Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Joe Francis Called Rapist - Threatens Gawker

I am a big Gawker fan. I especially love when they take a nice mean jab at Joe Francis and don't pull back no matter what he says or threatens to do. Recently Gawker declared Joe Francis the winner of their douche of the decade contest. I would heartily agree. In their announcement, Gawker called Joe Francis a rapist. Joe was not happy about that and has threatened to sue Gawker for $10M. Threatened being the operative word. Apparently Gawker still has not received anything from any lawyer connected with Joe.

This is the e-mail Joe sent to Gawker after the crowning.

"You messed with the wrong guy. No one makes up lies about me and gets away with it. I lost a $10 million deal as a direct result of you calling me 'a rapist.' You will be paying me every dime of that back and more! Are you mentally retarded? Do your research first. I am coming after you harder than I ever went after anyone. I am going to wipe you off the grid!!!! YOU ARE DONE! I will take everything you have. You, Nick Denton, are truly the douche of the decade. Merry Xmas IDIOT!!!

For the record, Joe has never been convicted of rape. As you know I prefer to call him the convicted child abuser which sounds much worse than rapist and is actually 100% true. Joe was kind enough to send Gawker a recent photograph of himself (above). Probably took it for all his prison friends.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thank you Enty.

    as anyone who had read the article i posted yesterday could see...this slimy Douche of the Decade is clearly a rapist.


    say it with me!


  3. He's really earning that Douche of the Decade title.

  4. so to be clear..Douche of Decade is ok,but rapist is not.

    way to stand your ground..rapist.

  5. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Ha, Jax, I came here just to say that very thing!


    and for those of you who didn't read the article upon which Gawker's assessment was based, he sure sounded like a rapist to me. At the very least, a sexual predator!

  6. Ugh! What an asshat. He deserves to be crowned Douche of the Decade and Douche of this generation. Or as Kanye would say, "Douche of this generation of this decade".


  7. Uh-oh! Somebody had been using Photoshop!!!

  8. Enty, you failed to mention the douchiest part of his email to Gawker:

    "P.S. I sent you an updated picture of how I actually look now so you can masturbate to it because you seem to be quite sexually obsessed with me."

    What I love best of all is that Gawker barely blurred out Joe's email addy. It's got to be either "" or "". My money's on "joe".

    Actually, since he was never convicted (eyeroll), I'll be fair and shout "Alleged rapist!" whenever I hear his name again.

  9. I guess Joe could be an example of the male version of a butta-face.

    Oh, and Joe - maybe on the planet you came from there's a different term, but on Earth, you are a RAPIST. R-A-P-I-S-T. And a scum bag. Karma's a bee-yotch, hon..

  10. I think the most pathetic of this is his sending of his shirtless pic. I mean REALLY dude, how narcissistic do you have to be to think sending a shirtless pic of yourself is either funny or insulting? If you want to sleep with Gabriel over at Gawker just say it. Don't bother with these pathetic "lawsuits."

  11. Why can't it ever be someone like Joe Francis who kicks the bucket, rather than talented individuals that are actually liked? Seriously, would the world stop turning and would anyone miss Joe Francis?

    He is absolutely a rapist, pedophile, and classless douche of the highest caliber. I hope he gets his ass handed to him one way or another.

  12. Creep. Gives me the shivers.

  13. I don't know if this is the same article jax posted, sorry if it is, but I recently read this piece from the LA times and it is truly disturbing and scary. the fact that Joe Francis is walking free and making millions of dollars is sickening.,0,5620406.story

  14. He can get as many drinks poured on him as possible, even though it's a waste of money. Maybe we'll be lucky and he'll go back to prison and he'll be taken care of there.

  15. THE RAPIST needs a ther-apist if he thinks that photoshop job improves his image...keeping sucking (it in), Joe!!

  16. What a jerk!!! He is so full of himself.

  17. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Shelly_bean and Jax--I just read that LA Times article. Truly horrific and frightening. What a horrible, horrible person.

  18. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I read the article. Why is this person not locked up?

  19. Joe has "I've got an orange prison jumpsuit in my closet" written all over his face.

  20. Hey Jax,
    I adore your posts and completely agree with your sentiments. I find mr. francis to be the worst sort of exploitative scum. I don't recall seeing the link you mentioned. Would you please be so kind as to re-post it?


    ps: enty I'm a long time lurker first time poster- I love love love your blog!

  21. that l.a. times article is mind blowing.
    i'm not very surprised, though. what an ass!



  23. Just read the LA Times article posted by shelly_bean. This man is a maniac who is going to continue this type of behavior and hurt more young girls until he is locked behind bars. Someone in his "empire" needs to stand up and do the right thing.

  24. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Ugh, he's a violent misogynist. I bet he doesn't even know what those words mean.

    I believe he needs a session with Dr. Tobias Funke, the "worlds first analrapist".

    (sorry, I had to do an AD shout out)

  25. He's the Douche Bag of the Decade, Gawker is the Douche Rag of the Decade. Perfect fit. They deserve each other.

  26. Crystal ball says it's just a matter of time.

  27. Rapist, pedophile, soulless sack of sh**. Kudos to Gawker for calling him out. What a waste of space.

  28. Thanks Jax.

    That creep is a waste of sperm and egg.

  29. hahahaha O! That's the first thing I thought of when I saw this: Dr. Funke's "analrapist."

  30. I saw this on another site, and the in the "Subject" line, Joe writes "YOUR an ass", or some other insult. Fucktard is not only a rapist, he's an idiot.

  31. I have always LOATHED this a-hole and did a happy dance when he landed in prison. Good luck with the lawsuit, Joe! You are a class act!

  32. O - thank you for making me smile! This whole story and this guy are just so awful, I really needed that...

  33. The LA Times story made me sick to my stomach-but this doesn't surprise me at all. I'm sure there are dozens of girls and young women he has raped-women that are afraid to talk. Joe "The Rapist" Francis is a ticking time bomb-call this a prediction or just a feeling in the pit of my stomach, this douchebag will eventually kill someone.
