Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Simon Monjack Is Evil

There I said it. Simon Monjack is evil. I don't know how else to describe him. Oh, I guess bloated and living off his now deceased wife. Of course since Brittany Murphy didn't leave him in her will, he is going to be mostly out of luck. He will get some money, but hopefully not much.

So, right after Brittany died, Simon said he didn't want an autopsy performed on Brittany. Who says that about their 32 year old wife who died in a bathroom? Some guy who wants the truth hidden. Now he says he just couldn't stand the thought of her being cut up because it would upset Brittany's mom. Uh huh. Now though he wants to know what happened.

Now, he is telling anyone who will listen that he has not slept since Sunday at 8am because he has just been worrying about Brittany. My guess is he is has been trying to make sure nothing exists in the house which will look bad on him.

He said there was nothing wrong with Brittany. She just had a little sore throat and was treating it with herbal remedies like herbal tea and ginger and lemon. Uh huh. Oh, you want to know how all of us know he is a sack of lying crap?

Every police report has said there were large amounts of prescription drugs in the house. You want to know what asshat says? "There was nothing here that could endanger her; there was prescription medication in the house for her female time and some cough syrup. That was it."

Well buddy, she must have had one hell of a female time every month because some of the prescriptions in the house like Topamax, Klonopin, and Carbamazepine are seizure meds. She had Antivan to control a seizure and then Biaxin which is some kind of antibiotic and doesn't do well with the seizure meds which means she probably was getting prescriptions from a variety of sources who didn't know about the other drugs.

Thanks Leah for the medical insight.


jax said...

Heath Ledger 2.0

Unknown said...

Exactly, Jax.

juicy said...

topamax is a migraine medication. i know, because i take it occasionally. ativan and klonopin are anti-anxiety meds. let's not just assume that they were all taken for seizures.

Alice D Millionaire said...

Klonopin is also used for panic attacks. Very, very addictive though.

Linnea said...

shouldnt the doctors who gave her all that stuff get in trouble too?

Unknown said...

This is an Anna Nicole/Howard Stern situation all over again. Sad.

briar said...

Most of the meds are used to treat psychiatric disorders on the bi-polar spectrum, they just happen to be anti seizure meds as well.

Anonymous said...

why would she have a prescription for this one - Propranolol (hypertension, used to prevent heart attacks). What made dr's think she was at risk for a heart attack at age 32? So sad.

maggs said...

Topamax is also used for dieting. In my area 2 different doctors presribe it along with Phentermine and it works awesome, the weight just falls off. I've known several women who have taken the combo prescribed by these docs however it doesn't have FDA approval yet to market the combo as a diet pill so they don't market it that way. One bad side effect which made me stop taking it, is that it messes up your potassium levels, they check your levels while you are on it and then prescribe more stuff as needed. When i read up on what potassium is needed for in the body it said something about regulating your heart rhythm or something like that and then i stopped and said i'd rather be chubby then drop dead of a heart attack.

Heather said...

This made me go all sorts of ewwww. You'll get to it, trust me.


"Patient" is not the word I would use. Nor is it a story I would really be proud to retell.

ellapetal said...

Topamax can also be used to treat bi-polar disorder and as an appitite suppressant. I know people who have had it prescribed to them for both.

NovaNightly said...

Jax is right!

ellapetal said...

Sorry maggs and briar, didn't see you there! :-)

Sporky said...

Stevie Nicks was very addicted to Klonopin years ago, it almost killed her.

NovaNightly said...

I do remember hearing somewhere that Britney said in an interview that she had some heart problems as a child. Maybe that is the reason for the heart meds??

whole lotto luv said...

I worked with a woman who was prescribed Klonopin for migraines. It's very addictive and turned the woman I knew into a zombie. It's not supposed to be prescribed to anyone with a history of drug abuse or addiction (which my co-worker had). And co-worker's doctor gave her extra because she claimed she had to double-up during her periods to avoid the migraines.

B626 said...

By my count the 'grieving husband' has about 4 weeks to scrape up as much cash as he can and hightail it to any country that won't extradite him for charges relating to his wife's death.When the toxicology report comes out.
Too bad there wasn't security footage(I wish)of the loads of other drugs being carted out of the house BEFORE the 911 call.

maggs said...

Klonopin, wasn't that the drug Stevie Nicks was addicted to? Didn't she have to go to rehab and didn't she say it was the hardest drug for her to quit taking? She fell or something while on it and didn't even feel pain when she cut her forward.

Ice Angel said...

Well if all these drugs also serve as appetite supprssants, we certainly know one person who wasn't taking them! This reminds me so much of Anna Nicole. When you are taking all kinds of prescription drugs like these and then you are sick and take drugs like cold medicines, etc...it is very easy to have a bad reaction, especially if eating disorders are involved. It sounds like this poor girl suffered the perfect storm...years of prescription drug use and eating disorders ruining her fragile body and then getting sick on top of it was just too much. (Remember, Anna Nicole had the flu when she died.)

ellapetal said...

Very interesting article about the hubby on Movie Line. I like him less and less. I actually didn't know that was possible. Sorry about the link.


Karmen said...

When I saw anti-seizure medication, I assumed it could also be for bi-polar disorder. I was on Lamictal, which is for bi-polar disorder in lower doses and epilepsy in higher doses. I could be wrong, but I think in very low doses it could also be used to suppress nicotine cravings for people who want to quit smoking. Or maybe that's Zoloft.

With all those meds and erratic behavior, I can't help but wonder if she was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder.

Genesis said...

....america is on drugs. add me to the list, i just started last week.

PotPourri said...

Uh no. This is Anna Nicole 2.0. She was being kept drugged by him.

Anonymous said...

what a tragedy. bonus point to enty for the use of "asshat" - gives me the smiles every time.

Kingrey said...

Heather- EEEEWWW!!!!!!!! Enty's right- He's a sack of crap. Very patient with her, huh?! More like wishing he had magical powers to advance time in seconds.

Fieldflower said...

Hi - long time reader - first time responder. I was on Topomax for weight reduction - it worked great - lost weight like crazy, but it made me so stupid and confused, I had to stop - I couldn't do my job. Wish I could take it again. I can see if she was taking this for weight loss, it might explain some of the stupidity.

Elizabeth Peregrina said...

it's sad all the way around. nowadays anyone can become addicted to these prescription pills. they hand them out like candy. I know when i was diagnosed with a herniated disc, they handed me muscle relaxers, vicodin, and anti imflammatories like it was tylenol.
her husband is grimy and def. hiding something. for her family's sake i hope he gets whats coming to him...

mooshki said...

This morning I saw that he released a statement "exclusively" to Access Hollywood, which means he got paid for it. You're right, the only word to describe him is "evil."

mooshki said...

Also, I always find it strange to hear how easily people get drugs out of doctors. Hell, the hoops I have to jump through to get my dog medication are bad enough, let alone for myself!

strawberrygirl said...

This is so sad. I'm relieved he isn't in the will! Why is it that people like Pete Doherty and Lindsay Lohan put everything they find up their nose and this sweet girl died? Life just isn't right to some people. And I think Perez Hilton is a jackass because he tore her down every chance he got and now he says he "how sad" it is that she died. Sorry I just think she got a really raw deal and I need to bitch. Rant over.

