Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Today's Blind Items - Short & Sweet Breakups

#1 & 2 - This foreign born much more famous in the rest of the world than in the US world class athlete and his American born C list singer/reality star broke up because she said she wanted to really focus on her singing craft. Her boyfriend then laughed so hard he cried. She didn't find it funny and they are no more.

#3 & 4 - From the I don't even know why they bother column. This C list actor who has way more name recognition than he probably should has a movie to promote. So, before he heads off to film his new movie with his boyfriend he wants to spend two weeks with his "girlfriend." She is a C list actress who doesn't do anything but is tired of pretending. However, she does want to star in a future movie that our actor just signed on for. It makes sense for her to be in it, but he wants his two weeks of publicity before he will agree. Honestly, I have to say that if I hear one more of these types of stories from this couple I am just going on a full blown, non- blind rant because they are not even good at pretending and I'm tired of it and them.


  1. No idea for the first one, but the second one screams Hayden and Rachel to me.

    Merry Christmas, y'all!!!!!

  2. LOL rant rant rant

  3. Hayden just signed on for Jumper 2...the original was with Rachel Bilson.

  4. I thought of Rachel Bilson and what's-his-name also, since Enty has complained in the past about the whole bearding thing.

    The first one sure has a lot of clues, but I'm clue-less at the moment.

    .... and will probably remain so!

  5. Bring it on Enty!

  6. Rachel McAdams and Tim Robbins?? Answer to a blind from last week. Susan and Tim Broke up!!!

  7. The first one, Anthony Hamilton and the Pussycat Dolls singer? I love this blind.

  8. So Hayden's bf is also part of the movie? Before or behind the camera, I wonder?

  9. 1 week and 1 day to reveals!

  10. the first one is most def Lewis Hamilton and Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls

  11. But would a Formula 1 racer be considered an "athlete"?

    Rachel and Anakin for #2

  12. Rachel and Hayden, totally. And why wait Enty, just go ahead and let loose on these two. This sham is ridiculous and has gone on entirely too long. I like Hayden, but Bilson is a pathetic no talent hack. Sorry, but it's true.

  13. Anonymous1:45 PM

    #1 that soccer player
    #2 paris hilton
    they dated for about a minute when she was still trying to be a singer.
    #3 and 4, hayden and rachel for sure.

  14. @ Sporky - I'd have said Hamilton's an athlete; there's no chance you could be Enty-like and get away with driving in the F1.

  15. #1 No clue.
    #2 Hayden and Rachel.
    As for name recognition, being Darth Vader will do that for you.

  16. Ditto what Merlin said. I feel sorry for Rachel. I would be tired of pretending too. What these people go through to be famous. I was very interested in theater when I was young. However, no way in hell did I want to be an actor.

  17. The first one made me think of Julianne Hough (is that her name?) but I have no idea who she is dating.

  18. # 1 def the race car driver & the pussycat doll.

    #2 hopefully rachel/hayden. I find him very creepy.

  19. # 1 - If it is L.Hamilton and the Pussycat floozie, what is he laughing about?

    He knew what kind singer she was when he met her. Did he tell her then, "hey, I'd like to hook up with you, but I think you've got no talent and your career is a joke"?

    Don't think so.

    # Do these type of arrangements preclude the female from having a real boyfriend?
    I guess not, sing the guy has one, too.

  20. @ moon- which blind???

  21. Hey does anyone remember what blind item either enty did or someone else that involved a well known hollywood couple breaking up? cuz susan sarandon and tim robbins did so i wondered if they were the answer?????anyone remeber which blind it was?

  22. This is totally off topic. And I am a 1st time poster, long time reader and lurker of CDAN.

    Regarding Brittany Murphy's death, there is a widely circulating rumour on Russian websites that she attended a private party of Russian bankir on Saturday 19th December, where, as reported, large quantities of various substances were present and consumed, allegedly.

    Mila Jovovich was allegedly the host of that party.

