#1 & #2 - This one was a bit of a shocker to hear, but hey, it's Hollywood so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This C list movie actress got her big break recently and on the set of her big break got involved with her married A list movie actor co-star. They have continued to see each other since shooting wrapped.
#3 - Kindness - This gorgeous B- list movie and television actress with a string of hit television shows and movies as co-star but not the best luck as star doesn't always get the biggest paycheck but she is really good in donating it. In her last two projects she has donated her entire paycheck to a shelter that houses homeless women that have been the victims of domestic violence. She also volunteers her time at the shelter and tries to get as many of them jobs as possible on her productions.
#4 - Kindness - This C list comic actor who used to be A list and on what seemed like every show on a network for awhile was at an event for one of his children. The event was to raise money for music programs. The school was just trying to raise enough money for one year for one class. Our actor wrote a check that will allow the program to hire two teachers and fund their salaries for the next five years.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos
My favorite actor Don Cheadle gets the top spot today. He is outside the new Miles Davis exhibit in Paris.
I almost didn't recognize Anne Hathaway.
Probably my favorite picture of the day. A really tipsy Angelina Jolie with Muhammad Ali.
Ali Larter looking lovely.
Speaking of lovely, Alyssa Milano just turned 37. She was also a child actress like Lindsay Lohan, but compare the two and imagine how Lindsay will look at 37.
Aubrey O'Day with her dogs Ginger and Mary Ann. Hopefully she is not trying to collect all of Gilligan's Island.
I just don't see the resemblance between Bryce Dallas Howard and Ron Howard.
At night I often think about taking tweezers and plucking out that soul patch one hair at a time.
One step above a mug shot for Chris Noth.
It's like looking at a David Bowie music video from the 80's.
Same hat as David. It looks like a fabric store exploded and landed on Miley.
One of the best dressed people around. Common.
Here is some randomness. Demi Moore, Heidi Klum and Rachel Zoe.
Bruce Willis looks happy.
George & Elisabetta were all over each other at the ceremony. People even used Michael K's favorite word. Canoodling.
Hayden P and I think her dad.
Javier & Penelope walking the streets of Beverly Hills.
"Yeah, I guess you could say I'm like the Lindsay Lohan of guys. Without the stealing, lip injections or drug use."
More randomness. Brad Pitt and Jeremy Piven.
Yesterday Martina Hingis fell. Today she made it.
I haven't seen Matthew Lillard on a red carpet in awhile.
Emily Blunt and Martin Scorsese.
Hey Pamela Anderson finally wore clothes.
As much as I dig at Rachel Bilson at least she was doing some charity work and she does shop at Target a lot so good for her.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
A very lovely Selena Gomez.
Sienna Miller is attractive. I just don't really like her. Here she is with Marin Ireland.
The brothers Madden. Benji is supposedly dating Holly Madison.
Another mistress.
I know we will here about how Jada and Will had sex somewhere in this building.

Your Turn
It is that time of the year where holiday parties abound. It is also for some reason the time of year where people drink a little too much at said holiday parties and then embarrass themselves for the next year or two. I want your best holiday party story. If you don't have a holiday party story, I would also love to know what your best or worst present was. I think that has been a topic before but there are always new people coming into the site or maybe you didn't get a chance to share before. My favorite holiday party story involves a former boss of mine who had been married several times. Despite his unattractiveness, every year he would invariably find some drunk woman who must have been blind to his looks from the consumption of alcohol and they would hook up in whatever corner of the venue where the party was held. There is nothing that quite prepares you for the shock of walking into the bathroom and seeing your boss and a co-worker having sex. Looks much more attractive in porn than it does staring at you in the face. Just saying.
Colin Firth Is Up For Bridget Jones 3

