Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Beyonce Takes Money From Terrorist & Wife Beater

It appears Beyonce doesn't care who she is performing for as long as they have the money to pay her fee. Over New Years she performed in St. Barths. No big deal right? Lots of celebrities were there but as Mediaite.com reported, it was who was paying Beyonce's fee that was the big deal.

The party was thrown by Hannibal Gaddafi. Yes the son of Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi. Beyonce was happy to take the money of Hannibal. Oh, and just in case Beyonce's people say that the sins of a father shouldn't be transferred to the son, here is a little history on Hannibal. On Christmas Day in the UK, Hannibal beat his wife in the face in front of their children. She suffered massive bruising and a broken nose. Hannibal was released because he had Diplomatic immunity.

Oh, last year he and his then pregnant wife were arrested for beating their servants while in Switzerland. Hannibal's dad retaliated by arresting random Swiss people in Libya and closing Swiss businesses. Oh, and one more. Back in 2005 he was arrested for punching his wife and threatening her with a gun while in France. He was released on Diplomatic immunity.

Beyonce should give every f**king cent of that money back. If she doesn't then she should be boycotted forever. The guy who paid her is an a-hole of epic proportions. His dad is responsible for the killing of hundreds if not thousands of innocent lives including the people flying on that Pan Am flight. Beyonce should be ashamed of herself and every celebrity who was at that party should also be ashamed. Here is the list of the celebrities that were there. Lindsay Lohan, Russell Simmons, Jay-Z, Usher and Jon Bon Jovi. All of them should be disgusted and if they received any money for being there they should give it back or donate it. Yes, I know Lindsay probably already spent hers on drugs or something but maybe Jon Bon Jovi could pay her share.

Oh, and last year, Hannibal's brother hosted the same party and Mariah Carey was paid $1M. Beyonce received $2M.


  1. Why am I not surprised that Blohan was there?


  2. How does Blohan still has money to travel to St. Bart's?

  3. dude the title of this one is golden.

    terrorist and wife beater brought on the lols!

    not that there is anything funny about it but the word combo is hilarious

  4. Yeah, this made me so angry too! I really hoped it wasnt true, since I actually listen to her music (yeah, i know, no comments, alright?) but I guess it is

  5. do you know "money has no odor"?

    i want to see a beautiful pix with her,Jay-Z and Hannibal because every one could say "they're jerk""they could kill her mother for money"!

  6. wow. i wonder if she has someone book these gigs for her and if she stays in the know on who all of the political leaders are and what they have done. i sheepishly admit i did not know the Gaddaffi family's history until reading this and the article enty linked to. i knew vague facts about the pan am flight, for instance, but not enough to know who these people are without the history lesson. while i am disgusted by them now, if they had offered me 1M dollars to sing a few songs an hour ago i probably would have taken it.

    i hope beyonce does the right thing now that she's had a chance to become knowledgeable as to where her money was coming from.

    mistakes are easy to make - making them right is usually the hard part!

  7. just saw your comment, sporky - if she knew about these people and still performed and took their money than there is just no excuse.

    gone are the days when you can go around the world, make a few quick bucks, and not expect the media here to find out about it, celebs!

  8. I was a bit disturbed and disappointed when I read this on NY Post.

    Maybe Beyonce didn't know who she was performing for and like ballyhoo said maybe she should try to right her wrong.

  9. Am I the only one who doesn't have a problem with her being paid by this asshole to perform? I can't imagine having to qualify every dollar I'm earning.

  10. Diplomatic immunity needs to be revisited and revised. It should not be applied to personal crimes like wife beating.

  11. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Syd, I'm on the fence about this.

  12. She's nothing but trash - I absolutely agree that this idiot and all the others should be publicly disgraced for this obvious mistake in judgement. Beyonce is nothing but a money hungry beeyoch and I remember reading about her trying to get to a restaurant and came upon a blocked road due to an ambulance responding to a heart attack. This idiot insisted that her drive go thru - possibly impeding the responding EMT. I wanted to slap somebody for that behavior. What gives her the right? She's nothing but a thunder thighed narcissistic, bad weaved no talent who believes all the stupid people out there who told her she could sing and dance. Shame on her and the rest of them.

