Friday, January 01, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What Pitchfork-magazine indie-music darling swears he doesn't drink, but was seen in Brooklyn Friday night downing martini after martini? Of course, he's also said he's following up his 2005 hit album with 48 albums more along the same theme and that hasn't exactly come to pass either.

Sufjan Stevens


  1. Never heard of this dude and my daughter listens to indi music.

  2. I've been waiting for these reveals for weeks and I'm feeling a little disheartened. So far they've either been the easiest ones or people I don't even know or care about...or lame ones (Charlize Theron ALMOST hit How about some JUICY ones.

  3. i doubt the juiciest ones will come this early in the day. happy to wait, i'm sure they're coming...

  4. I usually at least recognize the name, but I'm totally on the "WHO?" train with this one.

  5. I agree with eticket. i know there are many more to come but so far...i'm unimpressed.

  6. Sufjan used to say he was going to make albums themed on each of the 50 states; he hasn't done much of anything recently. He's written a some good songs, but I've not ever understood the worshipful cult status he has enjoyed.

    Not surprised he isn't all he claims to be.

  7. 48 albums? Who is this guy, Jandek?

  8. I had to wiki him and still have no clue who he is. I guess Enty clue was this guy claimed he was going to make an album for each state. The 50 states project. It seemed the guy never followed through and claimed it was a "joke".

  9. This one makes me sad. Sufjan's pissing his talent away.

  10. As a sometimes Pitchfork reader, I do see why this was a blind originally but he's always been a douchebag so lying about booze doesn't surprise me.

  11. agreed reese, his music is ok but nothing to write home about.

  12. I know. I'm hoping he's waiting until later to hit us with the juicy ones. I want to hear about Carrie Underwood wishing a kid in a wheelchair better, or how a particular Golden Globe actresses cheats on her fiance. I still think that's Emily Blunt.

  13. By the way, for the posters above complaining about reveals. First, FUCK YOU! Second, how many other gossip bloggers ever reveal their blind items no matter how hard or easy.

    If you don't like what Enty is doing then Fuck Off and go read Perez Hilton.

    We appreciate what Enty does and are happy to read reveals and comment on them.

  14. Ok - I am caught up. Never heard of this guy.

    Happy New Year, everyone!!!! Anything's got to be better than last year, for me.

  15. Hey Enty -
    Thanks for all the hard work you put into the site all year.

  16. Oh I hope you don't think I'm complaining. I'm still enjoying the reveals. Sorry if it came across like I was.

  17. sorry Amanda I don't mean you I meant Eticket.

  18. Seth said...
    Sufjan Stevens

    2:09 PM

    Seth is the wiener!!! Good job, Seth!

  19. Thanks Apple. Very nicely put. I think they are pretty good so far.

    Now Enty, about coke mom....

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  21. ...oh, forgot to add, put me on the Who? train.

  22. let's not turn on each other :P

    I'm sure juicier ones are coming!

  23. meow these kitties have claws! Miss likes! Happy New Years you funny posters and happy new years to you Enty! xoxo

  24. Eticket: Begone, o ye of little faith! Enty: Keep 'em coming!

  25. apple,
    awesome one else reveals anything...and it takes cojones to reveal ANY blind
    to the "unimpressed" make your own d*mn blog and do your own reveals if you dont like this one.

  26. thank you jebus for bringing me Apple,so i don't have to be the hardass this

  27. Apple, I'm a devoted reader of this site and have been for about two years. I love CDAN but I think we reserve the right to express some disappointment with these rather (well, I suppose IMHO)lackluster "reveals". It's disrespectful when a reader feels they have to throw others under the bus just because they don't share the same opinion as them.

    Telling us fellow readers "FUCK YOU!" for saying we personally find these reveals is a bit hypocritical, you know?

  28. Not looking to start a fight with anyone. I reacted emotionally.

    I love everybody at this site and think it's a lot of fun to dish about celebs.

    My mom taught me when someone gives us a gift. i.e. Enty you shouldn't complain about it. But she taught me not to say Fuck You also.


  29. Sigh...feel the love. It's not the holidays until the family fights. :) you all!

  30. Sufjan Stevens is my favorite artist... almost ever. At the same time I am not at all surprised that you guys don't know who he is.

    I still love him even if he lies about his habits. No.. actually I love him more for drinking haha. I hate how straight laced he is, so WIN!

  31. Or how bout we all stop complaining and appreciate enty for doing this period, no matter how much we bitch and complain or defend, this is awesome. so blah be blah to you all, and happy new year!

  32. Thanks Apple. I agree with what you wrote except maybe the "F-- Y--". However, the spirit in which it was written was definitely appreciated. Much unlike the appreciation that isn't given to ENTY for revealing ANY of the blinds. He doesn't have to, but he does. Instead of complaining, try not saying anything -- or go to Perez Hilton who, I think, it a huge lavender turd.

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  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Who is this person?

  36. I just googled him. His website is really busy and has a lot going on.

  37. Sorry, everyone, but Sufjan had one of the best albums of the decade. If you haven't heard of him, that's nobody's fault but your own. That being said, he touts Christian values and gives off a quite untouchable/holier than thou vibe, so for him to be seen slamming back some serious booze is quite a juicy story - and yes, it's blind-worthy. Great reveal!

  38. I'd forgotten that I had Sufjan's Illinoise album until I took my iPod on the road with me for a Christmas trip. It's very good. Just because you might not know who he is doesn't make his work any less valid. :)
