Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Anna Kournikova's Mom Charged With Neglect

You all know Anna Kournikova don't you? She is the former tennis player and always model who dates or is engaged to or is married to Enrique Iglesias. That all depends on which story you are currently reading. Well, Anna has a 5 year old half brother who is in the hospital today because his mom left him alone in the house to go run errands.

Apparently the 5 year old didn't want to go so she said ok and left him watching television. By the time the police found her it had been about an hour since she had left the house. Ummm, if your five year old says no, you pick them up and take them anyway. In my opinion that is way too young to be left alone for that long. The first time I remember being left alone I was about 6 and I think it was for about 20 minutes.

So, at some point after Anna's mom left the house, the 5 year old decided to jump out a second floor window because he didn't want to be alone anymore. Neighbors found him crying, screaming and bleeding on some rocks where he had landed. Luckily his injuries were only some bruising and some cuts and scrapes. Anna's mom was charged with a third degree felony for neglect of a child.


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