Chris M said...

I have most of those drugs at my house. I went to a headache specialist to try to get control of my migraines. Topomax and propanolol are in my medicine cabinet as well as numerous anti-seizure meds. I would try one medicine for 2-3 months, nothing happened, so a new prescription the next visit. After about a year and a half, I just gave up. the meds had worse side effects than the migraines.

He's still an asshat though and I don't like him one bit.

Yellow Rose said...

If she was on biaxin, that would explain the reports of her vomiting the day she died. I was prescribed that 2 weeks ago after being diagnosed w/ pharyngitis & found out that the side effects include vomiting (NOT fun when you have a throat infection). This poor girl-like y'all have said, it certainly sounds like Heath Ledger all over again...so sad

sunnyside1213 said...

Thanks for the link ellapetal. Simon is a piece of work.

msvictoriasara said...

Just to clarify:

Topamax & Tegretol (carbamazepine) are also used to treat Bipolar Disorder. It's not uncommon for people with this disorder take multiple medications to keep it under control.

People with mood disorders can experience anxiety when manic. Ativan & Klonopin are for acute anxiety (panic attacks included), and do have a risk for abuse. The flip side of this mood is depression, which was being treated with Prozac (fluoxetine).

The presence of Biaxin sounds harmless, as though she had an infection of some nature and had leftover meds from the time that the medication was taken.

Methylprednisolone (Medrol) is for forms of arthritis, and also allergies/asthma. The only issue would have been if she had been taking both Medrol and Biaxin simultaneously, as there is interaction between the two.

If she had joint pain or arthritis, as the Medrol suggests, then that might also explain the Vicoprofen (pain reliever) and Vicodin (Hydrocodone).

Still--no matter how you slice it, that's a lot of pills and a lot of risk.

Maja With a J said...

Ew, I read the LA Times bit...what a freaking creep this guy is. But it also said that they seemed to be genuinely in love. He can prove it by keeping things private from now on, but I have a feeling he won't.

Pookie said...

eeep...shady guy gets shadier. this is so sad. he most likely scored permanent residency during the marriage...but am hoping his track to citizenship gets halted real quick.

Anonymous said...

Propranolol is for high blood pressure, although many people including performers use it for stage fright as it keeps the heart from palpitating. Since she was taking Klonopin (anti-anxiety) also, my guess is she was taking propranolol for anxiety attacks. Taking too much can lower your blood pressure and/or heart rate enough to stop your heart.

JFB said...


pretty good breakdown and one of the prescriptions she was taking was a special on 60 mins

Bella said...

That's a lot of drugs. I couldn't even take that many pills if I wanted too. RIP Brittany. You were too young.

Daveb said...

Am I the only one who wonders how her mother fits into all of this? Apparently she was living with them and was close with her daughter (who I believe supported her mother through bouts of cancer). While I agree that her husband is highly suspect wasn't her mother also watching Britt consume her prescriptions?

ItsJustMe said...

I'm more disturbed that he's out conducting interviews. Um, ok. If your spouse had just died all of a sudden, anyone would not be presentable enough to give televised interviews.

Besides that, how inappropriate! She JUST died, Simon.

Leah said...

Hi All,
As I've stated in the past, I have a son with epilepsy. When I saw the list of meds that were found Brittany's house, the anti-seizure meds jumped out at me, because I have all of them in my medicine cabinet for my son. As I told Enty, those meds could be used for mental health issues; however, the fact that she had so many that were used to treat seizures as well as the Antivan (which is used to stop a seizure in progress as is dilatin and valium) made me wonder if Brittany had epilepsy.

Regardless of why she was taking them, these are very powerful meds. Right now, we have no way of knowing what she was taking at the time and if she was taking it correctly. If she unknowingly added cold medicine to the mix she could have caused a dangerous interraction.

Her weight appeared to be fluctuating, and doses of these meds would need to be adjusted based on her weight. Some of the meds can cause weight loss, but some can cause weight gain. There are hair-related issues from these meds (facial hair growth/hair loss on the head), and I cannot imagine that an actress would take them with there being a serious reason.

I am not a doctor or nurse -- just passing on what I know after managing the health of an epileptic for 10 years.

Ms Cool said...

Aw geez. I was going to point out what Mookshi already said - the fact that he had an exclusive with Access Hollywood means he got paid. I was trying to find ways to feel sorry for this man but that just gave me the willies. That and his creepy face. What on earth was she doing with him?

slider1964 said...

I'm very curious about the seizure medicine. Had a friend who was epileptic and she went into the bathroom had a really bad seizure,she just quit breathing. Her husband came home and found her dead on the floor . Sounds just like Britney. But with all the meds she had, I think it was probably an OD..

BlahFrickinBlah said...

Yeah...I am on the 'she was bipolar' train from that list of dope. It's not uncommon for shrinks to throw Topomax on top of other meds to counter act the weight gain of the other meds. It's one of the very few used to treat bipolar disorder that doesn't cause weight gain and in fact causes weight loss. Nicknamed the California drug cause it makes ya skinny and stupid. Now if she was doing any type of meth or too much coke and topomax? It totally explains that incident where she was hearing shit. Topomax can make you fucking really stupid and confused. Her husband prolly loved that shit for that side effect alone.

Wil said...

Like I think I might have said here yesterday .. evil svengali man who .. I think .. kept her high to keep her with him.

Been on Ativan - that stuff is EVIL!!

Have taken Topamax .. though not recently .. for migraines and it wasn't horrible.

Klonopin keeps me sane when I have seizures in the form of restless legs - but I only take 1 mg as needed and I prefer to use the other remedy my doc gave me .. one Iron pill and 3 calcium pills.

Carbamazepine have never taken .. but from the sound of it at Rxlist.com .. I don't know that I would want to either! Sounds like it is a serious brain med that can be used - among other things - for dementia! : /

I guess it is looking more and more like OD due to bad drug interaction and again .. I am going to blame that scuzball for keeping her high .. and thereby killing her.

Gonna go read Ellapetal's link .. should be interesting .. or horrifying.

classalpha said...

... I've known Britt had clinical anxiety for years... *Shannon/SeaReaver the GOTH b!tch webmistress* I once "partnered with" at her Fabulous Brittany Murphy Page in 2000 told me. And from the list of prescription drugs found, it's looks like Britt was on PROZAC (Fluoxetine) as well...

... Britt's mother knew DAMN WELL Britt was a *junkie*... she "Em"NABLED Britt to get HOOKED ON MEDS too.

When Britt faked that seizure on NYE at the Ponchetrain Hotel in Detroit, and did *so* because *that cRAPPER CRETIN "Em" wouldn't pay any "attention" to Her, paramedics were called in. When they arrived, Sharon "Em"mediatedly told them what prescription meds She was on... which ones to give Her and also the SPECIFIC BRANDS they should use... and not to give Her "generic" ones.

It's obvious that Sharon kept Britt dep"Em"dent on *drugs* - according to the reports they also found numerous meds in Sharon's name as well. Clearly she's 'JUST' as much a JUNKIE as Britt Was...

... I've NEVER been prescribed meds in my Life and now 'I'll NEVER' take any as long as I live... in Her Honor.

Lenore said...

Enty, I don't think that was a fair assessment of her medications.