It would be tough to have Bridget Jones without Colin Firth but he told Moviefone that he was all for a part 3 to the series. He also says that he has no idea if a third installment is going to be made. I thought this had all been settled before and that Renee Zellweger was not going to gain weight this time but was going to use a fat suit which I think is the wrong way to go, but hey, I am already fat so who am I to argue.
Colin says, "I only know what you know. That might not be believable to you, but I honestly don't know. I'm not in regular touch with the Working Title people. I don't see why not! I think it would be well worth having a go. I like the idea in some ways now because I think enough time has gone by, we're not just sort of trailing the other two. We've all grown a little older, I think there's more fun to be had with that. I'm not adverse to the idea."
He says that as long as it is a good script he is in.
Mel Gibson Not Being A Good Baby Daddy

The National Enquirer pretty much throws Mel Gibson under a bus this week. I don't really have a problem with that. It seems that since Oksana Grigorieva gave birth to their daughter that she expected to have Mel around to know help out with the baby. It turns out though that Mel has other ideas. According to a "source," Mel goes days without seeing the baby or even calling Oksana and is more focused on drinking as much as possible and going out then in spending time at home with a baby.
He doesn't live with Oksana which I find odd if they are really planning on marrying. Mel told Oksana that this is the way he raises kids. He lets the mother handle it all while he drinks and finds people to call sugartits.
Lindsay Lohan - Not Cheating

In between saving 40 children a day and not eating any food because she has been debating politics with her security guard during meals, somehow Lindsay Lohan has managed to find the time to read The NY Daily News and other gossip about her. On her Twitter page, Lindsay laughs at the reports she was seen messing around with Gucci model Adam Senn and encourages all her followers to Google poverty instead of reading gossip.
Two hours after she said it was all lies, she had this mysterious Tweet.
"I'm not cheating!"
Who was she addressing that too? If you believe all the reports over the past week she has been with about five guys so I am wondering who she is sending the message to. Who is she being faithful to? I am going to go with the whole Cash Warren guess.
New York City School Teachers Not Having A Good Week
All week long it seems that different New York City high school teachers have been in the news and they haven't been for the best reasons like doing a good job. In the first story that broke, two female teachers were caught naked in a classroom having some fun. Instead of the janitor who spotted them joining them as would happen in a porn movie he instead reported them to authorities who have suspended them until the investigation is completed.
In a second incident from the same school a female teacher was suspended for having sex with one of her students. She had previously been investigated for having sex with another male student but he was over the age of consent so that investigation was dropped.
Finally, Brad Ferro, a high school gym teacher has made national news and had his transgression caught on tape when he was featured on the new MTV show Jersey Shore. Ferro has been suspended after his arrest in August for punching Nicole Polizzi in the face after he stole alcohol from her.
In a second incident from the same school a female teacher was suspended for having sex with one of her students. She had previously been investigated for having sex with another male student but he was over the age of consent so that investigation was dropped.
Finally, Brad Ferro, a high school gym teacher has made national news and had his transgression caught on tape when he was featured on the new MTV show Jersey Shore. Ferro has been suspended after his arrest in August for punching Nicole Polizzi in the face after he stole alcohol from her.
Flight Of The Conchords Is Done
After just two seasons it appears there will not be a third season of the great HBO show Flight Of The Conchords. A statement was released by Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement which said, "We've noticed the less we say about the future of the show, the more people want to talk about it. So in an effort to reverse this trend we are today announcing that we won't be returning for a third season. We're very proud of the two seasons we made, and we like the way the show ended."
I am going to miss this show a lot. Here is a best of compilation of the two seasons of the show.
I am going to miss this show a lot. Here is a best of compilation of the two seasons of the show.
No More Jon Gosselin For Awhile

A Maryland judge ordered Jon Gosselin yesterday to stop making media appearances until a trial in the middle of April. That means for the next four months the world will be almost entirely Jon Gosselin free. Kate Gosselin doesn't have an order over her and she can continue to be TLC's poster child when they need her to be.
The very interesting point here is how will Jon earn a living? For the next four months if he can't make any media appearances and that includes getting paid for showing up at events where media will be present, then how will he live? I'm sure he could get work at an Ed Hardy store and tell all the kids how cool he used to be while he rings up their purchases and they all laugh at him.
Jon needs to figure out a way to make TLC happy in a hurry.
The Duggars Have Number 19