    The aforementioned bankir denies this party ever happened.

    I have links(in Russian only) to the articles and the blog of the affluent russian gossip columnist, the latter unofficially confirms the story.

    I wonder why this story has not showed up as yet on american, canadian etc websites. Or maybe it has. Anyway...

    P.S. I appologize for my not so fluent English or misspellings.

  23. "# 1 - If it is L.Hamilton and the Pussycat floozie, what is he laughing about?"

    Because he knows she doesn't give a rat's ass about her "craft," only about how long it is until her next fix.

    Natalia, that's very interesting. I'm sorry to hear Mila is involved in that kind of scene. :(

  24. According to gossip and blinds from years ago, Hayden had been openly living with a boyfriend, but George Lucas has been adamant about "Vader" being straight and has gone to crazy lengths to make sure that Hayden stays deep in the closet. Supposedly Lucas sued a small magazine out of existence when it attempted to publish an interview with Hayden talking about his boyfriend.

  25. Natalia-

    Thanks for the info! Very interesting. And by the way, your English was great! Look forward to reading your posts in the future.

  26. Sporky, you're kidding me, right? You've obviously never been behind the wheel of any kind of true race car before. If you had, you'd have a concept of what kind of cardiovascular heroics are necessary to do it and do it well. There's no power steering and no air conditioning. Formula 1 drivers regularly attain speeds of over 200 MPH and can experience 5 Gs - enough to make a 200-pound person feel like s/he's 700 pounds. So yeah, I'd say that counts as an athlete.

  27. Lana or Iana(not sure, sorry), I was thinking of the Dec 11 blind, shortened below:
    C list movie actress with married A list movie actor co-star. They have continued to see each other since shooting wrapped.
    But TR wasn't married to SS. Not sure if there was another one.

  28. Welcome Natalia. Can you post the links to the russian websites? I actually speak russian and would like to read them!


  29. Hum .. well Nicole and Lewis have not been seen together since the F1 year ender at Abu Dhabi about six weeks ago. So I am on board the couple in question being them. I mean, she is in her early 30s while he just entered his mid 20s .. so it would make sense he decided to end it realizing he was no where near ready to be a Husband and Father. I am just amazed she didn't try to get knocked up to stay in his life.

    Is the second item even really a blind? I mean .. I will be shocked as hell if it ISN'T Hayden and Rachel. ; )

    [As a side bar .. Hell yes .. F1 drivers are athletes - Fit to Drive: Formula One Workout Video from Sky News. It takes amazing stamina to drive these cars around a course and withstanding the G's these guys do for up to 50 laps.] .. steps off soap box

  30. I read about that Russian Brittany Murphy story. I would imagine it hasn't caught on in the North American press because they are unable to verify sources. I'd be surprised if TMZ hasn't been made aware of the story via their "Tips" section on their website. But just in case, you should send it in to TMZ and see if they can't verify anything.

    That being said, I think the North American media are aware of the story, but already deemed it false. Personally, I don't think the story is true, given Brittany was apparently quite ill for a few days before her death according to her mother. I don't think she'd be in Russia partying if she was as sick as she is reported to have been.

  31. Oh, and for BI #1 - I like the guess of Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls and her ex. That being said, Nicole can sing. But while Nicole is a good singer, I don't know if she's talented or interesting enough individually to go solo without her band of dancing dolls.

    #2 - My first guess was Zac and Vanessa. But I think Hayden and Rachel is a better guess. Why is Rachel still with him? She could be out there making more interesting fake relationships. No one cares about Hayden.

  32. I care about Hayden, lol, that's why I'm actually willing to accept that he's gay if it means freeing him from that fame whoring no talent little troll.

  33. Interesting story about B.M. Wondering why Milla would be involved, though.

  34. "Honestly, I have to say that if I hear one more of these types of stories from this couple I am just going on a full blown, non- blind rant because they are not even good at pretending and I'm tired of it and them."

    That I want to see. Ent has never revealed any real juicy BIs, always the safe ones.

