#1 - This celebutante sister of another A list celebutante has broken off her long term relationship with her boyfriend. Reason? He called her the biggest b**ch on the planet and got a round of applause from the men and women next to him when he did it.
#2 - This former B list television and movie actress who is fairly young and very pretty and is now probably a C list actress has now been celibate for a year. This was a result of the her last relationship with a guy which she has called the worst and scariest few weeks of her life.
#3 & 4 - This C list movie actor has been in some great movies. Very good looking. Married. He is married to a B list movie actress with impeccable movie credentials. Well, a slip up now and then. Anyway, our C list actor left his wallet behind last time he visited a massage parlor. The place mailed it back to his house with a note thanking him for his business. The wife was not happy.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Random Photos Part One
Monty Python 40th Anniversary. That is top spot guaranteed.
This bear in Colorado broke into the car of this family. They were alerted when the bear tried to get out and the alarm went off.
Alexandra Maria Lara tries to keep a straight face as Sam Riley goes in for the kiss.
Ashley Tisdale - Los Angeles
Cindy Crawford and Lily Allen who just has not looked the same in the past few weeks.
Cindy Crawford and Mel B. I wanted pictures of the three together but it didn't happen.
I'm no sweater expert, but I'm guessing Cameron Diaz's is pretty much stretched out for good now.
Cary Lowell and Richard Gere in Rome.
Chris Martin - New York
With the hand on the arm, it almost looks like David Beckham is getting arrested.
I love Daisy Fuentes.
Fleetwood Mac - Rotterdam
Garth Brooks is coming back. All it took was a big pile of cash from Steve Wynn.
John Stamos and Gina Gershon after opening night of Bye Bye Birdie which is supposedly so awful that it would have closed last night except for them. Apparently people will go see uncle Jesse in anything.
So, for those of you who like Gabriel, here you go, and the rest of us can look at Halle. It is a win/win.
It really is too much beauty for one picture when you combine Iman with Halle.
Beth managed to get Howard out of the house.
John Mayer & Alicia Keys - New York
Happy to see you too Piven.
I don't want anything bad to happen to people, but I would love it if these diet pills had something wrong with them and the Kardashians also got sued. Work out. Don't use pills.
Lukas Haas keeps plugging away. It must be tough to get famous so young and then never be able to get it back.
Lindsay on her way into court this morning. Over an hour late and she left with another year of probation. In court she said she was moving to Texas. Seriously?
Dear Andrea Soriani and Mark McNabb, can I just tell you how incredible both of you look. Your suits are fantastic and you look fabulous. Congratulations on your achievements.
Do you think that perhaps you could see your way fit to loan me one of your new Maserati's for a year? I promise to write about it everyday and take lots of pictures and won't leave any McDonald's wrappers in it when I give it back. Thanks. By the way have I told you how fabulous you look.
I guess the shoulder pads thing is back huh? No going back? No stopping it? If Mandy Moore is doing it then I guess everyone is doing it. Why don't they just go ahead and remake Working Girl so we can have a shoulder pad fiesta.
Placido Domingo and Anja Harteros. She has the most incredible voice.
Padma Lakshmi is showing, umm, a lot of cleavage. I guess she is enjoying her pregnancy boobs.
Paz Vega looks amazing.
Pete Wentz painting himself one section at a time.
Katy Perry picking up Russell Brand from the airport.
Rhys Ifans always cracks me up.
I thought Paz Vega looked amazing, but it's possible Sofia Milos looks even better.

Your Turn
You knew it was coming. The anonymous button is on. Age when you first made out with someone. I'm talking making out and not a kiss on the cheek. And your age when you lost your virginity. If you have stories those are also nice. Not Penthouse Forum type stories, but something fun or humorous like your braces got stuck together or the parents walked in while you were doing it.
Three Kids In One Year For Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne is like the Octo-Mom of the rap world. He is so far and ahead of anything that even Kevin Federline could do sperm wise that Lil Wayne just needs his very own sperm Hall Of Fame. For the third time in one year, and the fourth time in all, Lil Wayne is going to be a dad. The lucky winner this time is Nivea. Wait, did I mention her before? I am confused. I know I have done Lil Wayne stories in the past but he just keeps having kids and so I am confused who they are and who the moms are, so let us start from the beginning.
-He has a nine 9 year old son with his ex-wife Antonia
-Last October he had a son with a woman and her identity has never been revealed. It will be when Lil Wayne goes broke trying to pay for all these kids.
-Last month Lauren London gave birth to a son.
-This time he is going to have a baby with Nivea who used to be married to The Dream and The Dream is now married to Christina Milan who as of this second is not pregnant by Lil Wayne.
Lil Wayne, I want you to know that I am sending your manager a box of condoms. Use them my friend because as much as you have left it uncovered I hate to think about what else you have been getting and giving besides babies.
The Worst Mom Ever - ***Very Disturbing***

