A 17 year old boy in Indiana has allegedly killed his 10 year old brother and he used the show Dexter as his excuse. Andrew Conley is accused of choking his brother to death. After he allegedly killed his brother he put his brother in the car trunk and then drove to his girlfriend's house for a date. Andrew's girlfriend said that Andrew "seemed happy, more happy than she had seen him in a while." After the date, Andrew dumped his brother's body in a park.
He told investigators that it was just like in the show Dexter. "Like I had to ... like when people have something like they are hungry and there is a hamburger sitting there and they knew they had to have it and I was sitting there and it just happened."
When Andrew plead not guilty to the crime no one in his family attended. They were all at the funeral for the younger brother.
Oh. My. God.
How utterly awful for the family.
ReplyDeleteRead the article. It is truly frightening.
ReplyDeleteThis family needs help and prayer if they are ever to heal.
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ReplyDeleteI have no words. This poor family. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
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ReplyDeleteThat's just one reason why a 17-yo shouldn't be watching Dexter.
ReplyDeleteUtterly horrifying story.
And the kid sounds like a sociopath to me. Like K above points out, he was way too quick with an excuse.
there really is far too much violence in our pop culture today, and it's rather sad. hollywood needs to check itself. while i'm not a proponent of laying the blame for murder on a show/film/rock band/video game, et al, i do acknowledge that they can be a tremendous influence. that, paired w/ questionable parenting is a scary, scary thing. i'm not saying that's the case here, but i can't help but wonder. i'm guessing we can probably expect an insanity plea. i can only hope he's tried as an adult.
ReplyDeleteWe all knew someone would end up blaming Dexter sooner or later. Knew it'd happen the first I heard of the show.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen Boy A? I watched it on the weekend and thought it was really good and thought-provoking - it's not totally related to this story, but made me think of how stupid kids are.
ReplyDeleteI love watching Dexter and have even read the books. I always felt people that blame a movie or show it's just an excuse to use to get away with it.
ReplyDelete"Conley showed no remorse or emotion as he described choking to death Conner Conley as the two wrestled Sunday, a probable cause affidavit said. He told investigators the child's last words were "Andrew, stop.""
ReplyDeleteI have never read or seen anything this disturbing in my life.
17, in a lot of cases and a lot of locales, just misses the juvenile classification.
ReplyDeleteLets just hope this is one of them.
That being said, this waste of DNA needs to be locked away and studied. This wasn't a spur of the moment thing, he has the whole thing planned to the last detail, including the "Dexter made me do it" defense.
Coupled with his age, the gamble is that he's capable of being "fixed" and "capable of released" after a few years of therapy.
Oh hell no. Put this waste of breath away somewhere where he can be studied and maybe we can prevent the next one.
Just don't let him out.
There will always be jerks who have an excuse for their bad behavior. You all remember Leopold & Loeb, right?
ReplyDeletesad! sad! sad! all i can say
ReplyDeleteOr the guy who killed Harvey Milk. He used the twinkie defense, too much junk food.
ReplyDeletewatching a tv show doesn't make someone kill. mental problems do.
ReplyDeletethis is a sad, sad story. the kid needs serious help.
I don't think I'd let my 17-year-old watch Dexter.
ReplyDeleteOh, those poor parents & little brother. Thia is so sad. Hopefully he will be taken care of in prison.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I think this would have happened even if he wasn't watching Dexter.
ReplyDeleteI'm inclined to agree with you, Green Wave Gal.
ReplyDeletei saw 'boy A' but it has nothing to do with this story. this psycho just decided to kill his brother and did it, then went on a date. he looks and sounds right pleased with himself too.
ReplyDeletedeath penalty..no rehabilitation for homicidal fucks. for the sheer reason he does not deserve to live!
ReplyDelete@nancer - I did say Boy A was not related to this story, but it deals with children murderers, and I wanted to know if anyone had seen it. You answered my question.
ReplyDeleteI think I heard about this on the local news, and they said the family was hoping he'd be tried as an adult.
ReplyDeleteThe story this linked to says the prosecutor has filed charges against Conley as an adult, but his age keeps him from being eligible for the death penalty.
Apparently the guy never actually watched Dexter. I do. In three seasons, I don't recall a brother killing another brother nor strangulation as a major death piece (I think a few police investigation involved that, but handled no different then CSI and the like).
ReplyDeleteSo basically his claim of inspiration is based on what exactly? It sounds like he is tryign the video game excuse knowing that the media and public eats that crap up without actually questioning it (like they should).
People in prison for hurting, abusing, killing children don't last long. It's just part of the code.
ReplyDeleteTFL- he's using the Dexter excuse by saying like Dexter, he has no control,he can't stop his urges...so he acted on them instead. now, had he acted on them with say...Joe Francis? we'd all just shrug and go about our day, happy in the knowledge that one more child pornographer and abuser was gone!
