What Do You Think John Stamos Did?
Two people were arrested last week in connection to an extortion plot. The person they were trying to extort? John Stamos. The Smoking Gun has all the details and the criminal complaint, but here is a summary. John Stamos met a woman at a party back in 2004. They apparently had a relationship as they have communicated throughout the intervening years. At some point the woman got a boyfriend and the pair decided to try and extort $680,000 from Stamos or they would release photos that would ruin his reputation.
Well, Stamos' lawyers called the FBI and now the couple has been arrested. My question is this. What kind of pictures could they have which would ruin his reputation? Does John have a squeaky clean reputation? I don't think pictures of him naked in bed with a couple of undergraduates would do anything. I think it is VERY interesting to note that John and Rebecca separated in the early part of 2004 and I am wondering if this party was after the separation or perhaps the cause of the separation. That timing is way too coincidental.
Sex with guys and women? Reputation ruining? I don't know. Anyway, what do you think? What kind of pictures are there that could ruin his reputation?