A woman in the UK has plead guilty to one count of cruelty on a person under 16 from which she caused or procured a child to be ill-treated, abandoned or exposed in a manner causing unnecessary suffering or injury to health, and a charge of intending to pervert the course of justice for making a false accusation of rape.
So how did all this come about? I will summarize, but if you want to read every last thing she did, you can click here and read the article.
Th 35 year old woman wanted money. How could she get money? She decided that she would pretend her baby was sick. For over 6 years this woman claimed benefits based on the fact that authorities believed he was sick. It is bad enough to exploit your child for money like this, but this gets so much worse.
She claimed her son was diabetic and provided fake glucose and urine samples.
She claimed her son needed a wheelchair and that he had cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, the throat disorder dysphagia and that he was allergic to all types of food.
She took the boy to school in a wheelchair fitted with oxygen bottles and gave him a special diet for diabetics which saw him prescribed medication he did not need and receive care at three hospitals.
She invented so many false symptoms over a six-and-a-half year period that doctors regularly fed him through a tube and were eventually forced to operate in a bid to find a mystery illness which did not exist.
His condition was thought to be so rare that medics eventually fitted him with a permanent feeding tube meaning he was fed through a food pump he had to wheel around behind him. He spent at least six weeks a year in hospital.
All of this so she could collect about $200K from the government plus countless other donations from charities including money and tickets and vacations.
When doctors grew suspicious, she would cancel appointments by claiming she had been assaulted or raped all in an attempt to make sure she wasn't caught. She sacrificed her son for money.
Benicio Del Toro Lost His Virginity At 13

Uh oh. I smell a Your Turn coming up. Benicio del Toro was interviewed by Playboy this month and said that as he was growing up all he could think about was finally having sex. Really? That is all he could think about? I mean he lost his virginity at 13 so how long had he been thinking about it? Was he like 8 or 9 and wanted to or is this just something he said in an interview to appear more manly?
"I remember liking girls in pre-kindergarten in Puerto Rico, when I was only three or four. I wasn’t a (big) hitter or anything - I don’t think anyone is - but I had a girlfriend all through high school, so that was kind of cool. I was about 13 when I lost my virginity, and that first experience was totally a nervous situation. It was in a house with someone I had known only a little bit. She was slightly older, and she’d done it before... I wasn’t exactly a natural, but it was good, yeah. I had wanted it to happen for a while."
When he is talking about being a big hitter, I think he is talking about actual hitting right, and not hitting on? I mean pre-kindergarten is like 3 and 4 so I doubt he was hitting on people. Hitting yes, but hitting on seems harder to fathom.
Dave Mustaine Is An Idiot