1) Biaxin with benzodiazepines (Klonopin, Ativan) and carbamazepine is considered a drug interaction because the antibiotic MAY decrease the metabolism of the other drugs. It's defined as RIsk D, which is "consider therapy modification". Very rarely do we change these drugs doses in the hospital when an antibiotic is added on, so I can see her primary care doctor not doing it either.

2) Just because she was prescribed all these medicines doesn't mean she was taking them all at once. I have seen Vicodin prescribed for really bad menstrual cramps, so it's not that uncommon. The topamax, carbamazepine, and Prozac may have been daily, and maybe even the Klonopin (it's really long acting), but the Ativan was very likely an as needed drug.

3) One theme I see from these drugs is that many are prescribed for performance anxiety. Propanolol, Topamax, and ativan are mainstay prescriptions for this, especially for tremor. Which again points to her perhaps not taking these drugs every single day.

I'm not saying that she didn't abuse these drugs, but there is certainly the possibility that she wasn't, given how these drugs are normally prescribed and why they would have been prescribed for her.

Wil said...

Oh boy .. that article was a bit - ad by a bit I mean TOTALLY - horrifying. There is also a side article link in there .. pretty interesting - Brittany Murphy 'Barely There' on Recent Movie

Beth said...

Some of the drugs listed on another report made me think she might have had migraines. I know, I know, but I was prescribed some of the same anti-seizure and blood pressure meds to prevent migraines. Luckily my mom was my advocate, because I was doped up and drooling....I would fall asleep chewing. I couldn't function. I was on a medical LOA from work at a corporate job. I had the best physicians too. I stopped taking it all in January. Now I just take Relpax to get rid of a migraine and something for pain or nausea...Would rather treat pain as it happens then mess with my brain chemistry...sometimes it's just trial and error on what one can tolerate. I have lupus and fibromyalgia, chronic conditions that require meds to improve my quality of life.
I don't want to add to speculation about illicit drugs, just saying that I had legit reasons to get the same meds. You combine all that crap with anti-depressants and you can have serotonin sickness. Happened to me. She could have had a mood disorder with the klonopin and ativan on board. When you are that farked up, you can easily take the wrong combo. My mom had to start doling out my pills because I was too gorked to really remember if I had taken a dose of something.

Bottom line, I am just so sad this wonderfully expressive and sensitive soul is dead. I enjoyed her movies and her lovely lovely eyes. I only care that she is at peace and her mom finds comfort.

classalpha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
selenakyle said...

Well he has LOOKED evil from the beginning (sorry, it's mean to judge on looks alone, but still).

I mean, yeesh! That hair...

Poor, poor girl. I would've sworn she was on meth or coke or speedballs or some combo of hard/street drugs.

So maybe Michael Lohan is right after all saying LiLo is on prescription meds!

So I'll tell ya who's evil in the whole scenario--the DOCTORS who prescribe the shit left and right.

mazemerizing said...

Wait a minute, wait a minute, since Brittany and this guy were legally married, isn't he entitled to whatever money and possessions she had regardless of whether there was a will or not?

Lioness70 said...

I was prescribed Paxil, Ativan and Klonopin when I was diagnosed with OCD five years ago. I did my research before I took 'em, and I didn't stay on the first two for long.

A couple of people I know take Topamax for mood disorders and migraines.

Who knows how much shit that poor girl was on. And if this guy was keeping her doped up or even abusing her meds himself...sick fucker.

Kristen S. said...

The type of diabetes she was alleged to have - couldn't that also cause seizures?

jen said...

classalpha, name calling, what a great way to get people to listen to you. Learn some manners (and syntax, while we're at it.)

This guy has seemed shady from the start. How he plans to hide all this prescription meds stuff is beyond me. If he was smart he'd keep his mouth shut, but slimeballs have difficulty with that.

Poor Brittany. I keep reading how sensitive and "fragile" she was. If she was in fact suffering from a mental disorder no wonder she was so fragile. So unfair. :(

Julie said...

i have a feeling digoxin had a part.

so so so weird because i thought to myself the day she died about Simon Conjack. Also, thought of "Tai"because theres a girl I want to make over at work... OUT OF THE BLUE, while I was at work. Then on the way home, I heard "end of the world" by skeeter davis on my ipod (one of my favorite songs) which is the song heard on repeat when her character, Daisy, hung herself in girl, interrupted (last monday, i had a family member hang themself, so I immediately thought of that and cried)
Then I got home from my working retail hell, and facebook is all like RIP BRITTANY MURPHY" I'm like o.O srsly!? I really thought she was doing well, especially after seeing those horrifying pictures of her and Simon making out at LAX recently. She looked good so good at the beginning of the month. :( :( :( too many freakin coincidences that day to think of her though.

Also, I went to KMart to pick up some wrapping paper, looked in the cheap dvd bin for last minute stocking stuffers and immediately spotted girl, interrupted and spun. :\

AHHGGH anyway, so in response to everyones fb statuses before I'd even read anything, or knew anything about it, I implicated conjack. Then I felt bad about it. Now people are all commenting back like "oic, maybe you're onto something"

I have friends who have worked with her, and they've also said that she was such a beautiful soul, and that she was incredibly sweet.

whole lotto luv said...

mazemerizing said...

Wait a minute, wait a minute, since Brittany and this guy were legally married, isn't he entitled to whatever money and possessions she had regardless of whether there was a will or not?

SECTION 770-772
770. (a) Separate property of a married person includes all of the
(1) All property owned by the person before marriage.
(2) All property acquired by the person after marriage by gift,
bequest, devise, or descent.
(3) The rents, issues, and profits of the property described in
this section.
(b) A married person may, without the consent of the person's
spouse, convey the person's separate property.

from http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=fam&group=00001-01000&file=770-772

Beth said...

My money is on serotonin syndrome/toxicity based on the history and medications found.

Poor lady WAS vulnerable, she probably had a chronic mood disorder and/or migraines or epilepsy or autoimmune condition.

People don't realize how devastating mood disorders can be. Visit NAMI. They provide good education and advocacy for mental illnesses.

Yes, Americans are often inappropriately prescribed antidepressants or other mood altering substances. Some of us need them to have ANY quality of life. Have one doctor overseeing your care who gets all the reports from specialists to coordinate your care with them. Unfortunately, you have to choose the best health care provider you can afford and hope for the best. Take a friend or family member to appointments to be an extra pair of ears.

I can't swear off all medications, but I have trialed some that I will never take again. It's a dangerous, hire wire act finding the right regimen to treat you while improving your quality of life.

(As an aside, hubby doesn't fit with Brittany. Something was shady.)

PS- Mood disorders often run in families, her mom might have been managing a chronic condition too. And yes, having a family history of mood disorders appears to be linked to increased susceptibility to substance abuse or dependence. As someone said earlier, a "perfect storm."

Visit NAMI.

mazemerizing said...

@whole lotta luv. Thanks. I think. Money earned during the marriage is his, regardless of will, but what she earned before and gifts she got during the marriage are whoever she's left it to in the will. Is that it? Probably splitting hairs here 'cause I doubt she's earned that much money in the last several years.

Beth said...

Brittany gave an interview that she wanted to have a baby in 2010. If she had a seizure disorder, she may have been trying to wean off meds that are harmful during pregnancy...she could have died as a result of a seizure, the airway can become compromised and there was vomit noted in the bathroom.