  13. Even if they didn't know everything about this man's history (I didn't), his last name should have rung a bell and called for background checking. I think all these artists should donate all the money to shelters for abused women.

  14. I don't think she should give any of the money back -- she should donate it to organizations helping the types of people this guy victimizes (e.g., domestic violence).

    Not particularly smart of her to perform for this guy, but he also shouldn't get a free show because he's such an asshole either.

  15. syd, i totally see what you're saying. my pov is that if you're an american entertainer, singing for the president and such you probably want to keep your publicity good so you can keep earning all those dollars.

    i, personally see this as negative and greedy on beyonce's part. would she perform for osama bin laden? probably not, no matter how much he offered because she knows americans would not stand for it and she could lose future earnings if she pisses off her fan base. i think when you have so much money and the potential to earn soooo much more you can afford to be a little more choosy as to who you take money from - it's not like she's starving and had to choose between this gig and living on the streets.

    if she knew about this guy's history and still worked for him i definitely have a problem with that.

  16. Be'otch-ce apparently doesn't have enough moola to have turned this gig down.

  17. I remember a song back in the 80's called "Sun City", by a group of artists lead by Steven Van Zandt, who all vowed in the song to never play at Sun City in South Africa. I don't see why artists can't do the same now and vow not to play for, or in, regimes that are abusive of human rights. Just because you CAN be a money-grubbing whore, doesn't mean you SHOULD be.

  18. I can't stand this bish about time we boycott her creole money hungry ass! can we lock her up in the basement with solange? pretty please?

  19. Thanks for your comments, ballyhoo.

    I'd like to point out the unique behavior of the readers on this site. Most places, if you disagree with popular opinion, you get hammered. That doesn't happen here. Very, very cool.


  21. I actually really appreciate this information...it's hard to fathom how people can benefit from the cruel oppression/harming of others, but this would seem to be at least one egregious example we can all have some control over if enough people are aware of it.


    I wish I could boycott, but I must say I have never financially supported any of these celebs...Beyonce would be the closest I have come, but now I know better...

  22. Kristin S, now I have that song stuck in my head! Ear worm!!

    I'm not surprised at most of the people in attendance, but Jon Bon Jovi? He doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the group plus I didn't know he was a money-grubbing whore like the rest of them.

  23. @syd - one of my favorite things about reading the comments here is that i always get some new perspective on whatever the topic is. i love that the people on here are a little more intellectual than just berating someone who doesn't see the world the exact same way. it does make me a little sad that it's unique behavior though...

    besides, we reserve most of our rage for the celebrities, lol!

  24. "Yes, I know Lindsay probably already spent hers on drugs or something but maybe Jon Bon Jovi could pay her share."

    I don't have a problem with her getting paid to perform if some idiot wants to pay that much but she should have paid a little bit more attention to who was doing the paying before she agreed. How, how can she take money from this man/family??

  25. Kristin S I remember that (of course I was just a mere baby back then ;)) And thought the world of them then and now.

  26. I think we are in real need of a kindness blind item.

  27. Thank you thank you thank you Ent! These are the same Hollywood types whose heads are so buried in the sand they think they know it all. These are the kind that sign petitions for Roman Polanski, hang out with the likes of the Castros and Chavez's of the world, want to bring terrorists to the US (my state of Illinois, mind you) to help keep an eye on their well being and think it's a really good idea to try terrorists in a US courtroom-affording them the rights of US citizens. These are the same people who think 9-11 was organized by our government, who believe everything Al Gore has to say about the environment, etc... They run around preaching their holier than thou attitudes, yet have their heads so far up their asses with money, power, fame, greed, drugs and cheating, they wouldn't know right from wrong if it was spelled out on a chalkboard for them.

    If you want to boycott these people, but don't listen to their music-here's what you do...whenever a story comes up about that particular person, do NOT click on the story or respond in the comments. Good or bad, these websites make money from their advertisers based on the number of clicks they receive.

    (Not you, Enty...you're the one place I really trust!)

  28. Oh...and one more thing...for those of you on the fence about this whole thing...Gadaffi hosts these parties and pays big money to buy himself some credibility. All these stars are doing is giving him that by taking their money. In my opinion, they are selling out their own government, all of the victims of terrorism and the people abused by this man for a few pieces of silver...sound familiar?

