Wednesday, January 20, 2010

$150,000 For A Photo

The photo above is Tiger Woods at a sex rehab clinic. Say what you will but Radar and The National Enquirer which are the same company were the first to report accurately where Tiger was located and then they went out and got themselves a photo. Of course they had to pay about $150,000 for the photo. Apparently it would have been worth another $50,000 if it had been taken from a closer distance and another $100,000 if it had been with Elin and his kids. That is why photographers stalk celebrities or camp out all day and night outside in the middle of winter to get a photo.


  1. How can we be sure that isn't George Wendt?

  2. Imagine someone willing to pay 300,000 dollars to get your picture. Yikes!

  3. Are we sure it's Tiger?

  4. $150,000!!! I'm buying a camera!

  5. Wonder why he's doing it at all?
    To get Elin back?
    To polish his tarnished image in the public eye?
    To address/cure a true problem?
    To save the remaining few sponsors?

  6. I believe that when anyone is in any type of rehab, it should be illegal to have photos. It's almost a medical invasion. Stalking him like this makes me want to puke.

    Let him heal in peace, even if he is doing it for wrong reasons.

  7. My 1st photo will be George Wendt for Ryan. =]

  8. I don't think that is Tiger.

  9. It looks like Tiger grew a beard. Maybe he's hiding the facial scars that Elin put on him.

    Or that's really "Ima let you finish" Kanye West.

    From a distance that could be any man of color.

  10. I really could not tell that was Tiger. I agree, it could be anybody.

  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    a fuzzy image for 150k? brb, i gotta go take some pictures and send them to the enquirer!

  12. That doesn't look like Tiger to me.

  13. Oh, Ryan! You crack me up!

  14. If he is where they say he is, that's only about an hour from me. $150,000? What the hell am I doing sitting here?

  15. I am the only one who's pissed off that he's even in sex rehab right now? He's only there because he got caught--not because he wants to solve what he believes to be a legitimate problem.

  16. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I guess sex rehab is the new Betty Ford, you're nobody until you spend some time there.

    I'm not positive that's Tiger. Too fuzzy, too far away. Could be anyone.

  17. i agree, treesap covered lady.

    also, that looks more like usher to me than tiger.

  18. actually, i take that back. judging from the calves, it's definitely tiger.

  19. Maybe he is in rehab for the wrong reasons, but at least he's there. Addicts aren't typically convinced they need the help until they've already agreed to it for other reasons.

    I know all addictions are isolating, but my understanding is that sex addiction, pretty much by definition, means you can't make real connections with people. It's got to be awfully lonely, especially when you are one of the world's most famous people and all anyone sees in you are dollar signs.

  20. I don't buy the sex addiction bs. He is just a self entitled man who happened to enjoy having sex with easy to nail fame whores.

    Slut, yes. Sex addict, no.

    Also, I had no idea Radar and National Enquirer are the same?

  21. It is a total invasion of privacy but I just don't care. I am not sure sex rehab, whether a sincere move or not, is going to save Tiger. I know someone that was ordered to sex rehab for quite a stint and it hasn't done any good. What a disappointment he turned out to be.

  22. Terri,

    i completely agree. it should be illegal, even if it involves "public figures" like tiger. it's just really cruel to do that.

  23. what kimmiepie said.

    spin spin spin.

  24. It would serve the Enquirer/Radar right if this wasn't Tiger, he could prove it, and he sued for them libel or whatever.

    Not only would they need to shell out to Tiger, but they would have wasted 150 grand on nothing and be publicly embarassed with shoddy reporting.

  25. Sex addiction my hind leg. He's just trying to rehab his image. I've a great idea -- stop sleeping with skanky whores instead of your young beautiful wife, you moron.

  26. It's only $75,000 after taxes.. not even the amount I make in a year. Awesome! /monotone

  27. That doesn't look much like Tiger. And isn't he supposed to be in rehab in Arizona? Or wasn't he partying it up on his yacht? And how about all those parties he supposedly attended before Christmas with what ever mistress was around? Lots of rumors, so I am not going to believe this one either.

  28. i think it looks like tiger. if he's in rehab, he's trying to change. what he was doing was way beyond just fucking around. it sounded compulsive. people may not believe in sex addiction, but i believe it's real. you can get addicted to lots of things---not just drugs and booze.

  29. I believe in sex addiction, but I don't believe Tiger is a sex addict. An addict gets their high from however they can, whenever they can. They don't have the luxury of selecting thin white pretty girls for example. A real sex addict wouldn't have such a pattern in the people they slept with. No, Tiger is just scum.

    That being said, I'm pursuing my Masters now and need the $$ to finish it. I too, am getting a camera! ;)