If she had epilepsy, a GREAT and advocate mom would know exactly what medication stopped her daughter's seizures. EMTs love to have someone on scene that knows what meds a person is on and what their medical history is. Sounds like that's what her mom has done on at least two occasions.

I hope she is at peace. By all accounts, she was a sweet soul.

Beth said...

Wow. Educate yourself about chronic medical and mood disorders. Your loved ones SHOULD know exactly what meds you are taking.

There is so much stigma about psychotropic meds. People think drug abuse immediately. Some people HAVE to take medication to have any quality of life. Saying otherwise is unkind and cruel.


WednesdayFriday said...

I'm sorry, are we still on CDAN? Or did I get sent through some weird internet portal to the comments section on PerezHilton?

slider1964 said...

ROFL!!Good one Lauren!! The thought occurred while I was reading all the comments. Believe me I want to know what happened to her, but in the end I think it was a combination of medical problems,enablers, and drugs.She so many unhealthy things going on, it was bound to catch up with her. Death is completely relentless and inevitable..

mooshki said...

Classalpha, only posts with threats to other commenters or extreme obscenities get deleted here. It only takes a tiny bit of self-control to avoid having that happen to you.

Pinky said...

Wow -- topamax can be frightening stuff. For me, it not only made me stupid but non-functional. I could no longer dial the phone, do any sort of math (like factor a tip), remember my address or phone number, etc. As I took it longer, I couldn't drive, and finally, I couldn't walk.

And unfortunately, since I was taking it for an undiagnosed neurological issue (first thought to be migraines), it wasn't readily apparent the drug was causing all those side effects. Scary.

Lioness70 said...

Lauren, this place gets one of these creepos/trolls/nutcases every once in a while. Whoever this is just started posting here. Have no idea how long he's known about it. Enty will probably nuke him soon enough.

libby said...

I don't know anything about "Em", but I've heard the rumors classalpha is promoting.

*****Note to Classalpha:*****
Classalpha, it would be wonderful if we could all go through life, saying and doing whatever we wish, willy-nilly. But if society is to operate smoothly, eventually everybody learns to drive on the Right, if you will.
I appreciate your individualism and creativity, but the only reason people react negatively to your posts is because your affected style is IMPOSSIBLE TO READ. It is hard to understand, and it really screams of overreaching.
I will advise you that if you had typed like a human being, people would be googling your info, and adding it to the theories. But because of your stupid typing style, readers miss your point and just get mad.
I predict this will continue lest you tone it down a notch. I predict you will have a much easier time if you do.
Kindest regards.

LottaColada said...

Wow this guy is seriously disturbed. What could he have possibly told Brittany to convince her to be with an "asshat" like him? He makes my skin crawl & I don't even know him. What a creep

notamuse(d) said...

Enty, "no autopsy" is the first thing most people say when told of a loved one's death especially when the deceased is young and the death is sudden. They're in shock and their first thought seems to be that autopsy is desecration of the body. After the first shock has ebbed they think more rationally. He may be evil but that reaction to the autopsy question is common.

sunnyside1213 said...

Well said libby. I find everything he/she says unintelligible.

WednesdayFriday said...

Lioness- I am well aware of the Trolls, I just like to poke a little fun. :)

libby said...

Aw shucks, sunny, thanks.

I am about as non-conformist as they come, but there's a time and a place. It just wastes energy to get into nasty post-fights just b/c you refuse to type coherently.

H/She probably won't even see it.

ballyhoo. said...

weird comments today...

and thank you enty, for tellin' it like it is - that guy IS evil but nobody else would come out and say like you did. that's why i come here!

bionic bunny! said...

i do want to comment on the topamax. i had two (what they used to call) grand mal seizures almost 2 1/2 years ago. to this day we don't know the cause, but treatment was required. i've been on topamax all this time, but besides the doctor's advice, i also always keep a current PDR in the house and looked up the drug myself.
like most psychotropics, side effects decrease over time. i was able to warn my family that i was likely to blank out in conversation and be forgetful, which i was. i'd lose words, but frankly, i did that before :)
i was thrilled to hear it would help with weight loss. it didn't.
at the 18 month mark, the neurologist said i could go off of it, but i asked if i could stay on it a bit longer, but go through my primary, instead, as i had no side effects, but like to have all my meds with one doctor.
i've also had klonopin in the past, for sleep/anxiety. my bi-polar son was given ativan for sleep. i take xanax for anxiety and ambien for sleep. i have meds for pain, muscle relaxants,hypertension, and minor depression, all taken on a daily basis.
then there are the stronger pain meds on hand for worse days, and the really killer stuff for trips or injuries. leftover vicodin from surgeries. oh, and the keppra from the seizure ER trip. you're not supposed to flush them. i've got a mess of stuff left over. if i get a cold, i take OTC cold medicine. i'm allowed to drink in moderation. and let's not forget the syringes that were left from my diabetic cat. what if i die tomorrow?
sorry, i went off on a tangent there. i'm just saying the meds may have been prescribed for any number of reasons. yes, her heart could have stopped during a grand mal seizure. yes, i think her husband is evil.
but the topamax could have been prescribed for any number of things, and doesn't always make a person feel/act out of it.

classalpha said...

... copy & paste KILLS *CENSORSHIP*.

^... @ *Jennifer and EVERY 'OTHER' 'TARD* here = STFU. THERE ARE NO OBSCENITIES in MY POSTS... I DARE *you* to "find" any. And I DON'T "Em"SULT ANYONE WHO DOESN'T "Em"SULT ME FIRST. My posts ONLY GET DELETED because I POST THE TRUTH and Ent. L. is a COWARD AFRAID OF LAWSUITS and/or *death THREATS*. But I "fear" NEITHER... SO BITE ME. BTW... I'm NOT a Negro ("Em"KANYE? WTF?) and NOT "female" either...

... AGAIN... it's BEEN PUBLISHED in J.R. Watkin's 'Cleaning Out My Closet' "bio-book" about *the cRapper Em"ma ANU$* that Sharon WAS BASICALLY Britt's NURSE/CAREGIVER/"handler" and WAS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR Britt's *drug use/abuse*... *"Em"* EVEN SAID Britt KEPT POPPING PILLS and *he* DIDN'T LIKE IT but Sharon made sure that Britt TOOK Her MEDS.... NOW "look" *what happened*...

... so... "Em" Conclusion -*SKUMjackA$$ = GUILTY OF BLACKMAILING Britt.. MAKING Her *his* *SEX SLAVE* ("look at" the DISTURBING/RISQUÉ PICS *he* "took" of Her on *his http://simonmonjackphotography.com website*) and likely PROSTITUTING/WH0RE-ing Her OUT TO 'OTHER' *men* to PAY OFF *his* DEBTS. And *THAT'S* THE ABJECT TRUTH!!!!


bionic bunny! said...

not in his defense, but classalpha has always shown up here whenever brittany is mentioned. i don't know why he posts that way. he's seemed fairly harmless, but very adamant in his statements.

i do agree, though, classalpha, we'd be interested in your insight if you could type a little more straight-forwardly.

classalpha said...

