:50 PM

    for all we know nicole could be a really sweet and kind person too, we just don't know because she's been given this "image." she's probably just very private and kind of reserved, people read that the wrong way a lot of times. i am a pretty private person and people have thought that i was bitchy and snotty when that actually couldn't be farther from the truth.

    i'm just sayin....

    there's also that old saying that "water seeks it's own level." i think if he's a kind and generous person who chose to have a family with her and marry her she probably is also a decent person.

  16. Anonymous10:00 PM

    i actually have a personal Nicole Kiddman story.....
    this was probably 6-7yrs ago but my grandmother and my aunt were shopping in barney's in new york and they decided to get something to eat at the restaurant place in there. while they were eating my grandmother said these 2 women walked in and she knew instantly that they were movie stars or something because of how tall and beautiful they both were. you have to understand that my grandmother is this very eccentric, kind of crazy woman with a little bit of money and really enjoys the finer things in life, and the arty-er kinds of things. she's had her own dance studio for 45yrs and used to be the weather bunny for the baltimore news station back in the day...anyway...she's a little crazy but in a good way... so these 2 tall, beautiful women end up sitting pretty much right next to my grandmother and my aunt and my grandmother takes it upon herself at some point during lunch to tell the one woman how beautiful she looks and asks her if she is in any movies....and that's all fine and dandy except the person that she asks that to is nicole kiddman's SISTER!!! not nicole kiddman!!! my aunt is obviously kind of embarressed and flustered but she said nicole and her sister were both really kind of funny and sweet about it and very charming and they ended up having a really nice little conversation together.

    so as i was opening my xmas presents that year apparently whatever i was opening had come from barney's and my grandmother thew that story out at me because she had bought whatever it was that same day. i, of course, was floored and was really excited and also couldn't believe she didn't know who the hell nicole kidman was. but anyway, there's my little story and that's why i think maybe she's nicer than people let on because she was apparently terribly charming and sweet with my grandmother and aunt when in fact she could have been a total B I T C H. :)

    sorry for rambling's a bad habit of mine! can't help it even when i DO try!!!!

  17. nice! but he was a serial cheater before her daughter!

    my trouble with nicole Kidman is her bad plastic surgeon(she must have the same doctor than Meg Ryan)

  18. Anonymous8:25 PM

    thanks@ lana and pomme. it doesn't suprise me that they had a "celebrity sighting" while at barney's or anything, but you just kind of have to know my grandmother. she's a little out of touch with modern tv and movies...but she's knows her broadway and musicals. i guess it goes with the territory of being a dance teacher for all those years and a self-professed 75yr old "fag hag!" she's just funny and doesn't give a crap what people think or say, which is very endearing, and also leads to ridiculous stories like this one!!!!!!

    i mean, really, who doesn't know who heck NICOLE KIDDMAN IS?!?!?!? i also can't even imagine how horrified my aunt probably was, since she definately knows who she is :) and just to clarify, my grandmother thought her sister must have been the movie star or celebrity because she said that she thought #1) the sister was prettier and also really tall but #2) her sister was the one of the two that seemed more outgoing and bubbley she said that Nicole was quiet and shy and reserved and didn't think you could be a movie star if you were quiet and shy and reserved. so in her book, her sister has the "it factor" and Nicole was just a "wallflower"

    i actually called her today and asked her to tell me the story again, and she said again how sweet and nice they both were the entire time-to my grandmother and my aunt, and to the servers, AND to a few people who asked to take a photo even though my grandmother said she didn't have a whole lot of makeup on but still was "by far the most beautiful two women in the room!" i've heard being wealthy beyond belief can have that effect on people. lol!

  19. How sweet.. I know I'm late on this one, but wow, really nice.