Do you think there will ever come a day when a Duggar will give birth almost every month? With all the Duggar children getting older and getting married and presumably all wanting to follow the same plan as mom and dad, I often wonder if the world will become one big Duggar. You might laugh but 20 kids all producing a baby a year starts to multiply at some point to some number I can't calculate.
Anyway, Michelle gave birth to number 19 yesterday in an emergency C section. The baby only weighed 1 pound 6 ounces. and I think this should be taken as time to stop. I don't think she needs to go for #20. I don't care if Jim Bob thinks they should have a few more just for kicks, I think she should stop. Doesn't she want to stop? They named their daughter and future mother to 20 kids Josie Brooklyn which is a nice name.
I will admit their television show is much less painful to watch then Jon & Kate and except for the wanting a million kids seem pretty normal. I get the feeling they would be exactly the same cameras or not and don't care one way or the other if they are around.
Jamie Not Jaimee Got A Broken Heart From Tiger

I know it is tough to keep track of the women named Jamie in the Tiger Woods fiasco, but the one today who was on television is Jamie Jungers and not Jaimee Grubbs.
Today's Jamie was on Today and will be on Dateline tonight and said she never received a dime from Tiger and never even got a birthday card but she loved him. She says they were boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm not sure how that whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing works when one of the people is married.
She was going to keep quiet like she has for the past three years but had to go on national television to clear her name and the allegation that she got paid money for sex. All of these people crack me up.
To their credit NBC did ask her whether she felt guilt for dating a married guy and Jamie said, “It was a thought in my mind, of course,” Jungers responded. “I mean, I’m not raised to do something like I did, and I’m not saying it’s OK … [but] I had a crush on Tiger for many years. I was very excited and honored that he was interested in me.”
Jamie also said that the entire time she was with Tiger she was struggling financially and she asked him one time for some financial help and he said, "I can't."
Jungers also says she doesn't really feel like apologizing to Elin.
Ted C Blind Item
Something our dear, closeted Toothy Tile most certainly does not share with his also-in-the-closet brethren like Lloyd Boy-Toyed, Crotch Uh-Lastic and Jackie Bouffant is a virtual cornucopia of straight buds.
I don't mean the pretend kind, but the ones you never see Toothy photographed with. Yeah, you heard me right: These are heterosexual bros with whom Toothy loves to shoot the shit, have a few brews, talk about the broads, all that 100-percent-cotton American man stuff Toothy just can't seem to let go from his, like, totally gay life.
OK, it's cool, I have tons (maybe a few) gay friends who are completely into the SUVs/watching sports/unshowered thing, maybe it's not so completely weird that Toothy's wired that way a little, too?
But what's wacko is when these boy-buds o' Toothy's start, shockingly...
...coming to the put-upon pooftah's defense! At parties! At bars! At ball games! At beach barbecues! It's getting friggin' hi-larious!
And no, these dudes who actually do know Toothy rather well are not defending Mr. Tile's very publicized fauxmance and whether or not it's legitimate, hardly.
Nope, instead, they're busy saying, as of late, that Toothy and his man are doin' just fine, thank you, and further more, "They're the real thing." These het amigos like to tell this to anybody who starts talking crap about their good friend.
Backstabbing gossip gets these hetero friends of Toothy's so very riled up, they've lately been stating how "in love" Mr. and Mr. Toothy Tile happen to be right now. So there!
Wow. With friends like that, who needs gossip columns? But ain't it nice to now how truly true-blue Toothy is?
I knew it all along, didn't you?
I mean, come on, I would never have given a hateful scum-schmuck such press. Toothy's cool. Just currently a bit lost.
And It Ain't: James Marsden, Kellan Lutz, Javier Bardem
I don't mean the pretend kind, but the ones you never see Toothy photographed with. Yeah, you heard me right: These are heterosexual bros with whom Toothy loves to shoot the shit, have a few brews, talk about the broads, all that 100-percent-cotton American man stuff Toothy just can't seem to let go from his, like, totally gay life.