^... @ "bunny". I post re: Britt because I 'WAS' AMONG the FIRST to PUT Her ON THE INTERNET in 1999... DUH!!

As well... I KNEW MORE ABOUT Her THAN ANYONE 'OTHER' than Her Family and (closest) "friends"/*colleagues* did. So I HAVE EVERY RIGHT to VOICE My Opinion(s) re: Her brief Life and NEEDLESS/SENSELESS Death TOO.

... so 'NUFF SAID

Moosefan said...

He's so worried about her Mama, but Mama was the one that found her in the shower and Mama was the one that called 911. He needs to STFU and sit the F down.
For her families sake, I hope that they do not give him one cent.

Anonymous said...

I've been on Topamax, it is an anti-seziure medication that can be used for migraines but that stuff is dangerous. It can make you appear perpetually drunk or stoned and while taking it, you can't remember crap. I quit taking it after realizing that I was missing 4 months of my life.

Miss X said...

I was on Topamax for a few years (for seizures - like Bionic Bunny I had some grand mals with unknown causes so they medicated me). It was a living hell getting on that drug. Absolutely awful. I could barely function. The weight loss was nice, though. And it really helped my migraines.

Between seizures, depression & migraines, I'm pretty familiar with a lot of meds that affect the brain. And the list of drugs Brittany was on screams bipolar to me but, of course, I don't know if she really was bipolar or took those drugs regularly.

sprinkles said...

I'm use Topamax as a painkiller for my hip and I don't have any of the side effects others have mentioned here. I tried various other meds which didn't seem to help much at all and finally was prescribed Topamax which seems to work the best.

I did lose weight initially and was a bit confused for awhile but it didn't last very long at all. It was a great appetite suppresant in the beginning but as I said, it didn't last long at all. My body adjusted to it very quickly.

classalpha, no one is saying you can't post your opinion. A lot of times I skip over your comments because they're so difficult to read. If you typed like a normal person without all the extra symbols, HALF SENTENCES CAPITOLIZED and weird made up words such as "Em"NABLED, I would probably be much more willing to take the time to hear your side of the story. And I'm sure others would too!

classalpha said...

... as posted on IMDb...

" by bobbykanae 2 hours ago (Tue Dec 22 2009 17:54:11) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

UPDATED Tue Dec 22 2009 18:20:02

I used to work for the company that produced Megafault, here's what my friends on the crew told me:

Monjack would never let Brittany out of his sight.

Brittany & Monjack would dissapear for 3+ hours in trailers and bathrooms (locking the door).

Both Brittany and Monjack were strange, sometimes Brittany was completely out of it

Monjack scared them, he'd start yelling for no reason.

One day Monjack did Brittany's make-up himself for no reason, he's not a make up professional, they were both likely high as hell. You can see this scene in the helicopter where her make-up looks completely wrong and caked and Brittany seems barely functional.

How can all that happen without someone taking action? It's an Asylum Film, we just get the movie done no matter what :P

A few months later I sent out a breakdown out for a low budget film and immediately got a response back from Brittany's agent asking me "if i'd like her for the project." I thought it strange they had whored her out to The Asylum and now they were trying to sell her to me. Which is really sad, because agents should be protecting the value of their actor, a talented rising actress would never be put into an Asylum film by any agent in their right mind. (it could effectively be a career killer as the movies are infamous)

It made me sick to my stomach and made me feel like Monjack and the agent were selling Brittany to anyone with a dollar carting her around like a Doll from The Dollhouse."

... there... no "caps"...except for 'NUFF SAID.

sprinkles said...

Thank you classalpha! Your post was easy to read and understand.

classalpha said...

... 'twas copy & paste as I am not the poster "bobbykanae".

ChasingHeaven said...

Classalpha...Maybe I missed it, but what was the blackmail on Brittany?

classalpha said...

... BTW... did anyone "check out" *SKUM-jack's* photog website ? If "not"... this forum has many of *them* uploaded...


... the forum there is run by David Icke (rhymes w/ "bike") and is a bit "conspiratorial" (CIA/MKUltra/Paul Is Dead wacky stuff) ... but some of the posters seriously suggest there may have been some pedophilia/ritual sexual abuse/rape underlying Britt's acting "career". The surveillance sex tape *SKUM-jack* supposedly discovered and had blackmailed Her into "marrying" *him* with...

... remember... Kathy Najimy tweeted that Britt had eventually gotten "... hooked up w/ the wrong people". It would explain why Britt's half-siblings (the Bertolotti's) and MANY of Britt's old friends were blocked out of Her Life from 2001 until Her recent Death. They could've intervened and prevented *all of this* from occurring years ago...

... you know if it was just Britt being a *drug user*... rehab could've fixed that. But it was FAAAR deeper than just *drugs*. Look at the satanic ritual, gun to the head and bondage mask pics!! Brainwashing w/ drugs and possibly being used for *sex* is what I see Her having been forced into... by *SKUM-jack* and possibly 'OTHER's in Hollywood as well...

c17 said...

Ok Ent, having read the list of meds she was taking, I can tell you I take as many if not more & I PROMISE there's no evil Svengali forcing me to take them. As has been mentioned before, she had known medical conditions & *some* people take more than one medication for a condition at a time. If you know something the rest of us don't, it would behoove you to let us know one way or the other.

Your vehament dislike for her husband is apparent - what isn't is why it is warranted. Spill already!

c17 said...

And *WHO* is this "Classaless" person & why does she think she knows anything about anything? David Icke? that's rich - next we'll be hearing about how Brittany's husband is a Reptillian.

Troll = -.0000010

Better luck next time.

classalpha said...

... STFU... *C*nt17 the definitive 'tarded troll*.

My point obviously whooshed over *your pebble-filled head* - I posted the Icke board link to show the pics on *skum-jacka$$'s website which I was referring to earlier. But a pathetic, impotent/inept *troll* such as *you* has no recourse nor intellectual ammunition to wage War against Me or the Truth... therefore *you* desperately resort to weak and grossly ineffective Ad Hominem and Strawman Fallacies... of which *thou* fails miserably at using, because the imdb comment I posted before was from an insider who's pals worked on the 'Megafault' set... which illustrates my previous point(s) re: Britt being *drugged-up* and wh0red- out effectively.

So inept/illiterate *C*nt17TROLL* who can't spell "vehement" and makes up nonsense words like "Classaless" + the fact *you're* on multitudes of *prescription drugs* for whatever reason(s) = FAIL.

The non-drugged-up and w/ less "caps", Ultra Male "classalpha" = Victorious... so 'Nuff Said.

Lioness70 said...

I would love to know how you know Brittany better than her loved ones or her husband.

Sorry, if the only intelligible post you could make was a copy & paste of someone else's, your points aren't going to be taken or received well.

A fair amount of people who take meds, BTW, are aware enough that they HAVE a problem and CHOOSE to do something about it. I'm obviously not talking about people like Anna Nicole. This society has people who are drugged up beyond comprehension AND the stark opposite: those who need meds but spout off that they don't...

