Today's Blind Items - Short & Sweet Breakups
#1 & 2 - This foreign born much more famous in the rest of the world than in the US world class athlete and his American born C list singer/reality star broke up because she said she wanted to really focus on her singing craft. Her boyfriend then laughed so hard he cried. She didn't find it funny and they are no more.
#3 & 4 - From the I don't even know why they bother column. This C list actor who has way more name recognition than he probably should has a movie to promote. So, before he heads off to film his new movie with his boyfriend he wants to spend two weeks with his "girlfriend." She is a C list actress who doesn't do anything but is tired of pretending. However, she does want to star in a future movie that our actor just signed on for. It makes sense for her to be in it, but he wants his two weeks of publicity before he will agree. Honestly, I have to say that if I hear one more of these types of stories from this couple I am just going on a full blown, non- blind rant because they are not even good at pretending and I'm tired of it and them.