  29. Anonymous11:36 AM

    OH give me a break LuvTheBlinds...can we please stop acting like someone isn't attractive or talented just because we hate their decisions. Undoubtedly, the woman can sing and dance. Her attitude just SUCKS.

  30. Anonymous11:37 AM


    What does her being of Creole descent have to do with ANYTHING?

  31. ha ice angel let em' have it!

  32. Where are her ethics? Where are the ethics of those in attendance? Making money is one thing, but at some point you have to say no. There is a line. There is always a line. Apparently Beyonce hasn't found hers yet. Not super surprising. She has always struck me as an entitled rich girl. If she ever addresses it, she'll blame someone else or pretend she didn't know about the Gaddafi family's violent and evil history. Bitch, please.

    I know celebrities live in bubbles of their own making but it's about time some of them got popped. Time to wake up.

  33. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I've always considered Beyonce a bimbo so no great lost here.

    Regarding these political figures that have diplomatic immunity I feel they should do something about some of these criminals that get away with crimes just because of their immunity. Why doesn't the government change the law regarding who gets immunity or not?

  34. Beyonce is showing her true colours at last. I bet she and kanye planned the debacle at the mtv-awards last year.

  35. First of all, have you heard this girl speak in an interview???

    Guarranteed she had absolutely no idea who this guy was. Doubtful that she knows who Moammar Gaddafi is either.

  36. Kelli is right - Beyonce is actually quite ignorant. that being said, however, I doubt her handlers were unaware of where the money comes from.

  37. Perhaps assumptions are being made which would be unfair.

    WTH would make anybody think that Beyonce reads?

    Many people question whether or not she actually graduated from high school.

    I'm sure her "people" forgot to tell this little piece of history.

  38. I'd say most celebrities these days are so out of it that they don't even know about Libya or the Pan Am bombing. I'd also say that most celebrities hang out with very questionable people.

    Does any of this matter to them? I doubt it. As long as they're able to maintain their celebrity lifestyles, they don't care where the $$$ is coming from.

    This is why I never took any "politically or socially aware" celebs seriously.


  40. ITA completely with Lioness70, Ice Angel and Not on My Dollar.

    Beyonce probably has no clue who this guy is and what his past is like. She's most likely only concerned about making a buck - or a few million - and kicking it with the Hov in all their fabulous penthouses, yachts, diamonds, etc. etc.

    Now, Jon Bon Jovi. Shit, he should know better.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Bad Fish - I'm sorry, my comment was that I don't think she has any talent AND she doesn't think about anyone else but herself. That is my opinion. She is a dime a dozen and there are thousands of carbon copies out there. She does nothing that sets herself apart from anyone else. There are, however, many that don't agree. And that is the point. We as a society perpetuate this mediocrity into thinking they are special - entitled. Then they go about their lives believing just that - If someone made her aware of the atrocities this man and his father committed, I have no doubt in my mind that she decided to ignore it completely. A buck is a buck after all.

  43. Knob Jovi is always talking that family man stuff and yet he spends New Years with Lohan and a terrorist...and he's always at Diddy's parties too.
    I wish Richie would push him off a bridge, he is such a toolbag.

  44. Ah those Gaddafi's are a handsome and charming bunch.

  45. The key here is principles, whether she cares or not to entertain for such people and be paid is, truthfully, her decision. Many of us would not, some don't care where there money comes from.
    I boycott many products and manufacturers because of how they treat animals, many people just don't give a shit. It's the world we live in. I'm not going to start boycotting friends that use products manufactured by unethical companies, feel me?

  46. I am sorry put them on a no fly list for associating with known terrorists.
    What obcene ignorance of massive proportions.
    If Hitler was holding a tea party or Mugabe invited you top perform for a mil. is that o.k.?
    What worries me is I found out about this here.
    This story needs to be out there.

  47. Remember last summer's Blind Reveals about Beyonce needing to tape her videos at night? She exists in a bubble life. That's one thing when you're a teen pop queen but different when you're a globe-trotting, singing-for-the-POTUS, married woman moving on up in age, access, impact. What she doesn't seem to know is that these kind of decisions lead eventually, to crashing... and since her whole self is defined by public perception, that is an ugly crash (e.g., Tiger Woods).