So take a good look at your FAIL, dude, before you go pointing the finger at CDAN's regular "trolls".

ballyhoo. said...

i checked out the pictures and i didn't see anything shocking, nothing that hasn't been done in vogue before. certainly nothing that proves what you've been saying, classalpha.

as far as the mask picture, it's obviously a take on silence of the lambs, the one next to it on the site is basic instinct. (along with braveheart and even a clueless themed photo.) the gun pictures? so what? so she did a futuristic, tough girl shoot like angelina jolie has probably done a hundred times.

honestly, what i got from the sheer volume of photos of her there is that she was his muse. he may be evil and i definitely believe he is a bad guy but those photos just don't prove anything imo...

Leah said...

I wish I was the Leah with the medical knowledge.

This whole Brittany 2.0 thing is sad.

Anonymous said...

I have read every single post here. My two cents? Lots of folks say Brittany Murphy was so sweet in person, but no one has mentioned the 'bad girl' reputation she had post-Clueless, nor the fact that at the time she seemed to revel in her new found notoriety. Agree that her husband is a shady asstwat, in much the same way as the other Britney's 'ex-manager' Sam Lufti. And the other Britney is still alive today without that shady guy in her life.

Any sudden death is very sad, but does anyone here really think she was a pure as white snow? For all the speculation about her demise, the fact is she was vulnerable, and the man who became closest to her did so to sponge off her, and did this by gaining the emotional advantage over her.

Finally, the regular posters need to ignore the poster 'classalpha' and resist the urge to give him advice, cos this person is loving the fuss and attention. I would advise this classalpha kid to get out more and engage in more meaningful hobbies like working in a homeless shelter. You know, there are other ways of making yourself feel special.

classalpha said...

... STFU... *drugged-up and OCD-ridden lying70 troll*. My posts were great and one I even added quotes from an insider to prove *skum-jack* was controlling/enslaving/whoring-out Britt... which completely whooshed over your pathetic head.

... and ya... whining about the meds you're being forced to take because a qualified psychiatric professional deemed you mentally unstable really boosts your "not spouting off" credibility here. ;)

... *lying70 troll* = FAIL.


Beth said...


You forgot your signature sign off... 'NUFF Said

B626 said...

Isn't there a video of Monjack half dressed in a daze barely
making it thru airport TSA screening?
Where is that video?
Hilarious back then before all this.

classalpha said...

... ah yes... *broomhilda troll* flies in w/ other pathetic attempts at Ad Hominem, Argumentum Ad Populum (appeal to the mA$$es) and even an Appeal to Sympathy (Galileo argument) Fallacy too! Awww... the poor homeless people... *sniffle*.. *sniffle*. I'll get to *your* disingenuous crap later...

... For Your Information *broomhilda troll*... all I've been posting about here @ CDAN WAS Britt's "bad girl" reputation off-screen. Obviously you're just a pathetic "drive-by" troll who has absolutely no idea about me nor my reasons for posting here have been. I guess my having constantly (and accurately) called Britt a drugged-up wh0re, mentally unstable w/ a 'DEAD' acting "career" and a plethora of cretin, creepy, coked-up former *boyfriends* wasn't acknowledging Her "bad reputation"... *you moron*.

... oh ya... the "homeless people" - screw 'em. Obviously you DON'T know me AT ALL... because as I've stated here numerous times before, I'm a staunch, Ultra Right Wing Conservative American Patriot who realizes most homeless people are crazies, criminals, druggies and illegals who don't belong here in the U.S. to begin with. Homeless families? Hey, if you're poor and your income is just one check away from being homeless... then stop making babies you can't possibly support in the future. Fend for yourself on the street... or go ask a Church to help... not the American taxpayer.

So *broomhilda troll... your* bleeding heart, hand-wringing, tree-hugging liberal appeal to the pity of the homeless "argument" doesn't fly w/ me... nor does your * pathetic Argumentum Ad Populum appeal to other posters to "ignore" me either... ;)

... so God Bless America... screw the homeless and 'nuff said.

classalpha said...

... @ *bally yahoo troll*... obviously my POINT that Britt was coerced into posing in risque`, raunchy and even *satanic-themed* pics for *skum-jack* WHOOOSHED over *your head* too. So I guess there's no point in trying to "make" ANY OTHER LOGICAL point w/ *you*.

... so 'NUFF SAID and w/ more "caps" and caffeine too.

Beth said...


"I'm a staunch, Ultra Right Wing Conservative American Patriot who realizes most homeless people are crazies, criminals, druggies and illegals who don't belong here in the U.S. to begin with."

I take issue with the quote from your rant. I don't care what your politics are, but you can't claim to be a patriot if you're unable to acknowledge that some veterans are homeless. A patriot protects the rights of everyone, even the mentally ill, infirm and underserved populations. You are spewing hate that echoes Nazi sentiments.

I have been a long time reader, but new poster. Why so much hate and rage? A young death, no matter the cause, should make us sit up and take note of our own life circumstances. It is a chance to look at our own lives with insight, especially as 2009 ends.

If you are a patriot, go donate at the Wounded Warriors Project to improve a veteran's quality of life. You can send them a text from your phone that will raise a $5 donation.

I wish each and every one of you a happy and safe holiday season. May 2010 be a wonderful year for all of us. Especially you, classalpha.

Anonymous said...

I've taken Klonopin and currently take a blood pressure medication to control symptoms of PTSD.

Before people jump to conclusions, remember there are LOTS of off-label uses for medications. She could have been lots of things for legitimate medical conditions, failed to report all of the medications to all of her doctors, and fatal interaction occurred.

Let's remember her as a talented young woman taken too soon.

I think that every actor/musician should be given a counseling session when they enter the business. This session should provide information on financial management, groupies, and drug/alcohol abuse. If people knew that it was possible to DIE from the interactions of LEGAL, PRESCRIPTION drugs, I think they'd be more careful.

classalpha said...

... @ *A. Whitey* = Homeless Vets often fall into the category of crazies... druggies... and/or criminals. Just because a person serves in the military, it doesn't mean that person won't come back with PTSD or get hooked on *illegal drugs* and/or do crimes. Granted, the VA sucks a$$... but far too many Vets have too much pride and won't seek any Help from them when they need it. And BTW... our tax money already pays for VA benefits... but if a Vet doesn't want their Help then gets hooked on drugs or gets into the (tax-funded) penal system - then WTF do we need to fund the VA for?

BTW... Vets receive TON$ of money/benefits AND opportunities for schooling in MAJOR Universities or vocational schools once they're (Honorably) discharged. They don't just get thrown out into the street w/ $20 and some new jeans like we do to felons just released from prison. No... the U.S. discharged them and gave them a head start. But the Gov't can't keep holding their hands throughout the rest of their lives - they're former Marines, soldiers, Airmen, Guardsmen, etc., and they're TRAINED and should've KNOWN how to manage their finances and their civilian lives BETTER. So there is no legitimate excuse for a Vet to end up on the street if they'd just stayed clean and on the right path in Life and also kept their finances in check after they Served.

So homeless Vets... tough cookies. You should have KNOWN to better to fare better than the Civvies. Get Help from the VA, a Church or some other non-taxpayer funded organization. No excuse.

... *THAT* "said"... there's too much hand-wringing, dysfunction- enabling and "Awwww isn't that so sad" disingenuous speech scheisse going around and not enough "Kick yerself in the pants and take personal responsibility"- minded people in the World... which is an'OTHER reason why My Babe Brittany Anne Murphy-Bertolotti Is now 'DEAD'. So 'Nuff Said.

classalpha said...

