Friday, December 04, 2009

The Justice System Is Messed Up

I saw this story yesterday and I ended up thinking about it all night. I just can't believe how messed up this is. The story is this. A 22 year old Chicago woman was arrested, spent two nights in jail and is facing a felony charge that could mean up to three years of prison time. What was her crime? She was at a movie theatre celebrating her sisters 29th birthday with a bunch of friends. They all went to see New Moon. The 22 year old had a new video camera and was recording the party. She also happened to film the first three minutes of the movie. An usher spotted her. Management was called and then the cops. The cops looked at it and were prepared to let her go when the story was explained but the theatre manager wants to press charges. Because it was a Friday night she couldn't get a bail hearing until Monday. So, she spent two nights in jail and has been charged with a felony to prevent unauthorized sale of bootleg movies that hasn't been used in Chicago in forever.

There are hundreds of bootleg copies of New Moon online. On the video is a bunch of party footage and they had been filming in the theatre and no one said they couldn't. There are people that have killed people that face less time in jail than this woman. Think about all the celebrity DUI convictions where someone could have got killed and they don't even spend a few hours in jail and this woman already spent two nights in jail and faces 3 years in prison. Really? I feel so bad for her and the district attorney there should drop all the charges. This is ridiculous.


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