    A few years ago she was gorgeous beyond... the dumber she reveals herself to be, the less interesting and the less beautiful.

  48. Anonymous2:38 PM


    See, I think you're letting your hate of her blind you from objectivity. How is she a copy cat or a carbon copy? I can't think of anyone quite like Beyonce. If there are "dozens", then name one!

    Just because you have a right to state your opinion, doesn't mean you are right. It still seems catty and childish to me to try and take away from someone's talents because you don't like them personally. Saying she can't dance or sing and that she's a copy cat just seems disconnected from reality.

  49. Wow this dude is awful...so crazy he sounds like a villain in a movie. Weird all those people were there, some interesting names...

  50. I agree with Leila. This is over and done with and, in B's shoes, I'd donate it to a DV organization.

  51. If you take money from amoral people, especially when you don't need it, you are, by extension, also amoral, end of story.

  52. OH please as if she and her hubby doing anything for money is a suprise.

    The one I am most digusted with (and disheartened) is Jon Bon Jovi.
    I thought he had some morals and didn't need the money.

    We need to make stars aware if they are too arrogant or ignorant to know better. I'd have never taken the gig based on who Hannibal's father was.

  53. Unbelievable all the way around. Thank you for calling attention to people who get away with doing terrible and unfair things, Enty.

  54. Wow, I feel like a pistol whipped Pollyanna. Hopefully this will spread all over the Internet. Maybe Rhianna will pipe up because that is pretty sick behavior and JayZ is one of her Producers. Or Was.

  55. This story was just covered a little bit by Sean Hannity on Fox News.

    I am very shocked that it's not getting that much play. Then again, I guess I'm not that shocked.

    You know, I'd love to see these overpaid egotistical stars go perform a FREE concert for kids in need or the troops overseas or something. A fucking terrorist's son. Brilliant.

  56. I do not agree with the the politics or values of this man or his father, but everyone shouting for a boycott should consider this.

    How many of you have jobs? How many of you work for large corporations (or even medium ones) ? How many of you would give back your paycheck once you found out some of the highly unethical practices being carried out by your employer? That's right. None.

    Oh sure, you'll say she doesn't need the money so it is different. But the fact is that she earned her money fair and square just like you (yep, thy agreed on a fee for a service- don't be aggravated because she makes obscene amounts). She just has more attention paid to how she does it.

  57. E
    #1 I would never agree to work for a terrorist and wife beater. Period.
    #2. If I found out my employer paid me in funds made off the backs of murdered people I would quit immediately. Would I give back the money? No. But I would donate as much as I could to a worthile charity to help me sleep at night.
    #3. How can you possibly equate unethical business practices with someone who deliberaately killed innocent women and children and beats his wife and servants??? Not even close.
    # While I respect your opinion I must wholeheartedly disagree with it.

  58. Ice Angel... you're a queen. Wish there were more of you on the planet.

  59. Yup, just like Ice Angel said. Fact is, Beyonce doesn't need the money, could have made money on NYE anywhere else but where she did, and you can't compare working class people and their need to put food on the table to a woman like Beyonce who is in a supremely advantageous position. In short, she is able to pick and choose her gigs, and it looks like she doesn't think too much about where the money is coming from as long as she gets it.

    Stupid people don't get to where she is. She's bright enough to know what the score was and who was footing the bill.

  60. @ E
    Actually most of the reasons I left my last job revolved around the fact that I thought the managers were shady/unethical. And as it turns out I left at a very good time.

    Of course on the flipside, I was going back to school and the job didn't pay anything so I didn't think I was losing out on much. I can't judge what I would do in times of desperation. But agreeing to work for a terrorist probably isn't going to be high on my list no matter how much money was being offered.

    I'm going to go out on a limb like the other posters and say that Beyonce didn't know who the Gaddafi family was. Glad to hear some of news networks are covering this though!

  61. Wow,
    Beyonce didn't know who the Gaddafi family was.
    The Gaddafi family is one of the reasons you are being x rayed and strip searched at airports. The people at that party were enjoying an intimate evening sponsored by blood money. Don't these mega stars have advisors?
    I guess singing at the Inaugural ball or for the Lockerbie bomber,,, what the hell a bucks a buck.
    This sends a very interesting message to the rest of the world.