OK, it's cool, I have tons (maybe a few) gay friends who are completely into the SUVs/watching sports/unshowered thing, maybe it's not so completely weird that Toothy's wired that way a little, too?
But what's wacko is when these boy-buds o' Toothy's start, shockingly...
...coming to the put-upon pooftah's defense! At parties! At bars! At ball games! At beach barbecues! It's getting friggin' hi-larious!
And no, these dudes who actually do know Toothy rather well are not defending Mr. Tile's very publicized fauxmance and whether or not it's legitimate, hardly.
Nope, instead, they're busy saying, as of late, that Toothy and his man are doin' just fine, thank you, and further more, "They're the real thing." These het amigos like to tell this to anybody who starts talking crap about their good friend.
Backstabbing gossip gets these hetero friends of Toothy's so very riled up, they've lately been stating how "in love" Mr. and Mr. Toothy Tile happen to be right now. So there!
Wow. With friends like that, who needs gossip columns? But ain't it nice to now how truly true-blue Toothy is?
I knew it all along, didn't you?
I mean, come on, I would never have given a hateful scum-schmuck such press. Toothy's cool. Just currently a bit lost.
And It Ain't: James Marsden, Kellan Lutz, Javier Bardem
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Today's Blind Items
This D list funny guy/B list television actor got his first Botox recently. It was at the insistence of his A list television actress girlfriend who said she was tired of going out with a guy who looks 100. The funnyman went reluctantly but since the first didn't need any prompting to return for his second. It doesn't really matter anyway though since the relationship is going to be toast about a week after Christmas presents are pretended to be exchanged.
Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos
And everyone give your best fake smiles for the camera. I love how Katie is holding the glass of beer but never drank a sip the whole night.
This is Athina Onassis. I haven't seen a picture of her in a long time. Back in the day before the internet this girl when she was literally a toddler she was front page fodder for tabloids all over the world.
At the same event was Martina Hingis.
This is Martina jumping. Well, not her, but getting the horse to jump.
This is Martina after the jump.
I'm guessing when she played tennis it was a little easier. Except for the drug testing and all that.
Is there a reason why Carmen Electra poses like this? It is expected of her? Do people think it is cute?
Love Christina Ricci in this but I am kind of meh about Mandy Moore. Yesterday was much better for her.
Does Daisy Lowe even look like her dad Gavin Rossdale? I don't see it.
I will say though that Georgia May Jagger did seem to get her dad's lips. Jerry Hall looks great.
Donna Summer - Oslo
Lately all of the pictures of Ellen Pompeo show her alone and unsmiling. Has anyone seen her baby?
Harry Hamlin works to keep his intestines in place and
the whole family helps.
Jessica Biel and Isabel Lucas giving themselves a party before they go on a hike. OK, OK it is up Mt. Kiliminjaro but it is still just a hike.
The happiest I have ever seen Jennifer Espositio. Her old drama school invited her back to teach an acting class.
This is JoJo. What does she even do now besides running around in the hat she stole from the Monopoly guy.
I believe John Krasinski is wearing more lipstick than Emily Blunt.
All of you can try and explain Kate Moss' look because I don't get it.
Penelope, Nicole and Fergie. I guess Nicole didn't get the memo about everyone was supposed to wear black.
And later Josh gets nothing but air when he goes in for the kiss on Fergie.
Long time no see Michelle Rodriguez. In her case that is probably good since she is usually in the news only for bad reasons.
Nick and Vanessa Lemon Jello selling some kind of dating game or cologne or something equally as useless.
Love the pictures of Nicole Richie and Joel Madden and family. First thing I would do if I had money or broke into a Chuck-E-Cheese would be to get one of those camera booths for the home.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2 & 3
Great. Now Paris Hilton has ruined Fraggle Rock for me for all time.
When you sleep with Tiger Woods then what you buy your dog is suddenly very interesting to the rest of the world.
Steve Martin & Rita Wilson.
I love this picture of Reese. She actually looks relaxed. Well relaxed for her.
The Sex And The City poster.
Have you ever wanted to sit in on a Baldwin holiday dinner? I would love it.
Sarah Silverman and honestly she just can't be helped at this point.
A very rare photo of Tina Fey with her husband.
Taylor Swift and her new hair.
And Victoria Beckham with what I guess is a Cleopatra look?