  35. First of all I would like to say thank you to CDAN readers for a warm welcome.

    The second is the link to the russian gossip blogger website. Her name is Bojena Rynska(Божена Рынска). I am not sure I spelled her name correctly in English.

    She insists it happened and that drugs were served along with food. Bojena Rynska personally knows many of the Russian nouveaux riches and their wives and mistresses and maybe even their pets. So I imagine she should have her sources.

    By the way the name of that banker who held the party is Igor Desyatnikov(Игорь Десятников).

    And fairly well known Russian actress Ekaterina Rednikova (Екатерина Редникова) cofirms Mila Jovovivh was in Moscow at the time. Mila allededly was with Russian models Natalia Vodyanova(Наталья Водянова) and Sasha Pivovarova(Саша Пивоварова).

    I was shocked as well when I read that Mila was at that party. Allegedly she was suppossed to appear later at a party of another russian mega rich dude(we are talking billions here) by the name Sulejman Kerimov(Сулейман Керимов) but never showed up. I wonder why.


  37. Isn't Natalia Vodyanova the ex prostitute who is now a model married to a Brit with a title?

  38. Pussycat doll and L. Hamilton sound right

    I rarely guess BIs unless they're really obvious. That's what this one is. Hayden and Rachel ftw, but it'd still be pretty awesome to hear enty rant about them.

    Welcome, Natalia! I'm tempted to call you Talia, which is the nickname for my niece who has your name :)

  39. Oh, I meant to welcome Natalia yesterday, too--

    Welcome, Natalia!

  40. Please do some hack PR job, Hayden and Rachel. Please. lol.

    Doesn't Nicole want to branch out on her own since she supposedly feels too good to be with PCD?

    Re the Brittany Murphy item, I'm guessing the reason her husband didn't want the autopsy was because they'd find out all the drugs in her system weren't legal. If the party was in LA, it would be plausible.

    Welcome Natalia! I hope you post more often.

  41. #1 can't be Lance. He's not foreign born.

    "This foreign born much more famous in the rest of the world than in the US world class athlete..."

  42. I heard the reason BMs husband didnt want an autopsy is because he is Jewish & its against his faith. They apparently had a Jewish wedding ceremony as well. So, that would make sense.

  43. Most Jewish people make an exception when the person is really young, mysterious death, homocide, etc. I'm not sure about her husband, but I don't think he's a super conservative jew. I honestly think he's scared because she was probably on a lot of different medicine. my two cents. don't think he's a really bad guy though. Even if it turns out that he made some really bad decisions concerning her health, her being gone now seems punishment enough.

  44. sorry about that off topic BM thing. I think 3 & 4 is def. Rachel and Hayden. I've only been reading this blog for a couple weeks now and I LOVE IT!!!

  45. Enty honey (rubbing your shoulders), you go right ahead and rant. Just let me get a pen and pencil. BTW, have we all figured out the very first blind (MV?)

    Wow, Susan S. and Tim R. broke up?

  46. 1&2# lewis hamilton and Pussycat 's singer guess sounds good!

    3&4# hayden christensen and rachel bilson guess sounds so true

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Barton, in the phrase you quoted, US refers to the "more famous in the rest of the world than in the US", not that the athlete is in the US. Lewis Hamilton FTW.

  49. SPORKY and CAROLINE: I believe Nascar races are also a couple hours long...

  50. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Has anybody seen the photo of Hayden and the actor who played Obi-won deep kissing each other on a London street? This kid is Mega gay.

  51. "Has anybody seen the photo of Hayden and the actor who played Obi-won deep kissing each other on a London street? This kid is Mega gay."

    Wonder if that pissed off Eve, Ewan McGregor's wife of 14 years?

  52. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Aren't Hayden and Rachel "engaged" though? Enty refers to the female in the blind as his "girlfriend."

  53. Anonymous1:10 PM

    they were suppose to be engaged but she hasnt wore that ring in awhile.
