Monday, December 07, 2009

Ten And Counting For Tiger Woods

I don't know if Trojan is one of Tiger Woods' sponsors but whatever brand he uses they really need to get on this train. I'm guessing he might be one of the biggest individual users of condoms in the world. That is if he is using condoms. I hope he is and was right?

The latest count for Tiger Woods and his mistresses is nine. Now, these are not one night stands. I am sure there were plenty of those. These are nine women he saw on a regular basis and it sounds like none of them knew about the other. They all thought he was faithful to them. Well considering he wasn't faithful to his wife I don't know how you could expect him to be faithful to you.

From rough calculations he saw someone almost every weekend and during the week was with his wife except for when he was with a few of his Florida based woman. OK, so at this point I'm guessing Elin must have known. You just can't hide sex with different women every night while you are married. I wonder if what set her off was the fact this Rachel Uchitel was maybe in line to become the new wife. No matter how much money one guy has I don't see how he can hide this many women for this length of time including women coming to his house without his wife knowing. It would be the greatest juggling act ever. Anyway, here is a rundown of the people he was f**king. I don't know who he is f**king now, but if you work for him you better move fast. Just saying.

The wife -

#1 - Jaimee Grubbs - We know about her. Blah, blah, blah.
#2 - Rachel Uchitel - Maybe in line to be a wife. Definitely thought she was the only mistress.
#3 - Kalika Moquin - This is the most questionable mistress. Life & Style says it only happened one weekend last month.
#4 - Mindy Lawton - Worked as a waitress and then manager in a Perkins restaurant down the street from Tiger's house. They have been seeing each other every two weeks for about three years. According to The News Of The World, Elin and Tiger would come in for breakfast and then Mindy would follow Tiger back to his place.
#5 - Jamie Jungers - Could be the longest tenured. She has been his main local girlfriend for about five years and he actually started dating her while engaged to Elin.
#6 - Cori Rist - Cocktail waitress. Met her in New York. Shuttled her all over the country for sex.
#7 - Holly Sampson - Porn star#8 - VIP Club Hostess - Two year relationship with Tiger in Orlando. She has a corporate job now and has been paid off to be quiet.

#9 - British TV Broadcaster - This name will be public as soon as The Sun decides to share it with The Post. They have not published it there but she was Tiger's mistress for all UK events.

#10 - Cougar - More British tabloids say Tiger had one older woman he would see during the hours his British TV Broadcaster was working. Apparently he couldn't go very long without.


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