Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Karate Kid Trailer vs. Knight And Day Trailer

The first Karate Kid trailer has been released. Ralph Macchio said the other day that he doesn't make a cameo in the new movie, wouldn't if offered and said the original should stand. I would agree except there were like what, two sequels to the first one that he made so, it didn't seem to bother him back in the day.

As for Knight And Day, I really thought it was going to be all action. Looking at the trailer though it looks like they are going for some kind of action comedy.


  1. So we've gone, in the Karate Kid, from "Wax off" to "Jacket off." Nice update.

  2. why can't they just make good movies anymore...

  3. Actually, this looks more interesting to me than the original movie. But then I love martial arts flicks.

    My nitpick though - Karate is a Japanese martial art, what the hell are they doing in China? This should be called the Kung Fu kid.

    I know, #1 marketing/brand name #2 who cares? lol

  4. I won't see either one of these.

    Will Smith pissed away millions in his youth, and has since earned a bigger fortune. Let someone else's kid have a chance at a franchise which is certainly where this is headed.

    Tom Cruise looks like creamed chipped beef.

  5. i am a man who will fight for your honorrrrrrr thats now stuck in my head.

  6. I saw the KNIGHT AND DAY trailer before AVATAR. The audience cringe-laughed. You could hear eyes rolling in the dark. It was fantastic.

  7. Gee...Thanks it is in my head too

  8. Why the FUCK do movies like Karate Kid need to be remade?? Ugh.

    I think Tom needs to (fudge)pack it in already. (Sorry, channelling Michael K. for a minute there)...

  9. Knight and day actually looks entertaining.

  10. I was a fan of the original Karate Kid and the first sequel - however this one does have Jackie Chan going for it. It's a rental.
    Knight and Day, however?
    Mission Impossible Lite mixed with Charlies Angels and a laugh track.
    Is it that the GMD can't accept he's growing older and needs some validation of his masculinity?
    Jason Statham would have been better served as the lead in this least he plays his characters tongue in cheek and can pull it off.
    Cruise? Not so much.

  11. Sorry, it's not Karate Kid without Pat Morita. I like hearing his occasional disappointment or encouragement when he says, "Danel-san." Ahhh....good memories. I had such a crush on Ralph Macchio in 3rd grade when Karate Kid was my all time fave movie. *le sigh*

  12. Errr....there should have been an I in there to make "Daniel-san" Ugh....

  13. Well, I'm a sucker for any movie based on the previews. Bring them on.

  14. Call the movie Kung Fu Kid and leave the original fucking ALONE.

    Hollywood stop raping my youth for your shitty knockoffs.

    Will Smith,fuck off and take your kid with you. Closeted hack.

  15. Hey Sporky!!!

    I think they should have called it "The Arrogant Fuck" because that is what Jaden's parents have made him.

  16. Not a Cruise fan, not a Diaz fan, not an action movie fan, and would still definitely see "Knight and Day". It looks witty and fun.

    Of course Cruise looks old. He's 46, and seems to have gone easy on the plastic surgery.

  17. Mr and Mrs. Smith remake?

    I will not be watching either one of these.

  18. When they come to the library, I might check them out. I am no fan of the GMD. And don't even get me started on Wet Willy Smith.

  19. hahahahaha paris!! classic.

  20. I'll probably rent Knight and Day when it comes out on DVD. It looks entertaining enough. And, as weirded out as I am about everything about Tom Cruises life, I do like him in movies. Especially comedic roles lately.

  21. Enty, take a look at the 'Bounty Hunter' trailer on youtube. It's truly horrendous. It's basically a 3 minute stream of really bad quips. Butler looks like he's trying to chew his own face off, and Aniston... she looks like she's having trouble just moving hers.

  22. i happen to think jaden smith is witty and hilarious....HATERRRRSSSSS

  23. "You could hear eyes rolling in the dark."

    LOL, I love it, TinselSass!

  24. while i agree with all the fucking knockoffs they seem to be making lately I didnt think the trailer for the new karate kid looks that bad. they really should leave the title alone (like jax mentioned), but it looks cool, def a rental though.
    as for the tom c movie- i just keep thinking about what that director said about christian bale getting into the 'american psycho' character's mind by imitating tom cruise because he 'has this really intense friendliness with nothing behind his eyes'. dude, ever since i read about that i cant look at tom cruise without cringing, blech

  25. They should have gone with an older teen actor to make the girls swoon and crush on him the way we all did with Ralph Macchio back in the '80s. Jaden Smith is too young -- just checked IMDB, he's 11 and I thought he looked even younger than that in the trailer. Oh well. It pays to have powerful and influential parents in Hollywood.

  26. @jax...I have to agree with you...Hollywood is definitely raping my youth, also (and I love that terminology lmao).

    If they try to redo the Fraggles I'm going on strike!

  27. I also saw the Knight & Day trailer before Avatar and my audience also had a strong reaction... the whole theatre literally booed at the sight of Tom Cruise.