ReplyDelete... I HATE TV - cable satellite or 'OTHER'wise... *it's ALL GARBAGE*... but c'mon... the kid's watching IDIOTIC shows... getting SICK "ideas" because he's *evil*/m'Em"tally ill/SICK/et al... so *he's* TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for killing. As well... the parents were IRRESPONSIBLE for CREATING a MONSTER and should be r"Em"dered STERILE and "Em"POTENT because they created a killing SKUM-bag like this kid "allegedly" *is*. CUT THE BALL$ off of this kid's "father" and RIP the WO"Em"B OUTTA his "mother". S"Em"TENCE THE PUNK TO LIFE "Em"PRISONMENT and NO MORE REPRODUCING FOR THE SPERM/EGG "donors".
ReplyDelete... 'NUFF SAID.
Sylvia - Couldn't agree more. He kept choking his little brother even after he had died. That takes a sadistic person. Hate to say it but on some level I hope he's getting his in prison.
ReplyDeleteI thought there was something in the news report about him proposing to his girlfriend.
it's a great movie, rocketqueen. i wish more people had seen it.
ReplyDeleteand no, you didn't say it reminded you of this creep. no, this guy's just your run of the mill killer we all need to be protected from forever.
I blame the red hair.
ReplyDeleteJax, are you saying he used Dexter as an anology to try and explain were he was coming from?
ReplyDeleteMy read is he is using Dexter as an excuse for his behavior, that the show was an inspiration so to speak.
Huge difference between the two. The first I accept as trying to explain the unexplanable, the other is trying to lay blame elsewhere.
Firstly, there's no way the state is going to execute him.
ReplyDeleteEven if he gets the death penalty, it won't get enacted because he'll win first appeal based just on his age.
So, I propose they basically put the SOB under a damn microscope until he dies. Away from humanity, but studied so maybe, just maybe they'll figure something out so this won't happen again.
Before they blamed TV, they blamed movies, before they blamed movies, it was comic books, before comic books, it was fiction and theatre (The Sorrows of Young Werther, Catcher in the Rye, etc), and through all of that, they blame the devil. It's not the TV show, the kid is a psychopath. At 17, he's probably incurable. It's time for a nice padded room away from anyone he can hurt.
ReplyDeletedid anyone ever see the jeffrey dahmer special on msnbc from ages ago? he said something very similar to what this boy is saying... like he always had the inklings to hurt others and put them at bay until that one day when the urge overtook him... then he couldn't stop... scarey. i hope that he is tried as adult.
ReplyDeleteTLF: at the end of the first season, Dexter killed his long lost brother.
ReplyDeleteThis in no way excuses what the kid do. I'm just correcting a factual error.
This kid is a sociopath. No one kills their little brother then goes on a DATE. I hope the family gets their wish and that he's tried as an adult. He won't get death because of his age, but he needs to spend 25 years or so in prison to truly grasp the consequences of his actions.
I truly feel for his family. One child killing another is a parent's worse nightmare.
oh my god, this is the most disturbing thing i have read in awhile.
ReplyDeletethat poor family, my heart is aching for them right now.
I find the most disturbing thing about this is he was euphoric after the killing. He drove around with the poor boy IN THE TRUNK.
ReplyDeleteI'd put odds he had sex with girlfriend in same car that poor boys body was in.
They need to throw away the key with this one. There's no rehabilitation for sociopaths.
ReplyDeleteWhen watching Dexter I've often thought we'd eventually hear of somoene blaming a murder on the show.
ReplyDeleteIt's still very, very sick and very, very sad. That poor family.
That's the same excuse used by one of the killers in Scream 2 -- so even his excuse is borrowed from the movies...
ReplyDeleteAnother senseless death... Partly, parents have the responsibility to guide their children for moral values, however, a 17yr old person is old enough to know what is right and what is wrong. I hope the family can come to some point of healing and peace.
ReplyDeleteEprocurement software
The thing is, sociopathology just pops up randomly. People can be excellent parents but still produce a sociopath.
ReplyDelete@justpeachy, I agree--there isn't really a cure for sociopaths, at least not yet. It's understood better all the time. The latest is that they are missing crucial synaptic structures...so it may be a physical malformation.
Dexter kills other killers and his brother was the ice truck killer. That has nothing to do with what this 17 year old did. A TV show or music isn't going to make you do this. It's something inside of them that they are already capable of. The other 99.9% of people who watch Dexter don't have any urge to kill people.
ReplyDeleteIt's horrible. I feel for the parents. They basically lost two children in an instant.
Take a deep hard look in that kid's eyes... They're friggin' empty. Scary empty... There's a kid on my street who's eyes look just like this, creeps me the F right out!
ReplyDeleteDamn. That is so sad. That poor 10 year old boy. And the family.. so sad.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of a 13 year old who did in his parents and 7 year old sister in my general neighbourhood many years ago. Shot the parents in their bed, shot the sister in the stomach while she was sitting in the living room. The school called to ask why the little girl wasn't there and he calmly told them she wasn't feeling well. He was believed because they could hear her crying in the background. Later, he invited some friends to come over and charged them a quarter to go in and look at the bodies. When the cops came he laughed and said they couldn't do anything to him because of his age, and he was going to get his inheritance when he came out.
ReplyDeleteThis kid is the same - doesn't give a damn. Those poor parents.