Your Turn
So, for the past two weeks everytime I have walked into the office of my boss there has been this huge gift basket of food. I'm not talking Hickory Farms here. I am talking good stuff. The kind of stuff that if it were not wrapped by cellophane would have been pilfered by yours truly one stick of salami at a time. Anyway, the basket sat there for two weeks with this huge white card on it with the name of my boss. Everyday in the same place. Then on Monday I noticed the card had been replaced with one that said the name of one of our clients. Re-gifting a gift basket? To me that is sacrilege. I think it is the right of every worker to partake in all food delivered to an office at the holidays. Anyway, it got me to thinking. Have you ever re-gifted? Been the recipient of one? What did you receive or re-gift?