Wow, I get to write a Megadeath post. I can't believe it. This is a first. Dave Mustaine gave an interview to a Norwegian magazine called Lydverket. Have I told everyone how much I love Norwegians? They have given me some great stuff on Scientology. Anyway, in the interview Dave talked about his past in Metallica and said that his relationship with James Hetfield ended when James kicked Dave's dog. That would piss me off too. No problems so far with what Dave said.
My problem with Dave is what he said after the interview about the magazine and the reporter.
"These people are scum. Don't listen to their interviews, don't buy their s**t magazine, don't go to their pathetic garbage website. And stand by, because as soon as I see that interviewer again, I am going to put him in a hospital. That is a promise. I will find him too. Too bad the promo person (from the record label) was not there like I asked so this s**t wouldn't happen. Thanks for nothing."
Apparently the publicity people had said in advance to not ask any questions about Metallica. Well a good reporter would ask at least one question anyway just to see what happened. BUT, the reporter says he didn't even ask any questions about Metallica and that Dave brought it up himself. Plus, why in the hell do you need a publicity person to protect you? If the reporter asked a question and you don't want to answer it, just say you don't want to talk about it. How hard is that?
You don't need to threaten violence against the person just because you answered a question or offered a statement and they wrote it. If you don't want something reported. Don't say it. That being said, I still like your band.
Ted C Blind Item
Good news: Ever since Toothy Tile decided to permanently bury himself in the proverbial Hollywood closet, it's almost as if Lloyd Boy-Toyed has decided to up his bent for dangerous, risk-taking sexual activities. No, not talkin' about getting it on without a condom—or in a car in a West Hollywood parking lot—but something almost as rebelliously mindless: like hitting on a reporter.
Now, even though Lloyd has always had a penchant for doing things like...
...getting his flirt on with other dudes—even with Toothy himself at the Globes, remember?—Lloyd's reserved his guy-on-guy action for behind closed doors, even if he paid for it.
I mean, let's just say up until now, the riskiest thing Lloyd's ever pulled is wondering if the call-boys will tattle or not. Strange he's not like some bigass stars who insist on confidentiality agreements with their mates (whether hired or not) before jumping between the sheets.
But now Lloyd's taken it to the next level and propositioned a pretty well-known reporter, who's interested. And the code was clear: Said hit-on dude was expected—not told—not to tell. It was a gamble. Will it pay off?
Isn't it odd how the older certain stars get, they simply don't seem to be as interested in the watery, come-on games such stealth gay players as Crotch Uh-Lastic prefer. Does that mean with age comes impatience? Or just lack of imagination?
Tough call, really, because if you ask me, it's pretty lively to ask a journo—who could blow your cover in seconds flat—to get it on. Maybe this is the kinkiest way of them all and Crotch and Toothy (ah, poor Toothy) should be taking notes?
Time will tell on this one.
It Ain't: Dean Cain, Billy Burke, George Clooney
Now, even though Lloyd has always had a penchant for doing things like...
...getting his flirt on with other dudes—even with Toothy himself at the Globes, remember?—Lloyd's reserved his guy-on-guy action for behind closed doors, even if he paid for it.
I mean, let's just say up until now, the riskiest thing Lloyd's ever pulled is wondering if the call-boys will tattle or not. Strange he's not like some bigass stars who insist on confidentiality agreements with their mates (whether hired or not) before jumping between the sheets.
But now Lloyd's taken it to the next level and propositioned a pretty well-known reporter, who's interested. And the code was clear: Said hit-on dude was expected—not told—not to tell. It was a gamble. Will it pay off?
Isn't it odd how the older certain stars get, they simply don't seem to be as interested in the watery, come-on games such stealth gay players as Crotch Uh-Lastic prefer. Does that mean with age comes impatience? Or just lack of imagination?
Tough call, really, because if you ask me, it's pretty lively to ask a journo—who could blow your cover in seconds flat—to get it on. Maybe this is the kinkiest way of them all and Crotch and Toothy (ah, poor Toothy) should be taking notes?
Time will tell on this one.
It Ain't: Dean Cain, Billy Burke, George Clooney
Jon & Kate Goes Nuclear

There is so much going on in the entire Jon & Kate saga that it is almost too difficult to track which is why you have me. Because I love each of you I have waded through the mess that is Jon & Kate and will suffer, what I am sure will be nightmares tonight.
Stephanie Santoro sold a story to one of the tabloids that Jon told her that he hacks into Kate's e-mails and bank accounts all the time. I believe it. Jon denies it and Jon's lawyer says that why should anyone believe the word of someone getting paid for their story? Please. If someone waved a hundred dollar bill in front of Jon's face right now he would sell his story. He is going to need money and when he starts selling his story, I bet his attorney doesn't make that same dumb ass statement.
TLC is suing Jon for breach of contract and for being an a-hole. It says that he has bad mouthed the show in violation of his contract which is true and has also made unpaid and paid appearances without permission of the show which is also true. So, in addition to having to cough up bucks to pay Kate back by next week he also will be coughing up bucks to his attorney and to TLC and I don't think he has it. Sure, he will make a show with Michael Lohan and his mesh shirt fan club, but it won't come close to paying what he is going to owe when this is all said and done. Plus, no one is going to watch a show with Michael and Jon compete to see who can be the most annoying and score with the most women who have no self esteem.
Lindsay Lohan's Third Strike But It Won't Matter

