Thursday, December 31, 2009

More Charlie Sheen Spin

The Charlie Sheen spin machine has now set its sights on Brooke Mueller and her past. There is nothing like making yourself look better by throwing up the dirt of the person who is doing the accusing. You may wonder why all this spinning is going on but do you realize how many people are earning a living off the Charlie Sheen machine? Plus, with his contract expiring this year, everyone wants a raise next year and the only way to do that is to make their boss look good even if it means throwing Brooke under a bus and then backing it up and then once more over her for good measure.

RADAR online decided to bring up the criminal background of Brooke. Why? Who cares if she got a DUI over a decade ago or was arrested for coke almost a decade ago? Charlie cares. Charlie wants to muddy the waters. Supposedly now Brooke wants to change her story about what happened that night but knows the police might arrest her for making a false statement. Again, this all comes from Charlie's people. Charlie is working hard and wants to reconcile. All from his people. I have never seen a group of people work so hard to protect their paychecks.


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Times are hard.

  2. it's hard out there for a pr machine.

  3. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Nightmare job = spinning good PR for Charlie Sheen.

    Brooke looks like she'd just as soon kill you as look at you. No softness in her.

  4. I think she has been threatened with more dirt. If she doesn't recant, they will throw out more stuff on her. If she does recant, she may have criminal charges filed for false reporting. While I don't think she is an innocent victim here, I do think she is being extorted by CS and his mgmt team and is a rock in a hard place.

  5. She married him, duh, of course she has drugs and alcohol in her past (and present).

    I think it's way past time for Charlie to hit the unemployment line. I read the other day that experts are predicting that within a few years, free tv will be gone. I will blame Sheen and Leno, two asses who have made enough $$ in just a few years to have supported themselves, their children, their grandchildren, and their great-grandchildren their entire lives, but they keep going after more so they can blow it on hookers or whatever.

  6. Yeah JS, I have this weird feeling the Sheen team really doesn't want the reconciliation and is behind the scenes making sure it doesn't happen -- precisely to save his money under any marriage agreement. (She can't reconcile, she has charges filed against HER, lose-lose all around for her.)

  7. I'm really over these two already. They're both complete whackjobs with more money than brains. I predict the babies will end up having to be raised by someone else who isn't a mental midget. In fact, I kinda hope that happens, for their sake.

  8. I agree with Syko - this girl has crazy coke eyes.

  9. Makes more sense than last weekend's attempt to sell Charlie Sheen as "cerebral." PR fail.

    I wonder if they don't expect her to take him back or if they know she'll swallow the humiliation.

  10. I agree with Syko and Rocket Queen. I do feel sorry for this poor girl, Enty, but she is not exactly as pure as the driven snow. First of all, her best pal is Rebecca Gayheart -- the one that killed the kid in a hit and run accident and smoked crack/made a sex tape with that Miss Teen USA-turned-madam chick. Sorry -- but guilt by association. She grew up in a wealthy Palm Beach enclave and ran with a privileged, party hearty crowd. She certainly does NOT deserve to be abused, however, did know what she was getting into when she hitched her star to his wagon.

  11. Charlie Sheen must be incredibly jealous of Joe Francis' "Douchebag of the Decade" victory.

  12. Climbing aboard the Syko train here. Did this beeyotch think she could tame or change him? I didn't realize until someone posted it here that she had been bad-mouthing Denise Richards - guess she now knows what a douche they both married! And why does he keep having kids? Can you imagine having that dirtbag for a dad? ACK!

  13. What a great message is being sent out to all the women trapped in marriages with sociopaths.

    Take the beating and keep your mouth shut (or else)

    Really, these PR people are souless animals.

  14. bill maher said on his show - way before the latest incident - that charlie sheen is one of those people who everyone forgives no matter what he does.

    I see a stark contrast here between how everyone is treating tiger woods - who admittedly was a scumbag cheater, but always with consenting adults and nothing violent, and charlie sheen. where is the outrage from the network sheen's stupid show is on?

    he is a hollywood brat to the nth degree and if he weren't protected by his family and his gobs of money, goodness knows where he would be.

  15. This whole thing seems to a set up to me with a guy that was easy to set up and blackmail. He should have listened to his family and stayed away from her. Really, how hard can it be to tempt him into partying and losing control? Her 911 call sounded like bs. Sounds like she outsmarted herself. Pretty convenient location of the bag with the knife just handy in case you pin down the wife. And those minders? Talk about being shitty at your job. Were they wasted too?

    Im not saying the guy isn't trouble, Im just saying he would be easy to set up.

  16. I also think it would be TOO easy to set up CS, interesting train of thought as well. This picture is freaky definately coke eyes and she is totally bugging out.

    I feel bad for the kids.

  17. I heard they were in love and getting counseling 'cause they want to stay together. *gag*

  18. hi sis,

    Also where in the call is she worried for the babies ya know with a knife wielding maniac in the house. Would you not grab the kids and run and get the sobriety minder to help cuz ya know they weren't busy. lol

  19. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I'm not taking sides on this, but with respect to the 911 call, of course she sounded weird! She had been drinking ALL night. You don't blow a 0.13 at 8:30am Christmas morning unless you've been drinking alllll night.

    Charlie Sheen is a violent, misogynistic loser.

    Brooke Mueller is a fool for marrying a certifiable violent, misogynistic loser.

    Denise Richards is somewhere thanking her lucky stars that she got out. While I'm no big fan of hers, I do believe she's a good mother. At least *some* of Charlie's kids are getting good parenting.

  20. Sheen's show won its timeslot this week, in spite of the dramz. Isn't that strangely fucked up?

    Even weirder, am I the only one who is looking to Denise Richards as perhaps more sane and balanced than I originally thought? And yet months ago, she topped my skank list. Brooke needs to learn how to not have the "I'm coked to the gills" look when cameras are aimed at her. C'mon, girl, this isn't amateur hour. Learn how to be photographed!

  21. Please. This is Charlie Sheen. Who does he think he's kidding?

  22. I don't understand the forgiveness factor with him either. And I'm sorry, but I think Two and a Half Men is crap.

  23. Brooke looks like a cracked out Reese Witherspoon.. it's taken me a few weeks, but I finally figured it out!
