Friday, January 01, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This fairly young C list television actress who used to be B and also has had her shot at movies as a lead walked into a show this week. She had arranged for a front row seat, but when she walked in and saw all kinds of Real Housewives mess she decided that she was waaay too good for them. She decided to share this information with the rest of the tent and said it very loudly and very clearly so the whole place could hear. She then turned around and walked out. Of course at the rate of one project a year for our actress she probably should have stayed and asked if she could guest star on their show.

Amanda Bynes


  1. oh bynes. get over yourself

  2. wasn't the popular guess rachel bilson?

    and amanda bynes...what is it that you do?

  3. wow, I thought this one was Hayden's beard.

  4. Isn't she the one the Enty says wears the same dress over and over?

  5. I too thought this was Bilson.

  6. What a little snot. Though I must admit, in a way, I can't blame her.

  7. hahaha, i can't really blame her! i hate real housewives.

  8. This makes me sad. I used to like her, now not so much.

  9. The name seems familiar, but I couldn't tell you what she does though?!

    Get over yourself, love.

  10. I don't know, if I was a legitimate actress (no matter how much work I get), I wouldn't want to be around a bunch of trashy reality stars either. She could have gone about it a better, though.

  11. Where does she get her entitlement from? What is it that she does?

  12. Geez, I bet she can't even get bedroom time with the Weinsteins. I have a feeling she will fade completely away.

  13. *sigh* I really thought she was above that. How disapointing

  14. Yep I was convinced this was Bilson. I love it when I'm surprised by the reveal. Well, not "surprised" but just not who I thought.

  15. ughs, really?! I love amanda bynes. sigh. although... have you seen her on the cover of this month's cosmo? yikes. trying to get away from her little girl image much?

  16. awww i hate hearing this.. My daughter loves her.. For all those asking who she is, she is a Nickelodeon star (All That & The Amanda Show) that went on to that TV show What I like about you..

  17. Team Amanda all the way. Real Housewives? I would have left too rather than be associated with them.

  18. poor bynes. although the housewives would definently be more popular than her now too.

  19. I would have done the same, and I'm not even a C list actress!

    I like Amanda.

  20. I don't blame her, regardless of how often she works. She at least does work! Why are all of these reality "stars" famous again? Have any of them done anything worthy of note?

  21. I sit around reading gossip blogs and eating bonbons all day, and I wouldn't want to be seen in the same type of place they would frequent either. Just sayin...

  22. pale- Rachel Bilson was the most popular guess by far. Even I thought this was her. Enty, you got us good.

    Dr. Spaceman- I agree. She should have said something like may I be moved to the other side. Many people lack diplomacy.

  23. I'm kinda on Amanda's side. The housewives are for the most part complete wastes of space. At least Amanda has a modicum of talent.

  24. Amanda Bynes was in Hairspray. And why in hell would a legitimate actress voluntarily drop down in the food chain to realty-level talent. It makes no sense. You shouldn't be bitching at her. Rather bitch at the agent/talent booker that even set this thing up. By the way, New Year's Eve in Copabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil was awesome lsat night and this morning. I even got to kiss a hot man from Sao Paulo, full on the lips.

  25. by no means am I taking the real housewives side (I'm a reality show junkie and even I can't stand those train wrecks) but I think it's one thing to not want to sit by them or be associated with them, but another to not only bitch about it loudly but turn and walk out.

    just sayin'.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Can't say I blame her.

    Have no idea if the messes there were NY or NJ, but those NJ women are total disgraces to the state...though not as bad as the Jersey Shore cast.

  28. Oops, I take that back. Most of them are not from NJ, but people assume they are.

  29. Just goes to show that Nickelodean stars don't realize how close they are to these scripted "reality" stars. They're just aimed at a younger audience where the kids run the show and everything is Caraazy! Making money doesn't mean you're a real star.

  30. I agree with Ms. Bynes, though I don't think that I would have announced it publicly. As someone else stated, if you're a legitimate actress why would you want to be associated with the trash of Real Housewives. Now if it were Desperate Housewives, that would have been another story.

    I think it's much different than the AnnaLynne McCord sense of entitlement.

  31. Damn, I sure thought this was Bilson.

  32. I wish this hadn't been her. I can understand the feeling (why should Real Housewives be treated so well?), but she could've just left without making such a scene.

  33. I like her...but yikes. She needs to check that attitude.

  34. Have you guys seen her new blond hairdo? (She was on the cover of some rag recently.) She now looks completely generic. I really don't get why all these actresses want to look identical!

  35. cdanluva was right first:

    cdanluva said...
    Amanda Bynes

    3:12 PM

  36. Pic on this page shows you all you need to know about her lack of class.

    Interesting but unsurprising story there of how her "handler", apparently named Dayna D’Itria, tried to arrange for a Boston bat to serve her alcohol when she was 19. They declined and the handler said -- in PUBLIC -- “I spoke to the manager, and I thought we had an understanding.” How the hell is she going to say that in public??

  37. BAR, it was a Boston bar.
    Not a bat. But you probably knew that.

  38. I thought Amanda Bynes was safe. Did something happen?

  39. I wouldn't have walked out because I wouldn't have recognized any of them.

  40. @ TheGoldenSockPuppet - LOL, I thought "bat" was some sort of trendy nickname for "bartender".

    I always thought AB was so cute. My nephews used to watch her show on Nick and I thought she had real promise as a comedic actress.

    I personally would have taken my seat next to the Housewifes, kept my mouth shut and tried to soak up some of their inane blatherings. Then I would have tried to steal Jill's $36,000 handbag.

  41. I don't blame her. If I were an actress (and she is a legit actress, she's carried tween movies based on her own name, had her own TV show and has a dedicated tween fan base), I wouldn't want to hang out with the Housewives either. They're gross and famous for what - being rich and gossipy? Bynes is better than that for sure.

  42. Ohhhh, she's just a baby. I saw her a few months ago with her gay bf at Party City getting Halloween stuff. She was adorable.