  62. @ E Yep, this summer I did exactly what you said none would. I gave back the big bonus check and quit without another job in sight or know how I was going to pay for groceries.

    I too disagree with your opinion, shady practices at a corporation are not in the same league as abuse, murder, terrorism. This story disgusts me and I think those defending Beyonce would feel differently had they experienced loss of a loved one thanks to this bastard.

  63. I see both sides. If Beyonce knew who she was performing for and what he did and how he got his money as the child of a man who attacked her country, then she's scum. That said: a) I am not convinced she gets those kind of details and b) she's not that smart.
    However...Jay-Z *is* that smart, and probably knew exactly who his canary was singing for.

    I have to wonder if others of them knew. I just can't see JBJ attending something like that with knowledge. Russell Simmons either. Blohan and Usher? I dunno.

  64. So why are all of you gleefully trashing a woman when a lot of guys attended as well?

  65. @tatyana - i think we are mildly trashing the others because we don't know if they actually received money for being there. if we knew that for sure we could commence the gleeful trashing of everyone!

    @icangel - i wholeheartedly agree with what you said.

    @e - i've left a job because of general shadiness and being asked to do illegal fudging of documents. actually i've left two jobs for that now that i think of it. so yes, i do care about where my money comes from and what my role is in making it.

  66. Maybe we're all being too hard on these celebs. Clearly, terrorists of the world feel left out and they act out for attention, so Beyonce is just trying to do us a favor and act humanely and treat these poor men with the respect they are vying for.

  67. This story is not completely true. Beyonce's husband, Jay-Z was performing in Times Square, New York City on New Year's Eve.
    He was no where near St. Barts island. Who knows if the rest of the story is true?


  68. Oh yeah and Libya is no longer considered a threat and many American corporations are doing business there. Plus, George Bush is the one that said it was ok for Americans to associate with Libya again. Beyonce is an entertainer, not a politician. She didn't do anything against what is allowed by her own country. It's not like it's sanctions against Libya and she performed for them. Libya is considered to be on friendly terms with the US now.

  69. yeah - friendly relationships from january 2009, that is.

    i still think there is a big difference between the us slowly but surely starting to have some sort of diplomatic relationship, and someone chosing to perform for them and thus legitimizing this crazy family.

    remember the lock bomber who was released this year from britian? Welcomed like a hero when he returned.

  70. Haha don't worry Enty, I absolutely DESPISE Beyonce and have been boycotting her lowest common denominator ass since she was sharted out with Destiny's Child. I hate absolutely everything about her. EVERYTHING. Her "music" should be used in Gitmo, it's f*cking torture...it's ALWAYS the same! A made-up word or stupid phrase repeated over and over and over, set to the lamest beat, that's all she does! Examples include "Bootylicious", "Single Ladies" and that stupid song from the Pink Panther. Then we have her videos. It's always her prancing around in front of either billowing fabrics or blank whiteness, doing that retarded ass-shaking thing she does. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS UGLY, TALENTLESS TWAT'S APPEAL? How in God's name did her appallingly bad video for "Single Ladies" get best video of the year? Have we really fallen so far as a nation that this is what passes for good? It is truly mind-blowing to see something so soul-crushingly horrible be so popular. I even hate her ridiculous, stupid name...but I hate how she's constantly lauded as this amazing talent. Yeah, like I'm blind, deaf and dumb, give me a break. If nothing else, she does have a great publicity machine behind her. This is probably wrong but I would throw a huge ass party if she just kicked the bucket tomorrow, I remember the world before Beyonce and it was wonderful. Imagine being able to turn on the radio and not hear her screeching...yes, it was glorious. God I f*cking HATE HER GUTS.

    Oh, and how massively fucked is it that we have a REAL talent like Lady Gaga, yet this talentless POS gets all the acclaim? WTF? Life truly is unfair!

  71. I absolutely love this site.I am also very pleased to see that this place was one of the first to break this very provocative story.
    Say what you want about the main act the people attending were just as involved.
    Another reader broached an interesting point.
    How did Lohan afford a trip to St.Barts? Doubt it was frequent flyer points, maybe some were given freebies to attend?

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Today's USA Today Entertainment Briefing newsletter headline: Beyonce poised to take a well-deserved break in 2010