... in two "parts"...

"Factory Girl Director on Murphy Husband Simon Monjack: 'A Con Man and a Bad Guy'

Written by Seth Abramovitch | 21 Dec 2009, 9:30 AM | 3 comments

The sad, startling death of Brittany Murphy raises many questions about the actress’s health and mental state in the months leading up to it. As we mentioned earlier, as recently as last April she was thin, but in seemingly good, fake-Limey spirits on a visit to The Late Late Show. But The Wrap reports that more recently the actress had been fired from The Caller, a horror film shooting in Puerto Rico, and that on another recent shoot — for an indie thriller called Something Wicked — Murphy was reportedly unfocused and barely able to complete her takes. The LA County Coroner said “foul play is not suspected,” despite the presence of investigators at her home. (No illegal substances were found, but “a lot” of prescription drugs were.) And TMZ reports that in the hours before her death the actress was “very ill … with flu-like symptoms,” and had been vomiting Sunday morning. An autopy is currently underway, notably against the wishes of her husband Simon Monjack. And what of Monjack, the actual-Limey screenwriter credited with writing and producing 2006’s Factory Girl, who himself had his own emergency brushes with death? Well, according to Girl director George Hickenlooper, Monjack is a “con man and a bad guy” who embezzled $150k from the film’s budget.

In two comments posted to Hollywood Elsewhere in the hours since Murphy’s death, the director minced no words in his description of Monjack as a career criminal and destructive influence, about whom he’d warned Murphy on multiple occasion.

The first comment:

Simon Monjack did not produce Factory Girl. He sued his way onto the project for a title and stole 150K out of my budget. He is a con man and a bad guy. When Brittany married him I warned her and warned her as did so many others. I only hope to God that this creep wasn’t instrumental in her sad sad demise. What a wonderful wonderful girl she was. I really really cared for her. "

... *continued*...

classalpha said...

..." In a second, longer comment posted five hours later, Hickenlooper detailed the lawsuit Monjack brought against him that held Factory “hostage,” and a telephone exchange with Murphy — whom he calls a “sweet angel” and “underrated actress” — in which she begged him to take down an anti-Monjack comment he had posted to IMDb.

Simon Monjack nothing to do with ‘Factory Girl’ or the screenplay. He filed a frivolous lawsuit against us weeks before principal photography making bogus claims that we had stolen his script. He held us literally hostage and we were forced to settle with him as he held our production over a barrel. I posted this information on IMDB two years ago in order to warn people because Monjack was using his Factory Girl “credit” to solicit and then steal money from other investors. Then one night at three in the morning Brittany Murphy (who was a good friend and a girl I had come close to casting as Edie Sedgwick) called me in tears, begging me to take this posting down. It was going to ruin her husband. I told Brittany it was the truth and warned her, as many other did, about Monjack who had a criminal record and a long, long list of legal complaints against him. In the end I told Brittany I would do it for her and remove the post because I really cared for her as a friend. The last thing I told Brittany is “Do you know who this guy is? I mean do you really know him. Do you know what you’re doing by marrying him?” At this point Brittany became angry and told me she knew Monjack better than anyone and then hung up on me. A few months later I tried to call her to see if she was alright and Monjack would not let me speak to her. I so so feared something bad would happen. I thought he might take her for all her money. Little did I know she would end up dead. Now I am not saying Monjack has anything to do with this. I wouldn’t know. And I’m sure the guy is in deep mourning. But one can sure speculate that his clear lack of character and background couldn’t have led to the most healthy environment. I really feel bad for Brittany. She was a sweet sweet angel and didn’t deserve anything bad to happen to her ever. May she rest in peace. I will miss her. We will all miss her. She was the most talented and underrated actresses working in film. ..."

^... looks like Britt didn't care about *skum-jacka$$'s* frauds/scams/schemes/etc. Maybe She was "in on" *some*... She DID 'SAY' She'd "known" *skum-jacka$$* since She was "17 years old"... *rolling eyes*...

sunnyside1213 said...

Thank you classalpha for abandoning your caps lock key. We have a member who uses caps in all their posts, but the keyboard that person uses is broken.

theadid said...

I am a cardiac nurse. Here is my theory. It won't be an OD. it will be a lethal combination /side effect of prescribed medications. Digoxin is a medication used to treat heart arrthymias with very fast heart beats. It is extremely potent and must be started in the hospital. It has a very narrow range of acceptable levels and can become toxic easily especially if someone was dehydrated from something such as vomiting. Vomiting causes low potassium and other vital minerals to become low such as magnesium and calcium that are all needed for the heart. It is stated that she had a murmor/ mitral valve regurge also. Add in the other prescriptions drugs and it killed her. Her heart simply just slowed down enough to cause enough stress on her body to cause arrest. She probably did not take more than prescribed of the other prescriptions or any more than usual. The other factor is she is very tiny and digoxin toxicity would not take long to achieve. I will never adminster this medication in someone who has flu like symptoms unless the level has been checked in the blood work. Low potassium levels predispose a person to dig toxicity & dysrhythmias
[edit] Symptoms

Symptoms include fatigue, nausea/vomiting, changes in heart rate and rhythm, loss of appetite(anorexia), diarrhea, visual disturbances (yellow or green halos around objects), confusion, dizziness, nightmares, agitation, and/or depression, as well as a higher acute sense of sensual activities.
[edit] Treatment

The primary treatment of digoxin toxicity is digoxin immune Fab. Digoxin should not be given if the apical heart rate is below 60 BPM(beats per minute I am a cardiac nurse.

Anonymous said...

It is Christmas and there are people out there who have lost their loved ones. Brittany Murphy will be missed by many people, especially those who lost contact with her, and are regretting that they were unable to help her while she was still alive.

As I wrote in my earlier post, the regular posters here need to ignore this classalpha kid, and give their time and attention to what matters most to you, ie your loved ones.

In my past life I would have said that clASSalpha was a pathetic loser and a lonely twat. But that is unkind, and I don't want to be unkind anymore. I touched a raw nerve, didn't I, Mr classalpha? You were so wound up, I actually laughed at your response, but I will openly admit that in the end I couldn't be bothered to read the rest of your numerous long, long posts.

I would also advise this classalpha kid that it is better to have a big heart than a big brain (or dick, hahaha!),cos people don't love you for your brain.

Judging from the sheer volume of text posted by mr classalpha in the past 24 hours, I reiterate that he needs to get out more and engage in more meaningful hobbies, spend his time amongst real nice people instead of spewing hatred into cyberspace. I can tell that this classalpha kid is too chickenshit in real life, and is hiding behind the mask of his internet persona.

classalpha, I care about you but I don't care who you are. Don't waste everyone's time writing about stuff you don't understand. Don't bother responding to me cos at Christmastime you have better things to do than write rambling anonymous posts on gossip blogs read by people who don't know who you are. Brittany Murphy's Mom won't have her daughter around for Xmas. Kiddo, I wish you a Merry Xmas. Go give your Mom a hug.

Lioness70 said...


I didn't know CDAN had a history with this guy, because I never read the comments on BM posts. Anyway:

Classalpha isn't a kid; he's a 44 yo Latino guy who lives in So Cal.