After a very long absence from her alcohol class, Lindsay showed up last night. The reason? Well she has been ordered back into court today because she has been skipping class and that doesn't even count the boozing and prescription drugs and coke and burglaries and goodness, how come she isn't in jail again?
Since January, Lindsay has violated the rules of her substance program at least twice. This will be the third time but it won't matter. This is Lindsay and she has the best defense lawyer in town. She is like the Pete Doherty of America except Pete doesn't steal does he? He does the bisexual thing like Lindsay, but he doesn't steal. Plus he is a singer. Oh, what the hell it is close enough.
It is remarkable though how a few months of absence is suddenly corrected when the judge says they want to see you the next day. Do you think Lindsay would have gone to school last night if the judge hadn't ordered her to court? Hell no. Lindsay would have blown off alcohol class for alcohol drinking.
Jimmy Kimmel Is Very Shady

So what to do when you are in love with when of your staffers and her boyfriend also works on your show? Well, if you are Jimmy Kimmel you kick the boyfriend off your show and get him a job on another show. Meanwhile since he is on another show he is not invited to the staff only parties at Jimmy's house every week which the girlfriend must go to because she is on the staff.
According to Radar, Jimmy also may have been dating Molly McNearny while he was dating Sarah Silverman. In fact he may have gone out on double dates with Sarah and Molly and her boyfriend while seeing Molly also.
Who knew Jimmy Kimmel was such a player? You do realize that if he was not on television he would never get laid. OK, well sometimes he would. He would just have to pay for it.
Balloon Boy Busts His Parents
The parents who were on the show Wife Swap twice have some explaining to do after their 6 year old balloon boy son said on Larry King last night, "You guys said we did this for the show." Ahh, six year old honesty. Now even if the parents were telling the truth and I am really starting to doubt it, no one will believe them.
What should have been a great feel good story looks more and more like a family that wanted their own reality show after getting a taste of fame on Wife Swap and being in the local news a few times. After the boy said that, Wolf Blitzer chose to ignore it and move on to another question. How can you ask a question and then get an answer and not listen to it for a follow-up? How is that possible?
What should have been a great feel good story looks more and more like a family that wanted their own reality show after getting a taste of fame on Wife Swap and being in the local news a few times. After the boy said that, Wolf Blitzer chose to ignore it and move on to another question. How can you ask a question and then get an answer and not listen to it for a follow-up? How is that possible?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Today's Blind Items
This A list movie actor is in a serious relationship but it hasn't stopped him from cheating on his partner with his B list co-star who has been in this space before for her fun times with another couple.
Random Photos Part One
Kevin Spacey & George Clooney together it worth the top spot. Plus it is extremely rare to see Kevin Spacey photographed from this side.
One of my least favorite actors is Anthony Edwards. Oh, he is a decent actor, but he just is so condescending to everyone that it really gets on my nerves.
Anthony Kiedis is looking a little rough here. Love him though.
Alicia Silverstone takes that book of hers wherever she goes. Here she is trying to get Alanis Morissette to buy a copy.
Britney Spears filming the video for "3"
See that man behind you kids? No, not Bill Nighy. The other guy. His name is Danny Boyle and if he promises to buy you an apartment don't start packing.
It hasn't taken Elisabetta Canalis long to start working the red carpet. Here she does a slow strip tease right on it.

Ginnifer Goodwin with the queen of the puffy jackets.
Damn it is a gaggle of Trumps.
Yesterday was Vince Vaughn so today it is Jason Bateman and Kristen Bell from the same movie.
I love Kristin Chenoweth so I am going to give her a pass on this "candid" photo with a pumpkin while hailing a cab.
Scarlett J said yesterday she would be just as happy being a cook or some other job instead of an actress. Uh huh.
I gave this serious consideration for the top spot. Minnie Driver and Uma Thurman.
I have to give it to Neve Campbell. She doesn't get the big parts she used to but she still keeps on acting and to me that shows me she loves it.
Naomi and Liev drinking champagne through straws.
Want to go riding with Patrick Dempsey?
I feel like whenever Peaches Geldof dresses normally I am obligated to post her photo in order to encourage it.
Another Ralph Lauren photoshop job. F**kers. (Thanks Sarah)
It's three real assistants with Rex Lee, the fake assistant. I love assistants.
Rose McGowan really needs to cut down on those pre red carpet drinks.
Tina Fey was on Letterman last night and shared way TMI about how she was a virgin until she was 24 and how she couldn't find any guy who wanted her.
Apparently this whole Hogan reunion thing is sticking.
Tara Palmer-Tomkinson trying to get some attention.
And Maggie Q coming in a close second.
Tanya Tucker - New York
I can't think of a better guy than Willem Dafoe to end the pictures today.