(Found on another post, not written by me):

"For the uninitiated: Classalpha is a portly, fortysomething, Californian who loves Sister Christian, works in a music shop, and fancies himself a real artist. Oh, and he has a MEGA-ALARMING Brittany Murphy obsession. GOD, he's weird."

That's all I'm going to post, because it's Christmas Eve, and I'm going to watch Christmas specials with my kids before I head out to see family. Peace, love and joy to all the CDANers!

classalpha said...

... lmao!! ...stfu... *broom hilda and lying70 trolls*... no one cares about *you two* because everyone else here realizes *you're 'JUST' trolls* here to attack/slander me. And "portly"!!!!!!!! I'm 6'1" @ 180... don't "work in a music store"...*chuckle*... think "Sister Christian" lame tune... unless it's playing in "Boogie Nights". Oh ya... former American Airlines "Em"ministrator AND a Proud American Conservative Patriot who HATES *dumba$$/hand-wringing/dysfunction-enabling/illegal-coddling Libs* and *lying70/broom-riding hilda trolls* too.

... so *broom hilda & lying70 trolls* ... again = FAIL.

... "classalpha" = Victorious... as always. So 'Nuff Said.

classalpha said...

... @ "theadid".

Realize that many of Britt's meds were found prescribed to Her and under aliases or assumed names. So even if what you're saying is true... the fact Britt was doctor-shopping means those other docs likely had no idea Britt was taking one drug vs another. Who knows whether She'd been taking that particular Rx you mention around the time of Her Death too. Many of the bottles found were empty... so perhaps She took it months ago. And as someone commented at another website... just because Britt had those meds in Her "possession" doesn't mean they were actually prescribed to Her. She could've gotten legally-prescribed meds from ANYONE She knew - "neighborhood" pharmacists or friends who'd given Her their's. Or She could've gotten some from *shady sources* like the street. She was a junkie and it's Hollywood... and people do sell Rx meds out of their homes or pockets/purses too.

bionic bunny! said...

i think what i meant to say earlier, was that i DO think classalpha has some information to share. the clear typing has helped tremendously, but when we all start attacking each other's characters in a thread about a poor dead girl, we lose track of the discussion. and i mean everybody.
why don't we stay on topic, and see what he knows? what does it hurt? i know from past posts that he's followed her career closely, he probably does know a lot about her-- i know a lot about a couple of people, i just would deliver it in a different manner.
i'm willing to listen to any legitimate information, he's provided some from other sources, he seems to care about brittany.
what do you say, guys?
sally forth, classalpha.

theadid said...

It doesn't matter who they are prescribed to and what she is taking what I posted was about potassium deficit/ and digoxin use. Vomiting causes an increase in core level of digoxin because of dehydration. If Brit used one of the several siezure/antianxiety medications/ or antidepressants she may have a complex reaction that lead it into a fatal rythmn. Digoxin is not a drug used for anything else except slowing down heart rates and treating abnormal rythmns.It has no other use at all not even off label. However it does show to me that her heart had propensity to beat abnormal. So in times of illness people hearts even though most of the time beat normally will go back to abnormal rythmn. It just shows me she was high at risk for fatal heart abnormality. Add in her lifestyle and it was the perfect storm for this to happen unfortunately. Add the other drugs/ or even a couple of drugs and you have accidently killed herself. By doctor shopping, thats how you accidently kill yourself.

classalpha said...

... @ "bunny". Not much more to add right now. I haven't been up to it. Tried to email Her half sister Pia yesterday and today... to see if she attended Her Services. Haven't gotten a response... maybe I'll never. I have her phone # too... dunno if it still works and I'm hesistant to call. Obviously she's in mourning... and there's nothing I could say which will Help her in her grieving. BTW... Britt's half-brother Jeff Bertolotti's website is http://godandjazz.com ...in case you or anyone else wants to send Condolences to him and Her "estranged" Bertolotti family...

classalpha said...

... @ theadid... the *Coroner* found no abnormalities with Her Heart.

The doctor-shopping just indicates to me She was looking for someone to sell Her more of those opiods/painkillers or the other *addictive* meds.

theadid said...

Actually a coroner would not be a be able to tell you heart arrythmias which is pattern that the heart is beating and rate. It would only show structure defects such as mitral valve defects, atrial septal defects (holes in hearts) and blockage or abnormal size of ventricles. It won't tell the pattern. Someone's heart can look perfectly fine and have whats called "a electrical conduction problem" which causes the heart to beat in an abnormal rythmn which can cause death. Digoxin one of the drugs listed was taken by her to counteract an electrical defect of the heart which causes he heart to beat abnormally fast if their was no other defect such a left ventricle enlargement (hypertrophy) which would have been noted by coroner. digoxin then is used to strengthen the contraction by slowing down heart rate for a weaker heart. less beats per minute but more effective at moving blood through heart chambers. This is the only purpose

Digoxin increases the strength and vigor of heart contractions, and is useful in the treatment of heart failure. Digoxin increases the force of contraction of the muscle of the heart by inhibiting the activity of an enzyme (ATPase) that controls movement of calcium, sodium and potassium into heart muscle. Digoxin also slows electrical conduction between the atria and the ventricles of the heart and is useful in treating abnormally rapid atrial rhythms such as atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and atrial tachycardia. (Abnormally rapid atrial rhythms can be caused by heart attacks, excessive thyroid hormones, alcoholism, infections, and many other conditions.) During rapid atrial rhythms, electrical signals from the atria cause rapid contractions of the ventricles. Rapid ventricular contractions are inefficient in pumping blood containing oxygen and nutrients to the body, causing symptoms of weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, and even chest pain.

DRUG INTERACTIONS: Drugs such as verapamil (Calan, Verelan, Verelan PM, Isoptin, Isoptin SR, Covera-HS), quinidine (Quinaglute, Quinide), amiodarone (Cordarone), indomethacin (Indocin, Indocin-SR), alprazolam (Xanax, Xanax XR, Niravam), spironolactone (Aldactone), and itraconazole (Sporanox) can increase digoxin levels and the risk of toxicity. The co-administration of digoxin and beta-blockers [for example propranolol (Inderal, Inderal LA) or calcium channel blockers (for example, verapamil), which also reduces heart rate, can cause serious slowing of the heart rate.

Diuretic-induced or dehydration can causes a reduction in blood potassium or magnesium levels may predispose patients to digoxin-induced abnormal heart rhythms.

theadid said...

Abnormal heart rhythms do not show up in the austopsy. You have to have a monitor or ekg on her to catch that but will cause death.

classalpha said...

... thx for the info. I know ALL ABOUT tachycardia though. I've had an abnormally fast heartbeat and murmurs most of my life. When I was 8 years old, I contracted rheumatic fever and double pneumonia. Those things really f-'d up my heart and caused the tachydardia. They found that I was about 13 or 14 when they took an ECG (what's an ekg?). The tachycardia even prevented me from joining the Air Force in 1986.

Bill Hicks is God said...

If she were bipolar with a pre-existing heart condition that explains the conspicuous absence of lithium carbonate and the presence of carbamazepine (Tegretol) instead.

Bipolars can become very dependent on their significant others. The medications and the condition itself make it difficult to be proactive in the least. In addition to warping her perspective concerning Skeeves Monjack.

Poor girl. I was so sorry to hear this news.


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